Normalizing a wave function - how the integration is done?

In summary: Maybe you should read the original post and try to understand it on your own before asking questions.In summary, the normalization factor for a wave function can be calculated if the wave is integrated over a volume.
  • #1
I have been searching for an anwser everywhere, but i can't seem to understand something. In this topic (you don't need to read it) i managed to find out that "we can calculate normalisation factor ##\Psi_0## of a wavefunction ##\Psi## if we integrate probability ##|\Psi|^2## over some volume and equate it to 1". Hence:

\int\limits_{V} |\Psi|^2 \, \textrm{d}V= 1

Now how exactly do we integrate this? Please be specific, because in the post i linked to i got an anwser that the result of integration is

\int\limits_{V} |\Psi|^2 \, \textrm{d}V = |\psi_0|^2 V

and i don't know how is this possible. Maybee my interpretation of this is wrong and this is why below i am supplying you with my interpretation.

My interpretation:
For the sake of clarity i will just choose some wave function for example ##\Psi = \Psi_0 \sin(\omega t - kx)##. I chose this as it is similar to an already known wave function of a sinusoidal wave ##A = A_0 \sin(\omega t - kx)## which i have been using allover wave physics. I don't know if i am allowed to choose the ##\Psi## like that because for now i don't know enough to know what i am alowed/not allowed to do in QM. If i understand this ##\Psi_0## in a vave function ##\Psi = \Psi_0 \sin(\omega t - kx)## is the normalisation factor i am seeking? (Please confirm this). So now i take an integral of the wavefunction and equate it to 1:

\int \limits^{}_{V} \left|\Psi \right|^2 \, \textrm{d} V &= 1\\
\int \limits^{}_{V} \big|\Psi_0 \sin (\omega t - kx) \big|^2 \, \textrm{d} V &= 1\\

I get lost at the spot where i wrote down "##\dots##". I really don't know how to get ##|\psi_0|^2 V## as a result of integration.
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  • #2
Of course the answer you get depends on what wavefunction you start with. If, as in the thread you quoted, you choose ψ = ψ0 expi(kx - ωt), this is a traveling plane wave. Its probability density is |ψ|2 = ψ*ψ = ψ02 = const, so the integral gives you ψ02 V.

If, on the other hand you choose ψ = ψ0 sin(kx - ωt), this is a standing wave. Its probability density is ψ02 sin2(kx - ωt) which is not constant, and you'll get a different integral.
  • #3
Bill_K said:
Of course the answer you get depends on what wavefunction you start with.
Yes i understand this.
Bill_K said:
|ψ|2 = ψ02
THIS is what i still am not certain of. If i try to calculate ##|\Psi| ^2## using ##\Psi = \Psi_0 e^{i(\omega t - kx)}## i get this:

|\Psi|^2 = \left| \Psi_0 e^{i(\omega t - kx)} \right| ^2 = \overline{\Psi} \Psi = \underbrace{\Psi_0 e^{-i(\omega t - kx)}}_{conjugate} \Psi_0 e^{i(\omega t - kx)} = {\Psi_0}^2 \frac{\Psi_0 e^{i(\omega t - kx)}}{\Psi_0 e^{i(\omega t - kx)}} = \Psi_0^2

Is my calculation legit? Please confirm. And please tell me how do i know that ##\Psi_0^2## is a constant and i should therefore integrate it as such?
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  • #4
Yes, that's correct. And a plane wave will have a constant amplitude, so ψ0 will be constant.
  • #5
But how can i calculate integral for wave function ##\Psi = \Psi_0 \sin(\omega t - kx)##. Could i simplify this by stating that the wave is traveling in ##x## direction and only integrate over ##x## or should i use a triple ##\iiint## and integrate over ##x##, ##y## and ##z##? I need some advice on how to calculate this integral:

\int\limits_V \left| \Psi_0 \sin(\omega t - kx) \right|^2 \, \textrm{d} V
  • #6
A plane wave that extends to infinity in all directions cannot be normalized in the usual sense, i.e.

$$\int_{all space} {\Psi^* \Psi dx dy dz} = 1$$

(in three dimensions)

Such waves are not physically realistic. The amplitude of a real-world wave function has to drop off to zero as we go "far enough" away from the center of the system. This leads to the concept of wave packets.

Nevertheless, we often talk about plane waves as convenient idealizations or approximations over small regions of space.
  • #7
jtbell said:
Such waves are not physically realistic. The amplitude of a real-world wave function has to drop off to zero as we go "far enough" away from the center of the system.

How could i then modify the wave function ##\Psi = \Psi_0 \sin(\omega t - kx)## to be acceptable for QM?
  • #8
I think it would be best to go back and look at the fundamentals of QM, once you have, the answers to your questions will become obvious.
The answer to your question is complicated and i don't know where to start explaining.

FAQ: Normalizing a wave function - how the integration is done?

What is the purpose of normalizing a wave function?

The purpose of normalizing a wave function is to ensure that the total probability of finding the particle in any location is equal to 1. This is necessary because the wave function gives the probability amplitude for the particle to be found at a specific location, and the total of all these probabilities must equal 1.

How is the normalization constant calculated?

The normalization constant is calculated by taking the square root of the integral of the squared wave function over all space. This ensures that the total probability of finding the particle in any location is equal to 1.

What is the integral used for in normalizing a wave function?

The integral is used to determine the normalization constant, which is needed to ensure that the total probability of finding the particle in any location is equal to 1. It is also used to calculate the probability of finding the particle in a specific location, as the squared wave function is integrated over that specific location.

What are the limits of integration used in normalizing a wave function?

The limits of integration used in normalizing a wave function are typically from negative infinity to positive infinity, as the wave function extends over all possible space. However, in some cases, the limits may be restricted to a specific region of space if the particle is confined to that region.

Why is it important to normalize a wave function?

It is important to normalize a wave function because it ensures that the total probability of finding the particle in any location is equal to 1. This is a fundamental requirement in quantum mechanics and allows for accurate predictions of the behavior of particles at the microscopic level.

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