Nuclear Engineering: Top 10 Schools, Pay, Jobs & More

In summary, nuclear engineering is a field that involves the application of nuclear energy for various purposes such as power generation, medical treatment, and military technology. The top 10 schools for nuclear engineering in the United States include Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of Michigan, and University of California - Berkeley. Graduates in this field can expect high-paying jobs with an average salary of over $100,000. Some common jobs in nuclear engineering include nuclear engineer, radiation protection technician, and nuclear technician. Despite its potential for advancement and job opportunities, nuclear engineering also comes with ethical and safety concerns that must be carefully addressed.
  • #1
well, I frequently view these forums, and you guys are pretty smart so i was wondering. If i were to become a nuclear engineer, what are the top 10 schools? what kinda pay is there, starting and w/ experience. where can I find jobs? who would i usually wokr for, and what would i actually be doing. I think i may want to go into it, but can't get a lot of detail. Thanks in advance
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  • #2
sublime said:
well, I frequently view these forums, and you guys are pretty smart so i was wondering. If i were to become a nuclear engineer, what are the top 10 schools? what kinda pay is there, starting and w/ experience. where can I find jobs? who would i usually wokr for, and what would i actually be doing. I think i may want to go into it, but can't get a lot of detail. Thanks in advance

Some of your questions can be answered from the Bureau of Labor Statistics webpage for Engineers:

The page is subdivided into different fields of engineering. Just look for Nuclear Engineering in each section to find information specific to your field.
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  • #3
Thanks for the link.

Isnt it a bit strange that undert he average starting wages, a bachelors in petroleum will get you paid 3.5 thousand MORE than a masters
  • #4
In Australia I don't seem to be able to find any university that offer's Nuclear Engineering. Therefore I have applied todo a combined Electrical Engineering and Science. I was then intending that all my science electives were nuclear related. I was doing so in the attempt to achieve the same out come if i was doing Nuclear Engineering.
  • #5
You will have a hard time finding a "bad" school that has nuclear engeering program becuase most schools have canceled their programs years ago. Wit the recent energy projections, many people believe that nuclear power might make a comeback but don't hold your breath if you are an American.

You would most likely work in a power plant.
  • #6
or get hired by the government to develop weapons
  • #7
What? Don't you know that we already have enough weapons to end the world with the turn of a key and a couple of codes; what is there to develop?
  • #8
bigger weapons to destroy thoes weapons in other countries
  • #9
Perhaps you misunderstood, we already have the capability to effectivly end the world if we are attcked, there is no reason to spend any more money to develop more powerful weapons. At least not nuclear.
  • #11
TMFKAN64 said:
Clearly, JSBeckton, you have no future in government. :smile: tells the story of the most recent round of nuclear weapon development.

Clearly you saw that the article says that no weapons have been produced in decades, this is only a proposal.

Did you ever wonder where the money came from that was used to develop the B2 and Stealth Bomber? Don't always assume that your getting what's on the box. Silly rabbit.

And I do work for the government.
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  • #12
yeah but all of our nukes are going to go bad in about 15 years, so were planning on designing newer nukes that would be more efficient and thus leave less fallout.

And let's face it the knowledge that nuclear weapons exist in the numbers required to destroy the world keeps the industrialized world at peace. (notice how the last major war between the industrialized powers occurred 60 years ago and ended almost the moment nuclear weapons came onto the scene)
  • #13
A degree in nuclear engineering also does not necessarily mean you end up in power plants or working on weapons development. The nuclear engineering department at Ohio State has specialties in medical physics and instrumentation, as well as radiation safety (and all the normal ones that have you either directly or indirectly working for power/the government). Medical physicists are going to be in demand and pay pretty decently (though a better track for a medical physicist is through a medicine department).
  • #14
daveb said:
though a better track for a medical physicist is through a medicine department

Exactly, and if you go to Ohio State you will probably not get a job anyways.

Go Blue!
  • #15
Try these threads:

I want to be a nuclear engineer..

Nuclear Engineering - Grad School R.O.I.?

NRC, Vendors and utilities are hiring. Starting salaries are among the highest for engineering discplines.

I would recommend to anyone wanting to major in NE, one should diversify the coursework, i.e. take the harder ME, EE, CS/CE, CiVE, and MatSci courses. NE curricula usually include the ME (Thermodynamics/Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics, maybe MatSci), EE (Circuit Analysis and Electric Power), CE (programming languages) and CE (stress/strain and basic structural analysis). At the university where I studied NE, the MatSci courses were in the Mech Eng department, but that may have changed.

Anyone interested in ME/CivE/NE/AeroE needs a strong background in numerial simulations, i.e. one needs to know the physics behind complex systems which included numerical solutions are coupled PDE's for BV/IV problems. Many engineering fields use dynamic multiphyiscs codes these days for analysis as well as design.

The more skills one has, the greater the salary and opportunities. If one can do non-linear finite element analysis, one will find one is in demand at many places.
  • #17
is it possible to work on weapons besides nukes? do the army, navy, air force, and other research labs look for NEs?
  • #18
JSBeckton said:
Exactly, and if you go to Ohio State you will probably not get a job anyways.

Go Blue!

Haha. That's harsh.

Related to Nuclear Engineering: Top 10 Schools, Pay, Jobs & More

1. What is nuclear engineering?

Nuclear engineering is a branch of engineering that deals with the application of nuclear energy in various fields, such as power generation, medicine, and industry. It involves the study of nuclear physics, radiation, and the design and operation of nuclear systems.

2. What are the top 10 schools for nuclear engineering?

According to the US News & World Report, the top 10 schools for nuclear engineering are:1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)2. University of Michigan-Ann Arbor3. University of California-Berkeley4. Georgia Institute of Technology5. University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign6. Purdue University-West Lafayette7. Pennsylvania State University-University Park8. Texas A&M University-College Station9. North Carolina State University-Raleigh10. Ohio State University-Columbus

3. How much do nuclear engineers get paid?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual wage for nuclear engineers was $113,460 in May 2020. The top 10% of nuclear engineers earned more than $179,430, while the bottom 10% earned less than $71,860.

4. What are the job prospects for nuclear engineers?

The job outlook for nuclear engineers is expected to be relatively stable, with a projected growth rate of 3% from 2019 to 2029. The demand for nuclear engineers will be driven by the need to develop new sources of energy and improve existing nuclear power plants.

5. What are the key skills required for a career in nuclear engineering?

Some key skills required for a career in nuclear engineering include strong analytical and problem-solving skills, attention to detail, knowledge of nuclear physics and radiation, proficiency in computer-aided design (CAD) software, and the ability to work with complex systems and equipment.

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