Number of combinations of marbles in a bag

In summary, there are 10 possible arrangements of the 4 red, 3 yellow, 2 green, and 1 blue marbles if they are all different. If just 2 of the marbles are the same color, like the two green marbles, then there are 10!/2=500 total arrangements.
  • #1
EDITED: Should be permutations not combinations

Homework Statement

You have a bag of 10 marbles. There are 4 red marbles, 3 yellow, 2 green, and 1 blue marble. You remove them from the bag one of the time without replacement. Assuming each color of marble is identical and it doesn't matter which specific marble of each color is chosen, calculate the number of possible permutations in which you can remove the 10 marbles.

Homework Equations

If the specific marble picked did matter, the answer would be 10! but I'm not sure how to apply the different odds of the colors.

The Attempt at a Solution

I found the number of possible colors that can be picked for each draw.

1st: 4
2nd: 3, 4
3rd: 3, 4
4th: 2, 3, 4
5th: 2, 3
6th: 2, 3
7th: 1, 2, 3
8th: 1, 2
9th: 1, 2
10th: 1

Then I multiplied every possible value: (4*4)*(3*6)*(2*6)*(1*4)=13824

Am I doing this wrong? And is there a more efficient way to figure it out?
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  • #2
Hi moonbase,

This is a poorly stated problem since it asks to "calculate the number of possible combinations in which you can remove the 10 marbles". In this sort of mathematics, "combinations" means an arrangement in which order does not matter. So if you believe "combinations" is being used in its proper sense, the answer is 1: the combination consisting of 4 reds, 3 yellows, 2 greens, and 1 blue. But I think that's not what is intended; I think the order is supposed to matter.

So assuming the order is significant, my suggestion is to start by asking how many arrangements there would be if all 10 marbles were considered different. Then maybe you can find a way to compensate for the colors.

You first try is not correct. It might be made to work, but's tricky because the decisions you make at one point (for example, is the first marble blue?) affect the number of choices later on, and it would take a lot of book-keeping to keep everything straight.
  • #3
Oh okay I put the problem up from memory but I messed up the wording a bit. Anyway, I already know 10! is what it would be if they were all considered different, but I really have no idea where to go from there. Though I did realize this:

10 ncr 1 = 10
10 ncr 2 = 45
10 ncr 3 = 120
10 ncr 4 = 210

The sum of these is 385 but I don't think that's the correct answer because the possibilities overlap everywhere. Any other tips?
  • #4
awkward said:
This is a poorly stated problem since it asks to "calculate the number of possible combinations in which you can remove the 10 marbles". In this sort of mathematics, "combinations" means an arrangement in which order does not matter. So if you believe "combinations" is being used in its proper sense, the answer is 1: the combination consisting of 4 reds, 3 yellows, 2 greens, and 1 blue. But I think that's not what is intended; I think the order is supposed to matter.

Nicely stated !
  • #5
moonbase said:
Oh okay I put the problem up from memory but I messed up the wording a bit. Anyway, I already know 10! is what it would be if they were all considered different, but I really have no idea where to go from there. Though I did realize this:

10 ncr 1 = 10
10 ncr 2 = 45
10 ncr 3 = 120
10 ncr 4 = 210

The sum of these is 385 but I don't think that's the correct answer because the possibilities overlap everywhere. Any other tips?
OK, so the total number of arrangements is 10! if all the marbles are different. Now let's suppose that just two of the marbles are the same color, like the two green marbles, and all the others are different. Label the two green marbles [itex]G_1[/itex] and [itex]G_2[/itex]. In half the 10! arrangements, [itex]G_1[/itex] and [itex]G_2[/itex] appear in that order; in the other half, they appear in the order [itex]G_2[/itex] and [itex]G_1[/itex]. So we if consider [itex]G_1[/itex] and [itex]G_2[/itex] indistinguishable, there will be 10! / 2 total arrangements.

Think about what would happen if there were 3 green marbles, [itex]G_1[/itex], [itex]G_2[/itex] and [itex]G_3[/itex]. How many orders could they appear in? What would this do to the original 10! arrangements if they were indistinguishable? If you figure this out, then you should be able to extend the method to more colors pretty easily.
  • #6
Okay so it would be 10!/(1!2!3!4!)=12600. Thanks!

Related to Number of combinations of marbles in a bag

1. How do you calculate the number of combinations of marbles in a bag?

The number of combinations of marbles in a bag can be calculated using the formula nCr = n!/r!(n-r)!, where n is the total number of marbles in the bag and r is the number of marbles being selected at a time.

2. Can you provide an example of calculating combinations of marbles in a bag?

Sure, let's say we have a bag with 5 marbles and we want to know how many different combinations of 3 marbles we can have. Using the formula, nCr = 5!/3!(5-3)! = 5!/3!2! = (5*4*3*2*1)/(3*2*1)*(2*1) = 10. So, there are 10 different combinations of 3 marbles in a bag with 5 marbles.

3. What is the difference between combinations and permutations when it comes to marbles in a bag?

Combinations refer to the number of ways a set of items can be selected without considering the order, while permutations refer to the number of ways the same items can be arranged in a specific order. For example, combinations would tell us how many different groups of marbles can be selected from a bag, while permutations would tell us how many different ways those selected marbles can be arranged.

4. How does the number of marbles in the bag affect the number of combinations?

The number of marbles in the bag directly affects the number of combinations. As the number of marbles in the bag increases, the number of possible combinations also increases. This is because there are more marbles to choose from, resulting in a larger pool of possible combinations.

5. Can the same marble be included in multiple combinations in a bag?

No, the same marble cannot be included in multiple combinations in a bag. Each combination must have a unique set of marbles. For example, if we have a bag with 3 marbles and we are selecting 2 at a time, we cannot have a combination with the same marble selected twice. However, we can have combinations with different arrangements of the same set of marbles.

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