NP-complete Proof: 3-SAT is Polynomially Transformable

  • MHB
  • Thread starter mathmari
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In summary: Assume $x_i=1$. Then set $y_j$ to $1$ for $j \leq i-2$ and set $y_j$ to $0$ for $j>i-2$. The replacing expression has value $1$.Why do we set these values for $y_j$?We set these values to make the replacing expression have value $1$, which is what we want to show. If $x_i=1$, then the $i$th term in the replacing expression will be equal to $1$ (since it includes $x_i$) and the rest of the terms will be either $y_j$ or $\bar{y}_j$, which we have set to $1
  • #1
Gold Member
Hey! :eek:

The proof that $3-$satisfiability is NP-complete, is the following:

We shall show that satisfiability for CNF (conjunctive normal form) expressions is polynomially transformable to $3-$satisfiability. Given a product of sums, replace each sum $(x_1+x_2+ \dots +x_k), k \geq 4$, with $$(x_1+x_2+y_1)(x_3+\overline{y}_1, y_2)(x_4+\overline{y}_2+y_3) \dots (x_{k-2}+\overline{y}_{k-4}+y_{k-3})(x_{k-1}+x_k+\overline{y}_{y-3}) \ \ \ \ \ (*)$$
for new variables $y_1, y_2, \dots, y_{k-3}$.

For example, for $k=4$, expression $(*)$ is $(x_1+x_2+y_1)(x_3+x_4 \overline{y}_1)$.

There is some assignment to the new variables which makes the replacing expression have value $1$ if and only if one of the literals $x_1, x_2, \dots , x_k$ has value $1$, that is, if and only if the original expression has value $1$. Assume $x_j=1$. Then set $y_j$ to $1$ for $j \leq i-2$ and set $y_j$ to $0$ for $j>i-2$. The replacing expression has value $1$. Conversely, assume that some assignment for the $y_i$'s makes the resulting expression have value $1$, If $y_1=0$, then either $x_1$ or$x_2$ must have value $1$. If $y_{k-3}=1$ then either $x_{k-1}$ or $x_{k}$ must have value $1$. If $y_1=1$ and $y_{k-3}=0$, then for some $i$, $1 \leq i \leq k-4$, $y_i=1$ and $y_{i+1}=0$, implying $x_{i+2}$ must have value $1$. In any event some $x_i$ must have value $1$.
The length of each replacing expression is bounded by a constant multiple of the length of the eplaced expression. In fact, given any CNF expression $E$, we can find, by applying the above transformations to each sum, a $3-$CNF expression $E'$ which is satisfiable if and only if the original expressiom is satisfiable. Moreover, we can find $E'$ in time proportional to the length of $E$, since the treansformations are straightforward to apply. Could you explain me this proof?? (Wondering)
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  • #2
mathmari said:
Given a product of sums, replace each sum $(x_1+x_2+ \dots +x_k), k \geq 4$, with $$(x_1+x_2+y_1)(x_3+\overline{y}_1, y_2)(x_4+\overline{y}_2+y_3) \dots (x_{k-2}+\overline{y}_{k-4}+y_{k-3})(x_{k-1}+x_k+\overline{y}_{y-3}) \ \ \ \ \ (*)$$
for new variables $y_1, y_2, \dots, y_{k-3}$.
The comma in the second factor should be a plus.

mathmari said:
For example, for $k=4$, expression $(*)$ is $(x_1+x_2+y_1)(x_3+x_4 \overline{y}_1)$.
The expression should be $(x_1+x_2+y_1)(x_3+x_4 + \overline{y}_1)$.

mathmari said:
Could you explain me this proof?
Explaining a proof is NP-hard. (Smile) For a single sentence or claim there is only a limited number of difficulties or ways it can be misunderstood, and all of them can be addressed in a short explanation. In a long proof, each claim has its potential difficulties, and difficulties from different parts of the proof may combine to create new once. Therefore, the number of potential things to explain is exponential in the size of the proof. So you'll have to point out individual sentences and describe what you don't understand about them if you want help...
  • #3
Evgeny.Makarov said:
The comma in the second factor should be a plus.

The expression should be $(x_1+x_2+y_1)(x_3+x_4 + \overline{y}_1)$.

Yes, you're right! (Blush)
Evgeny.Makarov said:
Explaining a proof is NP-hard. (Smile)

Evgeny.Makarov said:
So you'll have to point out sentences and describe what you don't understand about them if you want help...

My questions are the following:
mathmari said:
Given a product of sums, replace each sum $(x_1+x_2+ \dots +x_k), k \geq 4$, with $$(x_1+x_2+y_1)(x_3+\overline{y}_1 + y_2)(x_4+\overline{y}_2+y_3) \dots (x_{k-2}+\overline{y}_{k-4}+y_{k-3})(x_{k-1}+x_k+\overline{y}_{y-3}) \ \ \ \ \ (*)$$
for new variables $y_1, y_2, \dots, y_{k-3}$.

Why do we replace each sum with this expression?? (Wondering)

What do the new variables $y_i$ stand for?? (Wondering)
mathmari said:
There is some assignment to the new variables which makes the replacing expression have value $1$ if and only if one of the literals $x_1, x_2, \dots , x_k$ has value $1$, that is, if and only if the original expression has value $1$.

Does this stand because it stands that $$\text{ TRUE OR FALSE = TRUE }$$ ?? (Wondering)
mathmari said:
Assume $x_i=1$. Then set $y_j$ to $1$ for $j \leq i-2$ and set $y_j$ to $0$ for $j>i-2$. The replacing expression has value $1$.

