Nth order linear whose auxiliary has repeated roots

In summary, when solving an nth order linear homogeneous differential equation with constant coefficients, the solution can be found by setting up the auxiliary equation and finding its roots. Each root gives a solution of the form e^{rx} which is linearly independent from the others. In the case of repeated roots, the solution must be multiplied by x for each repetition to obtain a fundamental set of n linearly independent elements. This multiplication is guaranteed to yield a solution and be independent from other solutions. The proof for this involves using the definition of independence and properties of derivatives. Studying annihilator operators and algebra on polynomial differential operators may make the task easier. The general case of higher order roots can be proved by induction. The composition of differential operators is comm
  • #1
Suppose I am to solve an nth order linear homogenous differential equation with constant coefficients. I set up the auxiliary equation, find its roots, and then each root gives me a solution of the form [itex]e^{rx}[/itex] to the ODE which is linearly independent from the others. But if there are repeated roots, I need to multiply that solution by x each time the root is repeated to obtain a fundamental set containing n elements that are linearly independent.

What assurances are there that the multiplication by x will yield a solution? And that this is linearly independent from all other solutions? Could anyone provide me an outline of the proof, or how I might prove it, or in what textbook I might find a proof?

I have not studied annihilator operators yet or algebra on polynomial differential operators, but might studying these topics perhaps make my task a bit easier?


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  • #2
If you have, say, a double root, a, to the characteristic equation, part of the equation, at least, must be of the form [itex](D- a)^2y[/itex] ("D" is the derivative). You can then check that both [itex]e^{ax}[/itex] and [itex]xe^{ax}[/itex] are solutions: [itex](D- a)e^{ax}= D(e^{ax})- ae^{ax}= ae^{ax}- ae^{ax}= 0[/itex] so [itex](D- a)^2 e^{ax}= (D- a)0= 0[/itex] while [itex](D- a)xe^{ax}= D(xe^{ax})- axe^{ax}= e^{ax}+ axe^{ax}- axe^{ax}= e^{ax}[/itex]. And then [itex](D- a)^2 xe^{ax}= (D- a)e^{ax}= 0[/itex] as before.

The fact that [itex]xe^{ax}[/itex] and [itex]e^{ax}[/itex] are "independent" follows from the definition:
if [itex]Axe^{ax}+ Be^{ax}= 0[/itex], then, taking x= 0, [itex]A(0)+ B(1)= B= 0[/itex]. Then, taking x= 1, [itex]A(e^a)= 0[/itex] so that A= 0. Showing that [itex]xe^{ax}[/itex] is independent of other possible solutions, such as [itex]e^{bx}[/itex] is essentially the same.
  • #3
I see. I am quite new to the notation for differential operators, but it is my guess that multiplication of polynomial differential operators is equivalent to composition of those operators on some function y(x), otherwise what you said would not be correct.

Also, if composition of two polynomial differential operators on some function is equivalent to multiplication of polynomials, is the composition of differential operators commutative?

Also, I'm guessing the general case could be proved by induction when there is a root of higher multiplicity in the auxiliary (characteristic) equation.

Also, does my question/your reply have anything to do with the Shift Theorem? It's not in my book, but I found it on Wikipedia, and it seemed very similar.


  • #4
Here's another way to look at it. Call your linear equation ##L(y) = 0##, where ##L## represents the linear differential operator. When you substitute ##y = e^{rx}## in that you get$$
L(e^{rx}) = p(r)e^{rx}$$where ##p(r)## is the characteristic polynomial. Now suppose ##r=a## is a double root of ##p(r)##, which means that ##p(a) = 0## and ##p'(a)=0##. Now differentiate the above equation with respect to ##r##:$$
\frac\partial {\partial r}L(e^{rx})=
L(\frac\partial {\partial r}e^{rx})=L(xe^{rx})=p'(r)e^{rx} + p(r)xe^{rx}$$Substitute ##r = a## into that, which gives:$$
L(xe^{ax})=p'(a)e^{ax} + p(a)xe^{ax}=0$$which shows ##xe^{ax}## is a solution. Of course, switching the partial with respect to ##r## and the ##L## operator uses properties of derivatives. The argument generalizes to higher order roots.
  • #5
Bipolarity said:
Also, if composition of two polynomial differential operators on some function is equivalent to multiplication of polynomials, is the composition of differential operators commutative?



So long as the coeffecients on those operators are constant. I.E: ##2D=D2## but ##xD≠Dx##

FAQ: Nth order linear whose auxiliary has repeated roots

1. What is an Nth order linear equation?

An Nth order linear equation is a mathematical equation that involves a dependent variable and its derivatives up to the Nth order, along with independent variables and constants. It can be written in the form of a linear combination of the dependent variable and its derivatives.

2. What are repeated roots in the auxiliary equation?

Repeated roots in the auxiliary equation refer to the situation where the characteristic equation, which represents the auxiliary equation, has multiple identical roots. This means that the solution to the equation will have a repeated term, resulting in a general solution with repeated terms.

3. How do you solve an Nth order linear equation with repeated roots in the auxiliary equation?

To solve an Nth order linear equation with repeated roots in the auxiliary equation, you first need to find the general solution by using the repeated root to find a single solution. Then, you can use the method of reduction of order to find a second linearly independent solution. Finally, you can combine these solutions to form the general solution of the equation.

4. What is the significance of repeated roots in the auxiliary equation?

The presence of repeated roots in the auxiliary equation indicates that the corresponding Nth order linear equation has a solution that is not uniquely determined. This means that there will be multiple solutions to the equation, resulting in a general solution with repeated terms.

5. Can an Nth order linear equation have more than one repeated root in the auxiliary equation?

Yes, an Nth order linear equation can have more than one repeated root in the auxiliary equation. This will result in a general solution with multiple terms that are repeated. The number of repeated roots in the auxiliary equation will also determine the number of linearly independent solutions to the equation.
