Normalizers and normal subgroups.

  • Thread starter Artusartos
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In summary, the conversation is discussing the relationship between subgroups and normalizers in a group. The statement "HK=KH" does not necessarily imply that H is a subset of N(K), as it only guarantees the existence of certain elements within the subgroups. Further examples are needed to determine if the two statements are equivalent.
  • #1
If G is a group with subgroups H and K, and if H is normal, then HK=KH, right?...Since we know that N(H) = G. However, since H commutes with K, then H must also be contained in N(K), right?...Since N(K) is the set of elements that commute with K...but I was a bit confused, because we know that, for any subgroup M, GM=MG. So G must be contained in the normalizer of any subgroup, right? But that doesn't make sense, since the normalizer of any subgroup would then need to equal G and every subgroup would be normal...I know I'm probably missing something, but I'm not sure what. So I was wondering if anybody could clarify this for me.

Thanks in advance
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  • #2
I don't see why ##HK=KH## would imply that ##H\subseteq N(K)##.
You seem to think that from ##HK=KH## follows that for each ##h\in H## holds that ##hK=Kh##. The latter seems like a much stronger statement.

The statement ##HK=KH## implies to me that for each ##h\in H## and ##k\in K##, there exists a ##h^\prime\in H## and ##k^\prime \in K## such that ##hk=k^\prime h^\prime##.

The statement ##H\subseteq N(K)## implies that for each ##h\in H## and ##k\in K##, there exists is a ##k^\prime \in K## such that ##hk=k^\prime h##. So this statement is the previous statement, but with the additional fact that ##h^\prime = h##. This seems like a much stronger statement to me.
  • #3
micromass said:
I don't see why ##HK=KH## would imply that ##H\subseteq N(K)##.
You seem to think that from ##HK=KH## follows that for each ##h\in H## holds that ##hK=Kh##. The latter seems like a much stronger statement.

The statement ##HK=KH## implies to me that for each ##h\in H## and ##k\in K##, there exists a ##h^\prime\in H## and ##k^\prime \in K## such that ##hk=k^\prime h^\prime##.

The statement ##H\subseteq N(K)## implies that for each ##h\in H## and ##k\in K##, there exists is a ##k^\prime \in K## such that ##hk=k^\prime h##. So this statement is the previous statement, but with the additional fact that ##h^\prime = h##. This seems like a much stronger statement to me.

Ok thanks, I didn't realize that...
  • #4
Artusartos said:
Ok thanks, I didn't realize that...

Maybe it is true that the two statements are equivalent. I just said that it looks like a stronger statement to me, but stronger statements can sometimes be proven equivalent. To conclusively end this discussion, you should look for a example where ##HK=KH##, but where ##H## is not a subset of ##N(K)##. Try your favorite small, nonabelian groups and maybe you'll find one.
  • #5

I can confirm that your understanding is correct. The normalizer of a subgroup is the set of elements in the group that commute with all elements of the subgroup. Therefore, if H is normal, it will commute with all elements of K, and thus must be contained in N(K). Similarly, since K is normal, it will commute with all elements of H, and thus must be contained in N(H). This leads to the conclusion that HK=KH, as both subgroups are contained in the normalizer of the other.

However, it is important to note that not all subgroups are normal. Only certain subgroups, such as the center of the group or the trivial subgroup, are normal. In general, the normalizer of a subgroup will not equal the entire group. So while G may be contained in the normalizer of any subgroup, it does not mean that every subgroup is normal.

I hope this clarifies any confusion you may have had. Keep questioning and exploring, as that is the essence of being a scientist!

FAQ: Normalizers and normal subgroups.

1. What is a normalizer in a group?

A normalizer in a group is a subgroup that contains all elements that commute with a given subgroup. In other words, it is the largest subgroup in which the given subgroup is a normal subgroup.

2. How is a normalizer different from a normal subgroup?

A normalizer is a subgroup that contains all elements that commute with a given subgroup, while a normal subgroup is a subgroup that is invariant under conjugation by elements of the larger group. In other words, a normalizer is a special type of subgroup that contains a normal subgroup.

3. Can a subgroup have more than one normalizer?

Yes, a subgroup can have multiple normalizers. This is because a subgroup may have multiple subgroups that contain all elements that commute with it, and each of these subgroups can be considered a normalizer of the original subgroup.

4. How do normalizers relate to group homomorphisms?

Normalizers are closely related to group homomorphisms. In fact, a group homomorphism from one group to another can be defined as a function that maps elements of the first group to elements of the second group in such a way that the image of a normal subgroup is a normal subgroup in the second group.

5. What is the significance of normalizers in group theory?

Normalizers play an important role in understanding the structure of groups. They help us identify subgroups that are invariant under conjugation, which can provide insights into the underlying symmetry of a group. Normalizers also have applications in other branches of mathematics, such as algebraic geometry and number theory.

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