Normality of a solution of given Molarity

  • Thread starter jbowers9
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In summary, when a 0.1 M solution of Ba(MnO4)2 is used as an oxidizing agent, the Normality is 1 N if it forms Mn2+ in a strong acid, and 0.6 N if it forms MnO2 in a weak acid. The cutoff pH for a strong acid is less than 7, while a weak acid has a pH greater than 7.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Given a 0.1 M solution of Ba(MnO4)2

Homework Equations

What is the Normality if it is used as an oxidizing agent in strong acid (Mn2+ formed)?

What is the Normality if it is used as an oxidizing agent in a weak acid (MnO2 formed)?

Define strong and weak in terms of pH.

The Attempt at a Solution

(0.1)(10 moles electrons total/2 mole) = 1 N
(0.1)(6 moles electrons total/2 moles) = 0.6 N
Schaum's Outline gets 0.5 N and 0.3 N respectively. I'm just curious about the weaky/strong acid thing myself. What's the cutoff pH?
Physics news on
  • #2
A strong acid is an acid that has a pH of less than 7. A weak acid is an acid that has a pH of greater than 7.

FAQ: Normality of a solution of given Molarity

1. What is the definition of normality?

Normality is a measure of concentration in a solution, specifically the number of equivalents of a solute per liter of solution.

2. How is normality different from molarity?

While molarity is a measure of concentration based on the number of moles of solute per liter of solution, normality takes into account the number of equivalents of a solute. This means that normality is a more accurate measure of a solution's chemical reactivity.

3. How do you calculate the normality of a solution?

The normality of a solution can be calculated by multiplying the molarity of the solution by the number of equivalents of the solute. The number of equivalents can be determined by the number of moles of solute and the number of reactive sites on the molecule.

4. Why is normality important in chemistry?

Normality is important in chemistry because it allows for more precise measurements of the concentration of a solution and the reactivity of the solute. It is particularly useful in acid-base reactions where one equivalent of an acid will react with one equivalent of a base.

5. What is the relationship between normality and pH?

While normality is a measure of concentration, pH is a measure of the acidity or basicity of a solution. However, there is a direct relationship between normality and pH in acid-base reactions. As the normality of an acid or base increases, the pH of the solution also decreases or increases, respectively.
