Notation difficulties with metric and four vector

In summary, the equation 2.7 says that the metric gμρL(v)ρνLμσ(v) is equivalent to gνσ. This is because the metric is a function of the space-time coordinates and the momentum and energy of particles. The equation 2.5 says that the metric is equivalent to the momentum and energy of particles.
  • #1
I'm reading an introduction to relativity which uses different notation to the standard indices used in my college course.
I came across:
L(\nu)gL(\nu)g = 1
Where L is the Lorentz transformations four-vector and g is the metric. Without the indices, I'm a little lost. Is there some convention I'm not aware of?
Also (I'm trying to remember my undergrad relativity) can someone remind me why the Minkowski metric has the sign system it does? I know you can choose (-,+,+,+) or (+,-,-,-) but I forget why the ct dimension has to be a different sign to the space dimensions.
Thanks in advance
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  • #2
tomwilliam2 said:
I came across:
L(\nu)gL(\nu)g = 1
Where L is the Lorentz transformations four-vector and g is the metric.

The Lorentz transformation is not described by a 4-vector; it's described by a 4 x 4 matrix. So I'm confused about what this equation is supposed to be saying. Can you give a reference to the actual textbook and page number?

tomwilliam2 said:
why the ct dimension has to be a different sign to the space dimensions

More precisely, the squared length of a timelike interval has to be opposite in sign to the squared length of a spacelike interval. The simplest answer is that if you do it any other way, the theory won't work; it will make incorrect predictions. There isn't a single reason; it's the whole structure of the theory.
  • #3
tomwilliam2 said:
but I forget why the ct dimension has to be a different sign to the space dimensions.
It's because the speed of light has to be the same in all inertial frames, which requires a lightlike vector to be null (have zero magnitude).

A lightlike velocity vector pointing along the x-axis will have components (1, 1, 0, 0) because the light travels one unit of distance in one normalized unit of time. For the magnitude of this to be zero we require ##g^{00}## and ##g^{11}## to be equal in magnitude and opposite in sign.
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  • #4
Thanks for the replies. The paper is
"An Introduction to Relativistic Quantum Mechanics
I. From Relativity to Dirac Equation"
By M. De Sanctis
Page 8.

I did this rather late last night and didn't notice that in brackets it was a v not a \nu, which solves one of the issues I had. I still don't understand exactly what equation 2.5 (below) implies, nor how it results in equation 2.7:


I realize now that L(v) is not the Lorentz matrix (that is denoted by lower case l, I think, but is L just some example four-vector?
  • #5
I haven't looked at the paper, but ##L(v)^\mu{}_\nu## must be the number on row ##\mu##, column ##\nu## of the Lorentz transformation matrix L(v). The equality in post #4 is just the ##\mu,\nu## component of the matrix equation ##L(v)^TgL(v)=g##. (Edit: I typed ##\nu,\mu## when I should have typed ##\mu,\nu##. I have corrected it now).

A Lorentz transformation can be defined as a 4×4 matrix ##\Lambda## such that ##\Lambda^T g\Lambda =g##. So the equality in post #4 is saying that L(v) is a Lorentz transformation, nothing more, nothing less.
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  • #6
Thanks, that clears it up. I would prefer there to be an explicit T to denote the transpose, but I guess the author is explaining that it's not needed.
  • #7
tomwilliam2 said:
I would prefer there to be an explicit T to denote the transpose, but I guess the author is explaining that it's not needed.
The definition of matrix multiplication is ##(AB)_{ij}=A_{ik}B_{kj}##. So if you encounter something like ##A_{ki}B_{kj}##, you will have to use the definition of the transpose before you use the definition of matrix multiplication:
$$A_{ki}B_{kj} = (A^T)_{ik}B_{kj} = (A^TB)_{ij}.$$ Alternatively,
$$A_{ki}B_{kj}=B_{kj}A_{ki}=(B^T)_{jk}A_{ki} =(B^TA)_{ji} =((B^TA)^T)_{ij}.$$ It's clear from the order of the indices in the original expression that there's a transpose involved.

Related to Notation difficulties with metric and four vector

1. What is the metric notation in four vector?

The metric notation in four vector is a mathematical representation of the relationships between the four coordinates (x,y,z,t) in a four-dimensional space. It is commonly denoted as gμν and is used to calculate the length, angles, and other properties of vectors in four dimensions.

2. What are some common difficulties with metric notation?

Some common difficulties with metric notation include understanding the concept of four-dimensional space, keeping track of indices and their placement, and properly using the metric tensor to calculate vector properties.

3. How is metric notation used in physics?

Metric notation is used extensively in physics, particularly in the field of relativity. It is used to describe the geometry of spacetime and to calculate physical quantities such as energy, momentum, and force.

4. What is the difference between covariant and contravariant four vectors?

Covariant and contravariant four vectors are different representations of the same physical quantity. Covariant vectors are represented by lower indices (e.g. Aμ) and transform in the same way as coordinates under a change of basis, while contravariant vectors are represented by upper indices (e.g. Aμ) and transform inversely to coordinates. In metric notation, the metric tensor is used to convert between the two representations.

5. How can I improve my understanding of metric notation?

Improving understanding of metric notation involves practicing with various examples and problems, as well as gaining a strong understanding of the concept of four-dimensional space. It can also be helpful to seek out resources such as textbooks or online tutorials that explain the topic in different ways.
