Nuclear force as residual color force

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of the strong interaction bonding quarks into baryons and the pion exchange model for the attraction between nucleons. The question is raised about how the latter is a residual effect of the former, and there is a discussion about the Feynman-Diagram and understanding it in simpler terms. The conversation also mentions the use of chiral perturbation theory and the concept of flavor symmetry in this context.
  • #1
Hi all,

I'm can't wrap my head around this. I get how the strong interaction bonds quarks into baryons and I get the pion exchange model for the attraction between nucleons (well sort of, I still don't understand how exchanging massive particles can result in an attractive force, but OK).

What I don't understand is how the latter is a residual effect of the former. The color interaction leaves flavor untouched, but the pion exchanges flavors between (the quarks of) nucleons. So how exactly does the pion form?

There is a Feynman-Diagram in the Wikipedia article on nuclear force (, but I don't understand that either. Not very good with Feynman diagrams.

Can anyone explain this to me in preferably plain English? I'm a physics student, so jargon is OK, but I have almost no background in QCD, so go easy on the maths, if possible.

Thanks in advance.
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  • #2
OK, this may be an even more naive explanation than you're looking for, but here it is at the crayon level at which I understand it.

Naively, you wouldn't expect two hydrogen atoms to bond to form a molecule. They're both electrically neutral, so the force between them should vanish. It fails to vanish only because of polarization effects, which produce an interaction that's weak and falls off more rapidly than the Coulomb force (say [itex]r^{-7}[/itex] (?), rather than [itex]r^{-2}[/itex]).

Same thing with a neutron and a proton. They're both color-neutral, so naively they shouldn't bond to form a deuteron. The attraction fails to vanish only because of polarization effects, which produce an interaction that's weak and falls off more rapidly than the color force (say [itex]e^{-kr}[/itex], rather than [itex]r[/itex]).

I'm not even sure you need anything explicitly quantum-mechanical in order to understand this. The electrical version can certainly be understood qualitatively in terms of classical E&M. So it may not be necessary to invoke exchange of quanta at all.
  • #3
Thanks bcrowell. I've heard that analogy before, and I'm quite OK with it (NB: Hydrogen bonds are covalent, not van der Waals-like). However, my question is specifically about the transition from the color force to the nuclear force, or, in terms of particles, how the gluon-based force becomes a meson-based force. (I can accept that you would use different models for different kinds of interactions, but since it is said that one results from the other, there should be an argument connecting both.)
  • #4
For two sources of the same charge, the exchange of spin zero particles produces an attractive force, the exchange of spin one particles produces a repulsive force, and the exchange of spin two particles results in an attractive force. Mass doesn't matter, just spin. The pattern is +-+-+- (where + is attractive, - repulsive)... Tony Zee's book "QFT in a Nutshell" explains this very well (and very early on).

There's actually a name for the meson-exchange picture of QCD: chiral perturbation theory, which is an effective field theory that works for energies less than .2 GeV. It is based on flavor symmetry, whereas the color theory of quarks and gluons is based on color symmetry.

I don't really have a problem with flavor of the quarks in the baryons being altered as long as the flavor is conserved (which it is, in the meson), because quarks can wander where they want, so I don't necessarily view it as a flavor-changing process, but a quark leaving process. This is just my interpretation though.

Related to Nuclear force as residual color force

1. What is nuclear force as residual color force?

Nuclear force as residual color force, also known as strong nuclear force, is one of the four fundamental forces of nature that holds the nucleus of an atom together. It is mediated by particles called gluons, which are the carriers of the force between quarks.

2. How does nuclear force differ from electromagnetic force?

Nuclear force is a much stronger force compared to electromagnetic force, which is responsible for the interactions between charged particles. While electromagnetic force acts between particles with charge, nuclear force acts between particles with color charge (quarks and gluons).

3. What is the range of nuclear force?

The range of nuclear force is very short, about 10^-15 meters, which is roughly the size of a nucleus. This is due to the fact that the gluons responsible for mediating the force are confined within the nucleus and cannot travel very far.

4. How does nuclear force contribute to the stability of the nucleus?

Nuclear force plays a crucial role in the stability of the nucleus. It is a very attractive force that overcomes the repulsive forces between positively charged protons in the nucleus. Without nuclear force, the nucleus would not be able to stay together and atoms would not exist.

5. Can nuclear force be harnessed for energy production?

Yes, nuclear force can be harnessed for energy production through nuclear reactions. By splitting or fusing the nuclei of atoms, enormous amounts of energy can be released. This is the basis of nuclear power plants and nuclear weapons.

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