Nuclear Engineering Student Seeking Help with DANTSYS & MCNP

  • Thread starter KevinNukkE
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Best of luck to you. In summary, a senior Nuclear Engineering student is struggling to learn the programs DANTSYS and MCNP and is looking for someone with experience to help them troubleshoot their codes. They have the official DANTSYS primer but would appreciate someone reviewing their codes for errors.
  • #1
Hello all, I'm a senior Nuclear Engineering student.

This semester I've been working with DANTSYS and MCNP (more like failing to learn properly). I was wondering if anyone had some experience with either program and would be willing to allow me to ask them the occasional question. I think my major problem with the programs are how finicky they are and dyslexia missing some small little typo or something like that causing the code to fail.

I do have the main famous DANTSYS primer from LANL, but would love to be able to show someone my codes to see if I can find my errors.
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  • #2
Dear Kevin
Are you working on the code or using the code?
If you are using the code then there is good manual on mcnp.
Best wishes
  • #3

Hi there! I'm not familiar with DANTSYS or MCNP, but I do have experience with coding and troubleshooting. I can understand how frustrating it can be when small typos can cause the code to fail. Have you tried reaching out to your classmates or professors for help? They may have more experience with the programs and be able to offer you some tips and tricks. Additionally, there may be online forums or communities dedicated to DANTSYS and MCNP where you could ask for assistance. I hope you're able to find some support and successfully learn these programs!

FAQ: Nuclear Engineering Student Seeking Help with DANTSYS & MCNP

1. What is DANTSYS and MCNP?

DANTSYS is a computer program used for nuclear reactor analysis and design. It is developed by the Radiation Transport Group at Los Alamos National Laboratory. MCNP (Monte Carlo N-Particle) is a general-purpose Monte Carlo radiation transport code also developed by Los Alamos National Laboratory.

2. What is the purpose of DANTSYS and MCNP?

DANTSYS and MCNP are used for simulating and analyzing nuclear systems, such as reactors, fuel cycles, radiation shielding, and medical physics. They can model complex geometries, materials, and particle interactions to simulate the behavior of nuclear systems.

3. Are DANTSYS and MCNP difficult to use?

These programs can be challenging to use, especially for beginners. They require a strong background in nuclear engineering, physics, and computer programming. However, with proper training and practice, they can be powerful tools for nuclear engineering analysis.

4. How can I get help with DANTSYS and MCNP?

There are many resources available for learning and getting help with DANTSYS and MCNP. You can consult the user manual, attend training courses, or join online forums and discussion groups. You can also seek guidance from experienced nuclear engineers or professors.

5. Are there any alternatives to DANTSYS and MCNP?

Yes, there are other software programs available for nuclear engineering analysis, such as SCALE, Serpent, and RELAP5. Each program has its own strengths and weaknesses, so it is important to choose the one that best fits your specific needs and goals.

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