Why do we set these values for $y_j$ ?? (Wondering)
mathmari said:
Conversely, assume that some assignment for the $y_i$'s makes the resulting expression have value $1$, If $y_1=0$, then either $x_1$ or$x_2$ must have value $1$. If $y_{k-3}=1$ then either $x_{k-1}$ or $x_{k}$ must have value $1$. If $y_1=1$ and $y_{k-3}=0$, then for some $i$, $1 \leq i \leq k-4$, $y_i=1$ and $y_{i+1}=0$, implying $x_{i+2}$ must have value $1$. In any event some $x_i$ must have value $1$.

Could you explain to me why this stand?? (Wondering)
mathmari said:
The length of each replacing expression is bounded by a constant multiple of the length of the replaced expression.

Why does this stand?? (Wondering)
mathmari said:
Moreover, we can find $E'$ in time proportional to the length of $E$, since the transformations are straightforward to apply.

What does this mean?? (Wondering)
  • #4
First of all, let's say it explicitly that $+$ here denotes disjunction (not "exclusive or") and juxtaposition (writing formulas next to each other with no operation in between) denotes conjunction.

mathmari said:
Why do we replace each sum with this expression?
We want to reduce the SATISFIABILITY problem to 3-SATISFIABILITY, which is its special case. The reduction in the other direction is trivial precisely because it is a special case. The required direction means that we have to reduce a more general problem to a more specific one. It's like trying to get an answer to a general question by asking questions that can be answered only with "Yes" and "No". So in the end we have to have an instance of 3-SAT, i.e., all clauses must have 3 literals.

mathmari said:
What do the new variables $y_i$ stand for?
Intuitively, $y_i=x_{i+2}+\dots+x_k$. Note that $\bar{y}_i+x_{i+1}+y_{i+1}=y_i\to(x_{i+1}+y_{i+1})$.

mathmari said:
There is some assignment to the new variables which makes the replacing expression have value $1$ if and only if one of the literals $x_1, x_2, \dots , x_k$ has value $1$, that is, if and only if the original expression has value $1$.

mathmari said:
Does this stand because it stands that $$\text{ TRUE OR FALSE = TRUE }$$ ?
This is the claim that is only stated here. It is proved in the remainder of the argument.

If you still have questions, I'll try to answer them tomorrow.
  • #5

Sure! This proof is showing that the problem of satisfiability for CNF expressions can be transformed into the problem of satisfiability for $3-$CNF expressions in polynomial time. This is important because it means that if we can efficiently solve the $3-$CNF problem, we can also efficiently solve the CNF problem.

The proof does this by showing that for any CNF expression, we can find a $3-$CNF expression that is satisfiable if and only if the original expression is satisfiable. This is done by replacing each sum of variables in the CNF expression with a specific $3-$CNF expression, as shown in the example for $k=4$. This replacement process can be done in polynomial time, since the length of the new expression is bounded by a constant multiple of the length of the original expression.

Additionally, the proof shows that if we have a satisfying assignment for the original expression, we can find a corresponding satisfying assignment for the $3-$CNF expression, and vice versa. This means that the two problems are equivalent and can be solved using the same algorithm.

Overall, this proof is important because it shows that the problem of satisfiability for CNF expressions is at least as difficult as the $3-$CNF problem, which is known to be NP-complete. This means that the CNF problem is also NP-complete, and helps us understand the complexity of this problem in the context of other problems in computer science.

FAQ: NP-complete Proof: 3-SAT is Polynomially Transformable

What does it mean for a proof to be NP-complete?

NP-completeness is a concept in computer science that refers to the difficulty or complexity of solving a particular problem. Specifically, a proof being NP-complete means that it is one of the hardest problems in the class of problems known as NP (nondeterministic polynomial time). This means that the problem is difficult to solve using traditional algorithms, but a solution can be verified in a reasonable amount of time.

What is 3-SAT?

3-SAT is a specific type of Boolean satisfiability problem, which involves determining whether a given boolean formula can be satisfied or not. In 3-SAT, the formula is limited to clauses of three literals (variables or their negations) connected by logical ORs, and the goal is to find an assignment of truth values to the variables that makes the entire formula true.

How is 3-SAT related to NP-completeness?

3-SAT is one of the first problems to be proven to be NP-complete. This means that all other problems in the class of NP problems can be reduced to 3-SAT in polynomial time, which essentially means that a solution to any NP problem can be translated into a solution to 3-SAT. This is why 3-SAT is often used as a benchmark for measuring the difficulty of other problems.

What does it mean for 3-SAT to be polynomially transformable?

Polynomial transformation is a method used to show that one problem is at least as difficult as another. In the context of our proof, it means that we can transform any instance of the 3-SAT problem into an equivalent instance of another NP problem, and this transformation can be done in polynomial time. This helps us demonstrate that 3-SAT is indeed NP-complete.

Why is the proof that 3-SAT is polynomially transformable significant?

The proof that 3-SAT is polynomially transformable is significant because it provides evidence that 3-SAT is, in fact, one of the hardest problems in the class of NP problems. This has practical implications in computer science, as many real-world problems can be reduced to 3-SAT, and the difficulty of solving 3-SAT can help us understand the difficulty of these other problems. Additionally, this proof has led to the development of important algorithms and techniques for solving difficult problems.

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