Novel-Travel inside the Black Holes

In summary, the conversation discussed the novel "The Travel Inside the Black Holes" by Kip Stephen Thorne and its availability for download. The novel is about a spacecraft captain discovering and researching a black hole with a robot. It was mentioned that the novel is written for entertainment and does not contain any formulas. The conversation also addressed the issue of illegally accessing the novel and the importance of paying for it. The conversation was ultimately closed as the original poster had already received an answer and it was clear that they were seeking an illegal source.
  • #1
Good day!
The famous American scientist Kip Stephen Thorne once wrote a novel the name of which probably is like this: “The travel inside the Black Holes”. I wrote probably because I have not read it in English language, I read its translation in one of European languages. This is little story how the captain of the spacecraft finds the black hole and researches it with a little robot that is sent into the black hole and then destroyed by the tidal forces. In this novel there are no formulas, this is written for ordinary peoples, just for entertainment; so, can anybody tell me where can I download this novel? This novel should have been written no later than 1989 :rolleyes:
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  • #2

After a quick Google you popped up on another forum and you've had a response.

Now, based on what I've read in that forum from yourself I will say this: we cannot provide you with a way of illegally accessing any materials on PF. If the book is not available from a free (legal) source, you must pay for it. Also, same applies to the film mentioned there.

Source: (

Given you've already had an answer there and acknowledged it must be paid for, the only possible reason for you to post this here is that you want illegal source for it.
  • #3
Thread closed.

FAQ: Novel-Travel inside the Black Holes

1. What is a black hole?

A black hole is a region of spacetime where the gravitational pull is so strong that nothing, including light, can escape from it. This is caused by a massive and compact object, such as a collapsed star, which has a strong gravitational force.

2. Can we travel inside a black hole?

While it is theoretically possible to enter a black hole, it is highly unlikely that anyone or anything could survive the intense gravitational forces and extreme conditions inside. The laws of physics as we know them break down at the singularity, the point of infinite density at the center of a black hole.

3. What is the "novel-travel" concept inside a black hole?

The concept of "novel-travel" inside a black hole is a purely hypothetical idea that suggests a way to enter and survive inside a black hole. It involves using advanced technology and understanding of quantum mechanics to manipulate the intense gravitational forces and create a stable environment for travel.

4. What implications could "novel-travel" inside a black hole have?

If the concept of "novel-travel" inside a black hole were to become a reality, it could revolutionize our understanding of the universe and open up possibilities for interstellar travel. It could also help us unlock the mysteries of black holes and potentially lead to new scientific discoveries.

5. Is "novel-travel" inside a black hole scientifically possible?

At this point in time, "novel-travel" inside a black hole is purely theoretical and has not been scientifically proven to be possible. It requires a deep understanding of quantum mechanics and the development of advanced technology that is currently beyond our capabilities. However, with further advancements in science and technology, it may one day become a reality.

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