Nuclear physics undergrad. lab experiments

In summary, the conversation discusses recommendations for interesting lab experiments suitable for an undergraduate nuclear physics course. Some suggestions include gamma ray and electron spin resonance measurements, NMR and Mossbauer effect labs, and standard scintillator/radiation measurements. However, the speaker also mentions that past experiments in the nuclear section of their first year lab went wrong and were not as interesting as expected. They provide examples of these experiments, such as measuring the charge/mass ratio of an electron and recreating Millikan's Oil Drop experiment.
  • #1
Can anybody recommend any *interesting* lab experiments suitable for an undergraduate nuclear physics course?

Thank you.
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  • #2
A gamma ray measurement is always fun, but it is slightly hazardess. A better one, is the electron spin resonance measurement. with a good regulated power supply you should be able to measure the Bohr magneton almost exactly. The biggest problem of the experiment is the alignment with the Earth's magnetic field.
  • #3
Lesse... my senior physics lab had labs on NMR and the Mossbauer effect... can't think of any other nuclear-related ones. The standard scintillator/radiation measurements, but those are kinda boring.

Ack! They've changed the labs... but you can still find good handouts at
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  • #4
Well, those experiments which came under the 'nuclear' section of my first year lab all tended to go horribly, horribly wrong, despite them being relatively simple:

Measurement of the Charge/Mass ratio on an electron - (Probably the most interesting one I did, and went pleasantly well)

A recreation of Millikan's Oil Drop experiment - (interesting for the write up, but desperately dull to conduct. Also the error analysis was just infuriating. "what was the error on this?" "Er...about two foot, or something")

Electron diffraction through a crystal lattice - (again, great for the write up afterwards, the experiment consisted of sitting in front of a phosphorous screen and talking about what kind of sandwich you'd offer Jesus if he came round your flat. Answer: Cucumber, surprisingly).

Thermionic Emmision of Tungsten - (Net result - an insane prejudice against wheatstone bridge circuits).

There were others, but I can't remember them and thus conclude that they were far too uninteresting to ever be unleashed upon innocent young undergrads.

FAQ: Nuclear physics undergrad. lab experiments

1. What is the purpose of nuclear physics undergraduate lab experiments?

The purpose of nuclear physics undergraduate lab experiments is to provide students with hands-on experience in conducting experiments related to nuclear physics. This allows them to apply the theories and concepts learned in the classroom and gain a deeper understanding of nuclear physics principles.

2. What are some common lab experiments conducted in nuclear physics undergraduate courses?

Some common lab experiments in nuclear physics undergraduate courses include measuring radioactive decay, studying nuclear reactions, and analyzing nuclear radiation using detectors such as Geiger counters and scintillation counters.

3. Do these experiments involve handling radioactive materials?

Yes, some nuclear physics undergraduate lab experiments may involve handling radioactive materials. However, strict safety precautions and protocols are followed to ensure the safety of students and the environment.

4. Can these lab experiments be replicated outside of a laboratory setting?

Some of these lab experiments can be replicated outside of a laboratory setting, but it may require specialized equipment and safety measures. It is important to consult with a trained professional before attempting to replicate any nuclear physics experiments.

5. How do these lab experiments contribute to the field of nuclear physics?

Nuclear physics undergraduate lab experiments contribute to the field by providing a platform for students to explore and discover new phenomena, develop critical thinking skills, and prepare them for further studies or careers in nuclear physics. These experiments also help in advancing our understanding of nuclear physics and its applications in various industries.
