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How many divisors of $21600$ are divisible by $10$ but not by $15$?
The number of divisors a number has is important in understanding its properties and relationships with other numbers. A number with exactly 10 divisors, such as 21600, is known as a highly composite number. This means that it has more divisors than any other number less than it.
A number is divisible by 10 if it ends in a 0, which is the case for 21600. This means that when you divide 21600 by 10, there is no remainder and it is a whole number.
No, 21600 can only have 10 divisors because it is a highly composite number. It is not possible for it to have more than 10 divisors and still be divisible by 10.
The 10 divisors of 21600 are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, and 12. This means that 21600 can be evenly divided by each of these numbers, resulting in a whole number.
The number of divisors of a given number can be calculated by finding all of its prime factors and their exponents, and then adding 1 to each exponent and multiplying these numbers together. In the case of 21600, its prime factorization is 2^5 * 3^3 * 5^2, so the number of divisors is (5+1) * (3+1) * (2+1) = 10.