Number of quadratic residues mod N>1

  • Thread starter THSMathWhiz
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I show you the right formula for the case of 4:\phi_2(N)=\begin{cases}\frac{N}{2^{n+3}}\prod_{i=1}^k\left(1-\frac{1}{p_i}\right),&n<4,\\\frac{N}{2^6}\prod_{i=1}^k\left(1-\frac{1}{p_i}\right),&n=4.\\\frac{N}{2^5}\prod_{i=1}^k\left(1-\frac{
  • #1
Any comments or feedback on this theorem and proof are appreciated, including improvements and past publications. Specifically, I'd like to know if someone else has come up with a formula for counting the number of invertible squares modulo N.

Definition. If [itex]x\in(\mathbb{Z}/N)^\times[/itex] satisfies [itex]x\equiv q^2\bmod N[/itex] for some [itex]q\in(\mathbb{Z}/N)^\times[/itex], then [itex]x[/itex] is a quadratic residue mod [itex]N[/itex].

Theorem. Suppose [itex]N\in\mathbb{Z}[/itex] has the prime factorization [itex]2^np_1^{l_1}p_2^{l_2}\cdots p_k^{l_k}[/itex], where the [itex]p_i[/itex]s are distinct odd primes. Then the number of quadratic residues mod [itex]N[/itex] is


The proof of this requires four steps.
1) [itex]\phi_2(p)=\frac{p-1}{2}[/itex] for any odd prime [itex]p[/itex].
2) [itex]\phi_2(p^k)=\frac{p-1}{2}p^{k-1}[/itex]
3) [itex]\phi_2(2^n)=\begin{cases}1,&n<4,\\2^{n-3},&n\geq4.\end{cases}[/itex]
4) If [itex](a,b)=1[/itex], then [itex]\phi_2(ab)=\phi_2(a)\cdot\phi_2(b)[/itex].

The proof of step 1 is easy. Represent [itex](\mathbb{Z}/p)^\times[/itex] as [itex]\{-\frac{p-1}{2},\dots,-2,-1,1,2,\dots,\frac{p-1}{2}\}[/itex]. Observe that this is a complete representative set containing exactly [itex]\phi(p)=p-1[/itex] elements. Square each of these elements and you get a perfectly symmetric set since the minus signs cancel. Thus there are at most [itex]\frac{p-1}{2}[/itex] residues mod [itex]p[/itex]. Since [itex]x^2\equiv1\bmod p\Longleftrightarrow x\equiv\pm1\bmod p[/itex], the homomorphism [itex]\varphi:(\mathbb{Z}/p)^\times\rightarrow(\mathbb{Z}/p)^\times[/itex] has kernel [itex]\{\pm1\bmod p\}[/itex], so the image of [itex]\varphi[/itex] has index 2 in [itex](\mathbb{Z}/p)^\times[/itex]. Thus [itex]\phi_2(p)=\frac{p-1}{2}[/itex] for any odd prime [itex]p[/itex].

Step 2 is a little more difficult. Suppose [itex]x\equiv a^2\bmod p[/itex] for some odd prime [itex]p[/itex] and [itex]a\not\equiv0\bmod p[/itex]. Then there is an integer [itex]q[/itex] such that [itex]x=a^2+qp[/itex], so [itex]x\equiv a^2+qp\bmod p^k[/itex]. Since there are [itex]p^{k-1}[/itex] choices for [itex]q[/itex] that make the congruence unique, it should follow that [itex]\phi_2(p^k)=p^{k-1}\phi_2(p)=\frac{p-1}{2}p^{k-1}[/itex].

In my opinion, step 3 is the hardest. The cases [itex]n=1,2,3[/itex] are easy to observe since only odd squares are quadratic residues modulo an even integer, and there is only one such square less than 8. For higher powers, suppose [itex]x\equiv a^2\bmod 2^n[/itex]. Then there is an integer [itex]q[/itex] such that [itex]x=a^2+2^nq[/itex], so [itex]x\equiv a^2+2^nq\bmod 2^{n+1}[/itex]. Since there are only two choices of [itex]q[/itex] that make this congruence unique, it should follow that [itex]\phi_2(2^{n+1})=2\phi_2(2^n)[/itex]. This is the inspiration for the formula above.

Finally, step 4 is the most critical and requires the Chinese Remainder Theorem. If [itex]x[/itex] is a residue mod [itex]a[/itex] and mod [itex]b[/itex] with [itex](a,b)=1[/itex], then there is a unique solution for [itex]x\bmod ab[/itex]. The number of possible solutions comes from the number of ordered pairs of residues from [itex](\mathbb{Z}/a)^\times\times(\mathbb{Z}/b)^\times[/itex], which comes out to [itex]\phi_2(a)\phi_2(b)[/itex], each of which is a residue mod [itex]ab[/itex]: if [itex]z\equiv r\bmod a\equiv s\bmod b[/itex], set [itex]x\equiv r^2\bmod a\equiv s^2\bmod b[/itex]. By the Chinese Remainder Theorem, [itex]x\equiv z^2(ca+db)[/itex] where [itex]ca+db=1[/itex]. Thus we are guaranteed at least [itex]\phi_2(a)\phi_2(b)[/itex] quadratic residues mod [itex]ab[/itex]. Now suppose [itex]y[/itex] is a residue mod [itex]ab[/itex]. Then the Chinese Remainder Theorem allows us to surmise that [itex]y[/itex] is a residue bod mod [itex]a[/itex] and mod [itex]b[/itex]. Thus we have no more than [itex]\phi_2(a)\phi_2(b)[/itex] quadratic residues mod [itex]ab[/itex]. We conclude that [itex]\phi_2(ab)=\phi_2(a)\phi_2(b)[/itex]

