Normalization of photon pulse. I'm confused

In summary, a photon which doesn't obey the normalization condition is described as a "true" one-photon state.
  • #1
McLaren Rulez

Let's say I have a creation operator that creates a photon in some spatial mode. It has a spectral distribution given by [itex]f(\omega_{k})[/itex]

So we have [tex]
\mid 1_{p} \rangle=\int d\omega_{k}f(\omega_{k})a^{\dagger}_{k}\mid 0 \rangle[/tex]

Normalization implies that [tex]
\int d\omega_{k}|f(\omega_{k})|^{2} = 1[/tex]

Now, let's see this photon in time. It is given by [tex]
F(t)=\int d\omega_{k}f(\omega_{k})e^{i\omega_{k}t}[/tex]

From a theorem in Fourier transforms, we have[tex]
\int d\omega_{k}|f(\omega_{k})|^{2} = 1 ⇔ \int dt|F(t)|^{2}=1

So my question now is this: Suppose I chose a pulse [itex]F(t)[/itex] but it didn't obey [itex]\int dt|F(t)|^{2}=1[/itex]. It is not a single photon state anymore, so what is this? I can, for instance, consider a rectangular pulse such that [tex]
F(t) =
1, & \text{if }0<t<T \\
0, & \text{if }t≥T

By changing T, I can normalize it to whatever number I want. My question is, what does this correpond to? If I take T very large, it doesn't mean a large number of photons because even a 100 photon state has a specific normalization condition. Classically, this is very easy to see (long rectangular pulse) but I'm not sure how to describe it quantum mechanically.

Thank you!
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  • #2
Your description of a photon doesn't make sense, at least not to me. The standard Fock space is defined via the single-particle momentum-helicity eigenbasis. The photon field is given in terms of the corresponding annihilation and creation operators
[tex]A_{\mu}(x)=\sum_{\lambda=\pm 1} \int \frac{\mathrm{d}^3 \vec{p}}{[(2 \pi)^3 2 \omega_{\vec{p}}]^{1/2}} [\epsilon_{\lambda}^{\mu} \hat{a}(\vec{p},\lambda) \exp(-\mathrm{i} x_{\mu} p^{\mu})+ \text{h.c.} ]_{p^0=\omega_{\vec{p}}=|\vec{p}|}.[/tex]
Here, the creation and annihilation operators are normalized such that
[tex]\langle \vec{k},\lambda|\vec{k}',\lambda' \rangle=\langle \text{vac}|\hat{a}(\vec{k},\lambda \hat{a}^{\dagger}(\vec{k}',\lambda') \rangle=\delta_{\lambda \lambda'} \delta^{(3)}(\vec{p}-\vec{p}').[/tex]
A true one-photon state is then given by
[tex]|\psi,\lambda \rangle=\sum_{\lambda=\pm 1} \int \mathrm{d}^3 \vec{p} \psi(\vec{p},\lambda) \hat{a}^{\dagger}(\vec{p},\lambda) |\text{vac} \rangle.[/tex]
Here, [itex]\psi[/itex] is a normalized momentum-space wave function, i.e.,
[tex]\int \mathrm{d}^3 \vec{p} |\psi(\vec{p},\lambda)|^2=1.[/tex]
  • #3
Aren't these the same thing, apart from me taking it in one polarization while you have two?
McLaren Rulez said:
\mid 1_{p} \rangle=\int d\omega_{k}f(\omega_{k})a^{\dagger}_{k}\mid 0 \rangle[/tex]

vanhees71 said:
A true one-photon state is then given by
[tex]|\psi,\lambda \rangle=\sum_{\lambda=\pm 1} \int \mathrm{d}^3 \vec{p} \psi(\vec{p},\lambda) \hat{a}^{\dagger}(\vec{p},\lambda) |\text{vac} \rangle.[/tex]

I'm not sure what is different between our formulations, could you perhaps explain that bit again? The problem I have is this: I create a photon with a certain spectral distribution. Because it is only one photon, there is a normalization condition. The temporal shape of the photon is determined by the Fourier transform of the spectral distribution. It is normalized automatically.

Now, what I am doing is taking a temporal shape which isn't normalized. Is there a physical meaning to this now? I am not sure of this.

Thank you for you help :)

FAQ: Normalization of photon pulse. I'm confused

1. What does it mean to normalize a photon pulse?

Normalizing a photon pulse refers to the process of adjusting the intensity of the pulse to a desired level. This is often done to standardize measurements and make them easier to compare.

2. Why is normalization of photon pulse important?

Normalization is important because it allows for accurate and consistent measurements of photon pulses. It also helps to eliminate any variations or noise in the data due to differences in pulse intensity.

3. How is normalization of photon pulse achieved?

Normalization can be achieved by dividing the intensity of the pulse by a reference value, such as the average intensity of multiple pulses. This results in all pulses having a value of 1 or 100% intensity, making them easier to compare.

4. Can normalization affect the data?

Normalization itself does not affect the data, but it can reveal differences in the data that may have been masked by variations in pulse intensity. It can also help to make subtle changes in the data more apparent.

5. Are there different methods of normalizing photon pulses?

Yes, there are different methods of normalization depending on the specific experiment or measurement being conducted. Some common methods include dividing by a reference value, using a standard curve, or applying a correction factor.
