Nuclear statistical equilibrium

In summary, this paper is about dense (and not too hot) nuclear matter in thermal equilibrium as it occurs in neutron stars. To understand neutron stars you need to know the equation of state, i.e., the relation between pressure and energy density. That's what this paper is about.
  • #1
Sorry, I have never found what does it mean Nuclear statistical equilibrium. It is used in any text but exact explanation nowhere.
Please explain a physical meaning of it.

Thank you.
Physics news on
  • #2
Hm, although working in nuclear physics, I've never heard the expression "nuclear statistical equilibrium". Do you have a concrete reference, where the term is used? There is a statistical hadronization model in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. Maybe you are referring to that?
  • #3
vanhees71 said:
Hm, although working in nuclear physics, I've never heard the expression "nuclear statistical equilibrium". Do you have a concrete reference, where the term is used? There is a statistical hadronization model in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. Maybe you are referring to that?
I deal with this paper...
I don't know if is possible to access online, but... This is stated in the introduction...for example


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  • #4
I see. This paper is about dense (and not too hot) nuclear matter in thermal equilibrium as it occurs in neutron stars. To understand neutron stars you need to know the equation of state, i.e., the relation between pressure and energy density. That's what this paper is about.

Note that there has been a lot of more research about this still very interesting issue!
  • #5
vanhees71 said:
I see. This paper is about dense (and not too hot) nuclear matter in thermal equilibrium as it occurs in neutron stars. To understand neutron stars you need to know the equation of state, i.e., the relation between pressure and energy density. That's what this paper is about.

Note that there has been a lot of more research about this still very interesting issue!
Oki I know it is about EoS in neutron star. But I'm not sure how to explain "nuclear statistical equilibrium". Does it mean that the reactions are in equilibrium? Why statistical. I understand thermodynamical equilibrium. What is the difference?
  • #6

Nuclear equilibrium means the same as in thermodynamics (thermodynamics for chemists, because particles can decay or scape/dissapear as neutrinos).

So, in a neutron star (beta-stable matter) you have
mu_n = mu_p + m_e

Inside a nucleus (beta-stable) you have
mu_n = mu_p (i
f it is not beta-stable, the chemical potentials will be different and it will try to decay to beta-stability)

In white dwarfs, electrons keep the pressure and nuclei the mass. If you want to compute the partition function of electrons you can do it normally, taking into account the electrons are relativistic.

The EoS is just the next step (application in astrophysics) of the research in theoretical models of nuclear force. As far as I know, the flow is something like:
-Model of nuclear force interaction (effective forces)
-Refine the model with experimental data (3000 isotopes sounds good, but not enough)
-Derive EoS
-Astrophysical part

You can find more information about the nuclear statistical equilibrium in books about "nuclear astrophysics", in the section about compact objects. Sorry, at this moment I don't remember any author/title.

  • #8
vanhees71 said:
Here's a good intro by my nuclear-astrophysics colleagues here at Goethe University Frankfurt:
Very nice indeed!
Thank you :)


FAQ: Nuclear statistical equilibrium

1. What is nuclear statistical equilibrium?

Nuclear statistical equilibrium is a state that occurs in the early universe, where the reactions between atomic nuclei are in a state of equilibrium. At this point, the temperature and density of the universe are high enough for nuclear reactions to occur frequently, and the reactions are balanced by reverse reactions.

2. How does nuclear statistical equilibrium relate to the formation of elements?

Nuclear statistical equilibrium is responsible for the formation of light elements such as hydrogen, helium, and lithium in the early universe. As the universe expands and cools, these elements can then go on to form more complex elements through stellar nucleosynthesis.

3. What factors affect the state of nuclear statistical equilibrium?

The temperature and density of the universe are the main factors that affect the state of nuclear statistical equilibrium. As the temperature and density decrease, the reactions between atomic nuclei become less frequent and eventually reach a state of non-equilibrium.

4. How is nuclear statistical equilibrium studied?

Nuclear statistical equilibrium can be studied through theoretical models and experiments. Scientists use computer simulations and mathematical equations to understand the conditions necessary for nuclear reactions to reach equilibrium. They also study the abundances of elements in the universe and compare them to predictions from nuclear statistical equilibrium models.

5. What are the applications of nuclear statistical equilibrium?

Nuclear statistical equilibrium has applications in astrophysics and nuclear physics. Understanding this process helps us to explain the abundances of elements in the universe and provides insights into the early stages of the universe's evolution. It also helps in the development of nuclear technologies and the study of nuclear reactions in stars and other astrophysical environments.

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