Nuclear fission plasma reactor?

In summary, it is possible to create a 'fission' plasma but that would be undesirable. It is also possible to generate electricity using a plasma, but the energy loss from a plasma increases with atomic number. The practicality of using fission to generate electricity is dependent on a number of factors, including the control of radioactive fission products.
  • #1
Is it possible to use fisssion to create plasmas, then use the plasma to generate electricity instead of suing steam to for elctricity? Just a thought.
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  • #2
It is possible to create a 'fission' plasma but that would be undesirable.

Perhaps one is referring to a plasma in which isotopes of hydrogen or other suitable element would under go fusion. The plasma can then be passed through a magnetic field and the charges (nuclei and electrons) separated and recombined in a process known a direct conversion. The current produced by the electrons in direct conversion is used to provide energy to a load.
  • #3
Wouldn't the plasma lose most of its heat to the fission material?
  • #4
I believe 'fission plasma' was a misnomer. Practical fission systems are usually based on solid fuel, where the enriched uranium is in a ceramic or metalic form, or liquid, e.g., molten salt reactor.

A gaseous fission reactor would require highly enriched fuel and would likely be driven by a driver core because of the inherent neutron reactor physics.

The energy loss from a plasma increases with atomic number, Z. Losses from brehmsstrahlung, ionization and recombination would be high to the point of rendering the system unsustainable.
  • #5
Astronuc said:
Perhaps one is referring to a plasma in which isotopes of hydrogen or other suitable element would under go fusion. The plasma can then be passed through a magnetic field and the charges (nuclei and electrons) separated and recombined in a process known a direct conversion. The current produced by the electrons in direct conversion is used to provide energy to a load.

I wasn't necessarily considering plasma for fusion, just plasma to generate electrical current. Obviously plasma needs some kind of heat source or it just fizzles out, and since we _still_ haven't gotten fusion down yet I was wondering if traditional fission could be used as sort of a plasma generator, so it wouldn't use fusion.

Practical fission systems are usually based on solid fuel, where the enriched uranium is in a ceramic or metalic form, or liquid, e.g., molten salt reactor.

Yeah, although it always struck me as somewhat old fashioned. :p
  • #6
Old fashioned works.

A plasma is 'very hot' which also means relatively low density. For a fission process, low density means highly enriched and/or large volume in order to maintain criticality. High temperatures (in conjunction with density) can also mean high pressures, and the combination of high pressure and large volume would mean a large containment system. Otherwise, one has a highly enriched fuel stream, which becomes the plasma and which is driven by a more conventional core.

The other key factor is the control or containment of radioactive fission products, which is a primary reason that conventional fission systems use 'solid' fuel. In fact, in LWRs, the utility is required by Federal regulation to ensure that the fuel does not melt under normal or antipated operational occurrences.
  • #7
Old fashioned works.

True but this is the 21st century, time to make stuff "cool". Another thought, assuming we actually could make this work, and have electricity being generated by plasma instead of stream through a turbine, how might the overall power output of the two systems be compared? Would the plasma system be more efficient than the steam system?

The other key factor is the control or containment of radioactive fission products, which is a primary reason that conventional fission systems use 'solid' fuel. In fact, in LWRs, the utility is required by Federal regulation to ensure that the fuel does not melt under normal or antipated operational occurrences.

So it is theoretically possible, but we don't know how to make it safe?
  • #8
Stuff doesn't need to be 'cool', just functional, economical and safe.

Putting a plasma through a turbine (turbomachinery) would be rather impractical. MHD generation would be the preferred conversion system.

Fission products must stay put in order to be effectively isolated from the environment.
  • #9
Putting a plasma through a turbine (turbomachinery) would be rather impractical.

Which isn't what I meant.

MHD generation would be the preferred conversion system.

This is more like what I was referring to. Where can I find more info about?
  • #10
Something just occurred to me. If we were to use nuclear power in space, wouldn't this kind of a system be more useful than conventional solid core designs given the difficulty with dissipating large amounts of heat in space?

Related to Nuclear fission plasma reactor?

1. What is a nuclear fission plasma reactor?

A nuclear fission plasma reactor is a type of nuclear reactor that uses the process of nuclear fission to produce energy. It is different from traditional nuclear reactors in that it uses plasma, the fourth state of matter, as a fuel source instead of solid fuel rods.

2. How does a nuclear fission plasma reactor work?

A nuclear fission plasma reactor works by using high temperatures and magnetic fields to confine and heat plasma, which contains isotopes of hydrogen. The heat and pressure cause the atoms to split, releasing energy in the form of heat and radiation. This energy is then used to generate electricity.

3. What are the advantages of a nuclear fission plasma reactor?

Some advantages of a nuclear fission plasma reactor include its ability to produce large amounts of energy with minimal waste, its relatively small size compared to traditional reactors, and its potential for producing cleaner energy without producing greenhouse gases.

4. What are the challenges of using a nuclear fission plasma reactor?

One of the main challenges of using a nuclear fission plasma reactor is managing the high temperatures and magnetic fields needed to confine and heat the plasma. Another challenge is developing materials that can withstand the extreme conditions inside the reactor, as well as safely disposing of the radioactive waste produced.

5. Is a nuclear fission plasma reactor safe?

The safety of a nuclear fission plasma reactor depends on proper design and operation. While there are potential risks, such as accidents or radiation leaks, these risks can be minimized through careful planning and implementation of safety protocols. Additionally, the use of plasma as a fuel source reduces the risk of a meltdown, making it a potentially safer option compared to traditional nuclear reactors.

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