Number of Zeros at the End of 1962

  • Thread starter Kartik.
  • Start date
In summary, the number of trailing zeroes in a factorial can be determined by summing the series \sum\limits_{k=1}^{+\infty} \left\lfloor\dfrac{n}{5^k}\right\rfloor, with the exception of powers of 10 which can be calculated using (10n-2n)/4. This is useful for finding the number of trailing zeroes in factorials of very large numbers.
  • #1
We want to know how many zeros appear at the end of the number 'N' = 1962!
In the solution of it,
We break the number N in a prime numbers notation and which looks like N = 2^a1 x 3^a2 x 5^a3...p^a(n), so as the question the asks about the zeros in the the product we are concerned about the numbers a1 and a3, as for now because they yield a zero and also about those factors of N which will yield them too.To determine a3, we take that every factor of N divisible by 5 will yield one 5 and so the number of such factors will be 1962/5(and that is my question?) .
What exactly will the 1962/5 provide us with?
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  • #2
Kartik. said:
We want to know how many zeros appear at the end of the number 'N' = 1962!
In the solution of it,
We break the number N in a prime numbers notation and which looks like N = 2^a1 x 3^a2 x 5^a3...p^a(n), so as the question the asks about the zeros in the the product we are concerned about the numbers a1 and a3, as for now because they yield a zero and also about those factors of N which will yield them too.To determine a3, we take that every factor of N divisible by 5 will yield one 5 and so the number of such factors will be 1962/5(and that is my question?) .
What exactly will the 1962/5 provide us with?
You also need to consider some of those numbers are divisible by 25, 125...
  • #3
Hi kartik
1962! is 1*2*3*...*1962
so just look at this sequence of numbers:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...9, 10, ..., 14, 15, ...1960, 1961, 1962
As you can see, you have a '5'... every 5 steps :)
So 1962/5 is how many times you will get a factor 5 and this is a3

  • #4
oli4 said:
Hi kartik
1962! is 1*2*3*...*1962
so just look at this sequence of numbers:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...9, 10, ..., 14, 15, ...1960, 1961, 1962
As you can see, you have a '5'... every 5 steps :)
So 1962/5 is how many times you will get a factor 5 and this is a3


No, a3 will be more than that. See my previous post.
  • #5
Yes you are correct haruspex, your post wasn't there while I was posting mine
Indeed, the higher powers of 5 must be considered too, fortunately there are not too many of them and they can be added in by hand
  • #6
What haruspex said in general can be formed up as a sum. Say for n!

[tex]Q = \left [\frac{n}{5} \right ] + \left [ \frac{n}{5^2} \right ] + \left [ \frac{n}{5^3} \right ] + ... \left [ \frac{n}{5^t} \right ][/tex]

Q is the number of times the factorial can be divided by 5, and hence 10.

The sum ends(or each term becomes 0) when 5t exceeds n.

This in fact, is a particular case to obtain the number of prime divisors of any positive integer factorial.
  • #7
" we are concerned about the numbers a1 and a3, as for now because they yield a zero and also about those factors of N which will yield them too"

I did write about the factors which will also yield a 'n' number of 5s and 2s.

Infinitum and oli4 are quite convincing, thank you.
  • #8
i asked this question once on Yahoo! Answers

i asked how many trailing zeroes does the factorial of 1 million have?. I did manage to calculate the # of zeroes in Mathematica, but i wanted to know the theory behind it.

A man answered that you can use "Sterling's asymptotic formula" which is used to approximate factorials at very large values. He managed to find the EXACT number of trailing zeroes i found using Mathematica. i was truly amazed by this :D
  • #9
Even for numbers up to 1 million, the sum [itex]\sum\limits_{k=1}^{+\infty} \left\lfloor\dfrac{n}{5^k}\right\rfloor[/itex] only contains 8 terms, namely 200 000, 40 000, 8 000, 1 600, 320, 64, 12, 2, which makes a total of 249 998 trailing zeroes.
  • #10
For powers of 10 it's really easy. You can sum the series to get (10n-2n)/4. I think whoever claimed to use Sterling's formula was kidding.

Related to Number of Zeros at the End of 1962

1. How many zeros are at the end of the number 1962?

There are zero zeros at the end of the number 1962.

2. Why does the number 1962 have no zeros at the end?

The number 1962 is an odd number, which means it cannot be divided evenly by 10, resulting in no zeros at the end.

3. Is there a specific rule for determining the number of zeros at the end of a number?

Yes, the number of zeros at the end of a number is determined by the number of times it can be divided by 10 without a remainder. For example, the number 100 can be divided by 10 twice without a remainder, resulting in two zeros at the end.

4. Can the number of zeros at the end of a number change if the number is multiplied or divided?

Yes, the number of zeros at the end of a number can change when the number is multiplied or divided. For example, if the number 200 is multiplied by 10, it will have one additional zero at the end (2000).

5. What is the significance of the number of zeros at the end of a number?

The number of zeros at the end of a number can indicate the magnitude or scale of the number. For example, a number with more zeros at the end is a larger number than a number with fewer or no zeros at the end.

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