Normalization of wave function and estimation of values

In summary, normalization of a wave function involves scaling the function so that its square integral is equal to one, allowing for the calculation of probabilities and expectation values. This process is crucial in quantum mechanics, as it ensures that the total probability of finding a particle in a given region is one. Estimation of values, on the other hand, involves using the normalized wave function to determine the most likely values for physical quantities such as position and momentum. This allows for the prediction of future behavior of quantum systems and is a fundamental concept in understanding the behavior of particles on a microscopic level.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Hello, I have this problem with seemingly simple process, but there are things I either don't know, or make some stupid mistake on the way over and over. Here's the problem:

At a particular time given by the wave function ψ(x)=N*x*exp(-(x/a)2)
Determine N so that the wave function is normalized. Then determine xψ, pxψ, px2ψ and Hψ. For this case assume that V (x) = 1/2kx2. Calculate the <H>.

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

I tried to normalize the function using wolframalpha, but the result came out with unknown to me error function(I don't know this function at all, this is my first time meeting it), hence my problem with normalizing the function. I do not know why they ask for the values in this form (px*ψ- why the *ψ?), but according to the textbook I can get px from the equation I gave above, just by differentiating the wave function on x values and include the i*hbarred, which I estimated to be (N*exp(-(x/a)2)*(a2-2x2))/a2. However in the answers I got totally different result:
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  • #2
Rorshach said:
I tried to normalize the function using wolframalpha, but the result came out with unknown to me error function(I don't know this function at all, this is my first time meeting it), hence my problem with normalizing the function.
What exactly did you try to calculate?

Rorshach said:
I do not know why they ask for the values in this form (px*ψ- why the *ψ?),
They're just asking to apply the operator to the wave function.

Rorshach said:
which I estimated to be (N*exp(-(x/a)2)*(a2-2x2))/a2. However in the answers I got totally different result:
Apart from the fact that you forgot the factor ##-i \hbar##, I don't see the difference between the two results.
  • #3
Gosh, I must be blind:P Of course You are right, no idea how I missed that;)
I tried to calculate the infinite integral for square of wave function ψ(x)=N*x*exp(-(x/a)2) to get N, but then wolframalpha gave the result with error function.
As for the notation- I just haven't encountered this type of notation, and don't really understand its meaning- notation I've been familiar so far is the one with wave function symbol as the lower capital (in this case it could be a bit confusing, standing next to x).
  • #4
Rorshach said:
Gosh, I must be blind:P Of course You are right, no idea how I missed that;)
I tried to calculate the infinite integral for square of wave function ψ(x)=N*x*exp(-(x/a)2) to get N, but then wolframalpha gave the result with error function.
Try this in WolframAlpha:

Integrate[(N x Exp[-(x/a)^2])^2, {x, -\[Infinity], \[Infinity]}]

Rorshach said:
As for the notation- I just haven't encountered this type of notation, and don't really understand its meaning-
Better get used to it! This is standard operator notation. If you see something like ##p_x \psi(x)##, you replace the ##p_x## by its operator value, so you get
p_x \psi(x) = -i \hbar \frac{d}{dx} \psi(x)
##x## is also an operator: if the wave function is expressed as a function of ##x##, ##\psi(x)##, then ##x \psi(x)## is the trivial operation "multiply by ##x##". Note that you can also represent the wave function in momentum space, ##\psi(p)##, in which case the ##p## operator is simple multiplication and ##x## becomes a differential operator.

Rorshach said:
notation I've been familiar so far is the one with wave function symbol as the lower capital (in this case it could be a bit confusing, standing next to x).
I don't understand what you mean here.
  • #5
ψThanks for the wolframalpha formula, it explains a lot:) By the notation I have been familiar so far I mean this:
for example momentum operator of function ψ: p(x)ψ
I know it may look weird, but my teacher had this manner of writing it in this way.
In the case of x we are looking for <x>, right?
  • #6
Rorshach said:
I tried to calculate the infinite integral for square of wave function ψ(x)=N*x*exp(-(x/a)2) to get N, but then wolframalpha gave the result with error function.

These kinds of integrals are called "Gaussian integrals" and are very common in quantum mechanics. Many QM textbooks have little tables of them in the appendices at the end. Or there's good old Wikipedia:

Usually you can make a substitution to get your integral into the form of one of the standard Gaussian integrals, and then do it by hand. :smile:
  • #7
Thanks:) I have to refresh some stuff with those integrals:P About xψ- I thought to calculate <x> according to formula ∫ψ*(x,t)xψ(x,t)dx
  • #8
Rorshach said:
Thanks:) I have to refresh some stuff with those integrals:P About xψ- I thought to calculate <x> according to formula ∫ψ*(x,t)xψ(x,t)dx
As stated, the problem asks for ##x \psi##, not ##\langle \psi | x | \psi \rangle##.
  • #9
Wouldn't it then be just multiplication? Or x represents some operator?
  • #10
Rorshach said:
Wouldn't it then be just multiplication? Or x represents some operator?
Yes and yes.

My guess is that this is the point of the exercise. It teaches you about how to think of operators, and that things like "just multiplication" by ##x## is actually an operation.
  • #11
so it is going to be xψ=N*x*exp(-(x/a)2)*x=Nx2exp(-(x/a)2)
  • #12
Rorshach said:
so it is going to be xψ=N*x*exp(-(x/a)2)*x=Nx2exp(-(x/a)2)
That's how I would answer it.
  • #13
Thank You;)
  • #14
One more thing: if I want to obtain <H>, the formula states <H>=<ψ|Hψ>, meaning integral of th conjugate of the wave function times H times wave function? I am not proficient in bra-ket notation.
  • #15
Rorshach said:
One more thing: if I want to obtain <H>, the formula states <H>=<ψ|Hψ>, meaning integral of th conjugate of the wave function times H times wave function? I am not proficient in bra-ket notation.

FAQ: Normalization of wave function and estimation of values

What is normalization of a wave function?

Normalization of a wave function is the process of scaling a wave function so that its integral over all space is equal to 1. It ensures that the probability of finding a particle in any location is equal to 1, as required by the laws of quantum mechanics.

Why is normalization important in quantum mechanics?

Normalization is important because it ensures that the wave function accurately represents the probability of finding a particle in a given location. Without normalization, the wave function would not follow the laws of quantum mechanics and could lead to incorrect predictions.

How is the normalization constant determined?

The normalization constant is determined by solving the integral of the wave function over all space and setting it equal to 1. This involves using mathematical techniques such as integration by parts and substitution.

What is the purpose of estimating values in quantum mechanics?

Estimating values in quantum mechanics allows us to make predictions about the behavior of particles and systems. By using mathematical models and techniques such as the normalization of wave functions, we can estimate the values of physical quantities such as position, momentum, and energy.

What is the uncertainty principle in relation to estimating values?

The uncertainty principle states that it is impossible to know the exact value of certain pairs of physical quantities, such as position and momentum, simultaneously. This means that when estimating values in quantum mechanics, there will always be some level of uncertainty or margin of error.

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