Number Theory: Inverse of 0 mod n? Chinese Remainder Theorem

In summary, the system x = n (mod n+1) for n = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 can be simplified to x = n (mod n+1) for n = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 if x = 0 (mod 7).
  • #1
I am doing a Chinese remainder theorem question and one of the equations is [itex]x \equiv 0[/itex] (mod 7). This would mean that x is a multiple of 7, but how do I use it in conjunction with the Chinese remainder theorem? Do I just ignore that equation, use the CRT on the rest of the system, and then once I get an answer, make sure it is also a multiple of 7? (this is my guess, but I am not 100% sure). Thanks!
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  • #2
might help if you posted the remaining equations...the CRT is suppose ot have a couple more congruent relations.
  • #3

Here is the system:

& x \equiv 1 \ \text{(mod 2)} \\
& x \equiv 2 \ \text{(mod 3)} \\
& x \equiv 4 \ \text{(mod 5)} \\
& x \equiv 0 \ \text{(mod 7)}
\end{align*}[/tex]edit... In fact, here is the original question, if that may be of help too:

There are n eggs in a basket. If eggs are removed from the basket 2,3,4,5, and 6 at a time, there remain 1,2,3,4, and 5 eggs in the basket respectively. If eggs are removed from the basket 7 at a time, no eggs remain in the basket. What is the smallest possible number of eggs the basket could have contained?

I got to the system I have above by breaking down the mod 4 and mod 6 equations into their primes, and deleting the duplicates.
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  • #4
How exactly did you decide to eliminate the mod 4 and mod 6 equations? The mod 4 equation implies the mod 2 equation, and the mod 6 equation implies the mod 3 equation, so you can eliminate the mod 2 and mod 3 equation. The problem starts off telling you that x = n (mod n+1) for n = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. This is equivalent to saying that x = n (mod n+1) for n = 3, 4, 5 [i.e. you can get rid of the mod 2 and mod 3 equations, like I've already said]. But this isn't equivalent to x = n (mod n+1) for n = 1, 2, 4. For example, x=29 satisfies these three equations, but doesn't satisfy the original equations you were given.

Now it turns out that when you include the equation x = 0 (mod 7), THEN

x = n (mod n+1) for n = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; x = 0 (mod 7)

x = n (mod n+1) for n = 3, 4, 5; x = 0 (mod 7)

x = n (mod n+1) for n = 1, 2, 4; x = 0 (mod 7)

become equivalent. Did you take the mod 7 equation into account when coming up with your system, or was it just luck?

Anyways, the CRT doesn't tell you how to find x (the proof does), it just tells you x exists and is unique (modulo something) if the system satisfies certain conditions. Don't worry about the CRT, just think of how you might find a number which satisfies

x = n (mod n+1) for n = 3, 4, 5; x = 0 (mod 7)

or, if you have a good reason for why

x = n (mod n+1) for n = 1, 2, 4; x = 0 (mod 7)

is equivalent to

x = n (mod n+1) for n = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; x = 0 (mod 7)

then think about how you'd find a number satisfying:

x = n (mod n+1) for n = 1, 2, 4; x = 0 (mod 7)

It's a lot easier, actually, when you think of the congruence x = n (mod n+1) to be x = -1 (mod n+1). First, find a number x' satisfying the congruences other than x = 0 (mod 7). If this number itself is not a multiple of 7, you need to keep adding multiples of a certain number N to x' until you have x' + kN is a multiple of 7. That sounds a little vague, hope it was clear enough though.
  • #5
What I did with the mod 4 and mod 6 equations was incorrect. I had not realized it until I re-read one of the propositions:
[tex](x,y)=1, a \equiv b \ \text{(mod x) and} \ a \equiv b \ \text{(mod y)} \Leftrightarrow a \equiv b \ \text{(mod xy)}[/tex]

(well the mod 6 was OK since (2,3) = 1, but the mod 4 was not OK since (2,2) = 1).

Thanks for the clarity!
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  • #6
mattmns said:
I am doing a Chinese remainder theorem question and one of the equations is [itex]x \equiv 0[/itex] (mod 7). This would mean that x is a multiple of 7, but how do I use it in conjunction with the Chinese remainder theorem?
It shouldn't affect anything: 0 is not a special case. You shouldn't need to invert it.

FAQ: Number Theory: Inverse of 0 mod n? Chinese Remainder Theorem

1. What is the inverse of 0 mod n in Number Theory?

The inverse of 0 mod n in Number Theory refers to the number that, when multiplied by 0 and then taken mod n, results in a remainder of 1. In other words, it is the number that, when multiplied by 0, gives the identity element in the group of integers mod n.

2. How do you find the inverse of 0 mod n?

The inverse of 0 mod n can be found using the Extended Euclidean Algorithm. This algorithm involves finding the greatest common divisor (GCD) of 0 and n, and then using a series of calculations to determine the inverse. It is a useful tool in the Chinese Remainder Theorem.

3. What is the significance of the inverse of 0 mod n in the Chinese Remainder Theorem?

In the Chinese Remainder Theorem, the inverse of 0 mod n is used to solve systems of congruences. It is a crucial step in finding the unique solution to such systems. The Chinese Remainder Theorem states that if the moduli in the system are relatively prime, then a unique solution exists.

4. Can the inverse of 0 mod n exist for all values of n?

No, the inverse of 0 mod n does not exist for all values of n. In fact, it only exists if n and 0 are relatively prime. This means that they do not share any common factors other than 1. If they are not relatively prime, then the inverse of 0 mod n does not exist.

5. Are there any real-world applications of the inverse of 0 mod n and the Chinese Remainder Theorem?

Yes, the Chinese Remainder Theorem and the concept of the inverse of 0 mod n have numerous real-world applications. They are commonly used in cryptography, specifically in the RSA algorithm for secure data transmission. They are also used in error-correcting codes and in the fields of engineering and computer science.
