Not understand online notes on the Green function

In summary, the author expresses confusion with the notation for the solution to a differential equation and provides a solution in accordance with the notation.
  • #1
Gold Member

Homework Statement

I'm trying to self study Green function and I can't follow the very last step of a demonstration in an online notes (that I attach in this post). Page 7 to 8.
Basically he says that from [itex]G_{tt}(t,t')+\omega G(t,t')=0[/itex] for all [itex]t>t'[/itex] with the conditions [itex]G(t,t'+\varepsilon)=0[/itex] and [itex]G_{t} (t,t'+\varepsilon)=1[/itex] when [itex]\varepsilon[/itex] tends to 0. One can "easily" find out that [itex]G(t,t')=\frac{1}{\omega }\sin [\omega (t-t')][/itex].
My question is how do you find this out? I have no idea.

Homework Equations

No idea!

The Attempt at a Solution

100% clueless.


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  • #3
There's a typo in his notes. The differential equation should be ##y''(t) + \omega^2 y(t) = 0##. Considering what I've seen in your other threads, I find it hard to believe you don't know how to solve this ordinary differential equation with the given initial conditions.

Perhaps it's the notation that's throwing you off. Just think of t' as a parameter.
  • #4
vela said:
There's a typo in his notes. The differential equation should be ##y''(t) + \omega^2 y(t) = 0##. Considering what I've seen in your other threads, I find it hard to believe you don't know how to solve this ordinary differential equation with the given initial conditions.

Perhaps it's the notation that's throwing you off. Just think of t' as a parameter.

Ok thanks, this makes the 3rd typo on this same page (I emailed him for the 2 others I saw and he replied with a thank you message).
I realize I misunderstood the initial conditions and consequently miswrote them here.

He uses the notation (for simplicity only) [itex]G(t,t')=y(t)[/itex]. So I am lead to think that when he writes [itex]y(t') = 0[/itex] he means [itex]G(t',t')=0[/itex]? Shouldn't it be [itex]G(0,t')=0[/itex]?
I'm totally confused.
  • #5
Just consider t' to be fixed. Its value partitions the number line into two regions: t<t' and t>t'. What he did was solve the homogeneous equation to find a solution y1(t), valid for t<t', and a solution y2(t), valid for t>t'. There were initial conditions given for t<t', namely y(0)=0 and y'(0)=0, so he used those to pin down what y1(t) equaled for t<t'. Then by integrating the differential equation across the boundary, he derived what the initial conditions are for y2(t) — in other words, what y2(t') and y'2(t') equal.

Earlier, he wrote y2(t) = B sin ω(t-t1). Here, B and t1 are the arbitrary constants you get when you solve a second-order differential equation. You want to find B and t1 so that y2(t') = 0 and y'2(t') = 1.
  • #6
Thank you very much vela. I now solved the problem using his notation and also keeping [itex]G(t,t')[/itex] instead of y(t).
I reach the result [itex]G(t,t')=0[/itex] for [itex]t<t'[/itex] and [itex]G(t,t')=\frac{\sin [\omega (t-t')] }{\omega }[/itex] for [itex]t>t'[/itex] as it should.

FAQ: Not understand online notes on the Green function

1. What is the Green function?

The Green function is a mathematical concept used in physics and engineering to solve differential equations. It represents the response of a system to a delta function input, which is a function that is zero everywhere except at one point where it is infinite. In other words, the Green function helps us understand how a system behaves when it is subject to a localized disturbance.

2. How is the Green function related to online notes?

The Green function is often discussed in online notes as it is a fundamental concept in many fields of science and engineering. These notes may provide definitions, derivations, and applications of the Green function in various contexts, such as quantum mechanics, electromagnetism, and fluid dynamics.

3. Why is it difficult to understand online notes on the Green function?

The Green function can be a challenging concept to understand because it involves advanced mathematical techniques and abstract thinking. Additionally, online notes may vary in their level of detail and may not always provide clear explanations or examples.

4. What are some tips for understanding online notes on the Green function?

Some tips for understanding online notes on the Green function include breaking down the material into smaller chunks, seeking out additional resources or explanations from different sources, and actively practicing problem-solving using the Green function in various scenarios.

5. How can understanding the Green function be useful in scientific research?

Understanding the Green function can be highly beneficial in scientific research as it provides a powerful tool for solving complex differential equations and modeling physical systems. It is used in a wide range of fields, including quantum mechanics, electromagnetism, and fluid dynamics, to analyze and predict the behavior of systems in response to various inputs and disturbances.
