Nuclear Simulation- Beta Decay ?

In summary, the beta decay of a nucleus with too many neutrons is less likely to occur, and may be controlled by adding more neutrons to the nucleus.
  • #1
Nuclear Simulation- Beta Decay ??

I'm a high school sophomore, I'm having trouble finding a suitable trigger for beta decay in my nuclear simulation (for fun) :confused: :cry: :confused: . I have the strong force and electromagnetic forces all set but I've run into the problem of atoms with higher (too high to be stable) neutron:proton ratios being more stable. To solve that I added a probablility that a single neutron would decay. If a neutron did decay, the neutron would turn into a proton and an electron would be shot off (that in turn could be swallowed by a proton turning that proton into a neutron). This hasn't been working very well, and I was wondering if there is a more reliable (or correct) way to control the beta decay. I was thinking that maybe certain types of collisions or some type of weak force interaction might cause it, but I'm not sure. I've also had a hard time finding good reference material. Most webpages just go over the basics of what beta decay is, and don't give me the details I need to put beta decay into proportion with my other forces. Any suggestions or help would be great. :-p edit: I forgot to mention that I'd like to avoid "cheats"- premade charts or data and the such. I'd also prefer to stay with classical physics type stuff. I can understand corks, but some of that more weird physics stuff is probably beyond my grasp.
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  • #2
I was wondering if there is a more reliable (or correct) way to control the beta decay.
What does one mean by 'control beta decay.' Each radionuclide has associated with it a unique half-life or decay constant (the latter inversely proportional to the first) which is related to the probability that approximately one-half of a population of that nuclide with decay during that time period (half-life).

Have you considered this site regarding neutron decay

It is impossible to predict with certainty that an given nucleus will decay. One can certainly excite that nucleus, but it still might not decay, although it could be transformed.

Also, I am not sure what one did with the neutron decay in the nucleus, but the free neutron half-life does no apply.
  • #3
By "control," I meant a somewhat correct way to determine when beta-decay should occur. I've also used hyperphysics before.. great website.
  • #4
Well.. what exactly makes a nucleus with too high a neutron:proton ratio unstable?
  • #5
RubberDucky said:
Well.. what exactly makes a nucleus with too high a neutron:proton ratio unstable?
That's a very good question, and I'm not sure there is an adequate answer. I'll have to dig through some old texts.

However, I would expect that with increasing neutrons in the nucleus, there is a greater probability that one will undergo beta decay - i.e. a d-quark becomes and u-quark.

At some point, heavy nuclei (beyond Bi-209) have a probability of alpha (He-4) decay, with some transuranics capable of spontaneous fission. That has to with apparent oscillations within the nucleus.
  • #6
RubberDucky said:
By "control," I meant a somewhat correct way to determine when beta-decay should occur. I've also used hyperphysics before.. great website.

Well, you could try using some kind of code in step time increments and the average lifetime to determine the probability that as of that time step, the atom should have decayed, then use a random number generator to check to see if that probability has occured, but I imagine that would be a lot more trouble than it's worth.
  • #7
Ha.. that's what I've ended up using. It'll be more likely to beta decay the more neutrons there are. I even managed to have the electrons be particles and calculate whether it gets trapped in the nucleus. I'm pretty much ironing out some details though.. I'm not sure my sim is very accurate, but I can see some vague patterns.

Edit: Could you give me some background on the weirder parts of nuclear physics? I understand some of the more basic stuff like the Pauli Exclusion Principle and Coulombs Law, but I'm sort of clueless about the more complex and stranger theories. I've heard that maybe waves or quantum mechanics or other odd stuff may play a role (??). Maybe there's a good resource (that explains that not in detail, but terms that I can at least understand) that you could direct me to? Thanks
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  • #8
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  • #9
Very interesting paper. Of course, I don't understand all of it, but I'm beginning to get a vague idea of how it works.

FAQ: Nuclear Simulation- Beta Decay ?

What is nuclear simulation?

Nuclear simulation is a computer-based method used to model and study the behavior of nuclear systems. It involves creating a virtual representation of a nuclear system and using mathematical algorithms to simulate its behavior.

What is beta decay?

Beta decay is a type of radioactive decay in which an unstable atomic nucleus releases a beta particle (either an electron or a positron) and transforms into a different element.

Why is beta decay important in nuclear simulation?

Beta decay is important in nuclear simulation because it is a fundamental process in nuclear reactions and plays a crucial role in the stability and decay of atomic nuclei. By accurately simulating beta decay, scientists can better understand and predict the behavior of nuclear systems.

How is beta decay simulated?

Beta decay is simulated by using mathematical models and algorithms to calculate the probability of a beta particle being emitted from an unstable nucleus. These simulations also take into account factors such as energy levels, half-life, and decay modes.

What are the applications of nuclear simulation for beta decay?

Nuclear simulation for beta decay has many applications, including predicting the behavior of nuclear reactors, studying the effects of radiation on materials, and understanding the processes involved in nuclear medicine. It is also used to design and optimize experiments in nuclear physics research.