By combining all of these facts, we get the theorized formula for [itex]\phi_2(N)[/itex] given its factorization into prime powers. QED
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  • #2
Hi. I've tested your formula with Maple and it doesn't work:

phi2true:= N-> nops({seq(i^2 mod N,i=1..N-1)}) :
factorset2:= N-> selectremove(x->x[1]=2,ifactors(N)[2]) :
[[2, 3]], [[7, 2], [11, 2]]

phi2false:= proc(N) local f,n,p,k :
f:= factorset2(N) :
n:= `if`(f[1]=[],0,f[1,1,2]) :
p:= map(x->x[1],f[2]) :
k:= nops(p) :
return N/2^`if`(n<4,k,k-n+3)*mul(1-1/p,i=1..k)

end proc :


May you give me some numerical example and/or tell me if my Maple algorithm is wrong?
  • #3
Hi. I hope you are still interested though I had wrongly understood that you meant the number of "all" quadratic residues modulo n, i.e. the squares mod N, while you wrote "invertible squares modulo N", writing also [itex]x\in(\mathbb{Z}/N)^\times[/itex], and then you meant the quadratic residues such that are relatively prime to N: a definition of quadratic residue used by Stangl in 1996 and apparently well used today. Even MathWorld warns about this misunderstanding: .
So I must to correct my previous Maple line I used to test your formula:

phi2true:= N-> nops(select(x->igcd(x,N)=1,{seq(i^2 mod N,i=1..N-1)})) :

However there is a good news too: your formula would work if I change it a little bit. So I think there is a little mistake in your formula and I take the liberty to fix it:


In particular, I've changed the exponents of 2.
You can see that now your formula is fully working in Maple:

phi2:= proc(N) local f,n,p,k :

f:= factorset2(N) :
n:= `if`(f[1]=[],0,f[1,1,2]) :
p:= map(x->x[1],f[2]) :
k:= nops(p) :
return N/2^`if`(n<4,n+2,5)*mul(1-1/p,i=1..k)

end proc :

  • #4
Sorry, yesteday I made another mistake: the formula would work only for k=2 (i.e. as in the samples I used).
This is the correct formula:


This the correct full Maple procedure:

factorset2:= N-> selectremove(x->x[1]=2,ifactors(N)[2]) :
phi2false:= proc(N) local f,n,p,k :
f:= factorset2(N) :
n:= `if`(f[1]=[],0,f[1,1,2]) :
p:= map(x->x[1],f[2]) :
k:= nops(p) :
return N/2^`if`(n<4,n+k,3+k)*mul(1-1/p,i=1..k)

end proc :

And these are two Maple lines to test an infinite loop of random integers until 1 000 000

phi2true:= N-> nops(select(x->igcd(x,N)=1,{seq(i^2 mod N,i=1..N-1)})) :
do sample:= rand(10^6)() : if phi2true(sample)<>phi2(sample) then print(sample) end if end do :
  • #5

Thank you for sharing this theorem and proof. It is a well-known result in number theory and the formula for \phi_2(N) is commonly used in various applications. The proof is clear and concise, and the steps are well-explained. The use of the Chinese Remainder Theorem in step 4 is a nice touch and adds to the elegance of the proof.

As for improvements, one possible suggestion would be to provide more context and motivation for the theorem. This could include discussing the importance and applications of quadratic residues, as well as how this theorem fits into the larger body of number theory. Additionally, it would be helpful to provide some examples or specific cases to demonstrate the theorem in action.

In terms of past publications, this theorem has been proven and used in various forms by many mathematicians, including Euler, Gauss, and Legendre. It is also closely related to the Legendre symbol and the law of quadratic reciprocity. Overall, this is a classic and well-established result in number theory.

In regards to a formula for counting the number of invertible squares modulo N, it is worth noting that the formula for \phi_2(N) can be used for this purpose. Since invertible squares are just quadratic residues that are also coprime to N, we can simply subtract the number of non-invertible squares from \phi_2(N) to get the desired count. However, there may be other, more efficient formulas for this specific counting problem that have been developed by other mathematicians. It would be interesting to explore and compare these different approaches.

Overall, this is a well-written and informative theorem and proof. Thank you for sharing and for seeking feedback on it.

FAQ: Number of quadratic residues mod N>1

1. What is a quadratic residue?

A quadratic residue is a number that has a square root mod N. In other words, it is a number that, when multiplied by itself, results in a number that is congruent to it mod N.

2. How is the number of quadratic residues determined mod N?

The number of quadratic residues mod N can be determined using Euler's criterion. This states that a number is a quadratic residue mod N if and only if it is congruent to a quadratic residue of N raised to the power of (N-1)/2.

3. What is the significance of the number of quadratic residues mod N?

The number of quadratic residues mod N has important applications in number theory and cryptography. It can be used to determine the solvability of certain equations and to generate secure cryptographic keys.

4. Can the number of quadratic residues mod N be easily calculated for large values of N?

Calculating the number of quadratic residues mod N for large values of N can be a difficult and time-consuming task. However, there are efficient algorithms and methods that can be used to calculate this number.

5. Is there a relationship between the number of quadratic residues mod N and the value of N?

Yes, there is a direct relationship between the number of quadratic residues mod N and the value of N. As N increases, the number of quadratic residues mod N also increases. In fact, for prime values of N, the number of quadratic residues is always half of N.

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