Nuclei Single-particles Harmonic Oscillator Potential

In summary: It explains the shell model in detail and provides equations for each shell. The book also has a table that lists the states and levels for every shell.
  • #1
I am looking into the calculations of a harmonic oscillator potential for nuclei single-particles. The information I am looking at is at: the specific section “Deformed harmonic oscillator approximated model”

The specific question is, I don’t understand why the l quantum number oscillates from 0 to 1 as n increases. Then after the first 2 levels the next series of l quantum numbers oscillates from 2 to 3 as n increases. And then again after 2 more levels the next series of l quantum numbers oscillates from 4 to 5. And of course all states at a particular level are added together to reflect the cumulative state as shown in the table. Here is a copy of the table that I am confused about which occurs right after the first two equations in that section.
“In particular, the first six shells are:
•level 0: 2 states (l = 0) = 2.
•level 1: 6 states (l = 1) = 6.
•level 2: 2 states (l = 0) + 10 states (l = 2) = 12.
•level 3: 6 states (l = 1) + 14 states (l = 3) = 20.
•level 4: 2 states (l = 0) + 10 states (l = 2) + 18 states (l = 4) = 30.
•level 5: 6 states (l = 1) + 14 states (l = 3) + 22 states (l = 5) = 42. “

Why don’t the levels/states go like this?

•level 0: (l = 0) = 2 >> 2 states
•level 1: (l = 0) = 2 +(l = 1) = 6 >> 8 states
•level 2: (l = 0) = 2 +(l = 1) = 6+(l = 2) = 10 >> 18 states
•level 3: (l = 0) = 2 +(l = 1) = 6+(l = 2) = 10+(l = 3) = 14 >> 32 states
•level 4: (l = 0) = 2 +(l = 1) = 6+(l = 2) = 10+(l = 3) = 14+ (l = 4) = 18 >> 50 states
•level 5: (l = 0) = 2 +(l = 1) = 6+(l = 2) = 10+(l = 3) = 14+ (l = 4) = 18 + (l = 5) = 22. >> 72 states

I understand how the states are calculated because of the table presented at the very top of this section. I just don’t understand how they determine which l states goes with each level.

Your insight would be appreciated.
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  • #2
You should not think "Level 0" means n=0 where n is the principal quantum number (same when you look at the wood-saxon + spin-orbit coupling).

level 0: 2 states (l = 0) = 2, means that this is the lowest lying energy level with L=0, i.e 1s, and it has 2states.

Then you next energy level will be:
level 1: 6 states (L = 1) = 6, i.e 1p

Now comes the fun part, solving this potential, you'll get that the 1d (the lowest lying L=2 states) and the SECOND lowest s (L=0) states have the same energy - i.e they are degenerate.

level 2: 2 states (l = 0) + 10 states (l = 2) = 12

And so on.

So how you should read that scheme is that the levels are ordered in energy, solve the S.Equation and look for yourself ;-)

I hope this helped a bit.
  • #3

Shows levels ordered by energy if you don't feel like solving any equations.

As Glenn said, it's not based upon their principal quantum number, but rather the energy level is based on the energy required to fill the subshells (which may have different principal quantum numbers).

Interestingly, notice that even levels only include even numbered subshells and odd levels only include odd numbered subshells.
  • #4
Wow! Thanks Guys,

That clears up a lot.

I greatly appreciate the help.
  • #5
So prob, we are here for you.

The Nuclear Shell Model by Kris Heyde

is a quite good book.

FAQ: Nuclei Single-particles Harmonic Oscillator Potential

1. What is a Nuclei Single-particles Harmonic Oscillator Potential?

A Nuclei Single-particles Harmonic Oscillator Potential is a theoretical model used in nuclear physics to describe the motion of nucleons (protons and neutrons) within the nucleus of an atom. It assumes that the nucleons behave like particles trapped in a three-dimensional harmonic oscillator potential.

2. How is the Nuclei Single-particles Harmonic Oscillator Potential used in nuclear physics research?

The Nuclei Single-particles Harmonic Oscillator Potential is used as a tool to study the structure and properties of atomic nuclei. It helps to explain the overall shape and stability of nuclei, as well as the behavior of individual nucleons within the nucleus.

3. What factors affect the behavior of nucleons in a Nuclei Single-particles Harmonic Oscillator Potential?

The behavior of nucleons in a Nuclei Single-particles Harmonic Oscillator Potential is affected by the strength of the potential, the mass of the nucleon, and the angular momentum (spin) of the nucleon.

4. What are some limitations of the Nuclei Single-particles Harmonic Oscillator Potential model?

One limitation of the Nuclei Single-particles Harmonic Oscillator Potential model is that it does not take into account the interactions between nucleons, which can significantly affect the behavior of the nucleus. Additionally, it assumes a spherical shape for the nucleus, which may not accurately reflect the true shape of all nuclei.

5. How does the Nuclei Single-particles Harmonic Oscillator Potential relate to the Shell Model of the atomic nucleus?

The Nuclei Single-particles Harmonic Oscillator Potential is a simplified version of the Shell Model, which also describes the motion of nucleons in the nucleus. The Shell Model takes into account the interactions between nucleons and allows for a more accurate prediction of nuclear properties, but the Nuclei Single-particles Harmonic Oscillator Potential is often used as a first approximation due to its simplicity.

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