Numerical Analysis and Real Analysis in one semester?

In summary, the speaker recommends taking the Intro to Numerical Analysis and Real Analysis 1 courses alongside 2 statistics courses and a history class. They suggest creating a schedule that balances technical courses with humanities and extracurricular activities. They also mention that both courses require a strong background in math and programming. Real Analysis may require more work, but it can be supplemented with online lectures. Overall, the speaker believes that with proper preparation and time management, these courses can be manageable.
  • #1

I am thinking of taking Intro to Numerical Analysis and Real Analysis 1 course next semester, but was wondering if maybe that'll be too much of a load? Is numerical analysis a tough course? These courses will be taken alongside 2 other statistics courses and maybe a history class.

Any advice is appreciated,

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  • #2
That should be an ok load assuming the stats courses come easy to you and the history isn't an overwhelming amount of reading. Real analysis will probably require a lot of time outside class doing exercises and proofs. Numerical analysis will most likely have computer lab assignments pretty regularly. I always stuck to a schedule of 2 technical (math/science/computer) classes, 1 humanity/language, 1 music theory/history, and then my lessons and ensembles, which was usually a 13-14 credit load, but I was a MUSIC MAJOR (where a 1 credit lesson required 2-3 hours of practice each day, and a 1 credit ensemble = 3x 4 hour rehearsals, plus I worked 20 hours a week at my part-time job. If you've taken 4 math/stats/computer courses before in a semester, plus one gen-ed and handled it well considering all the other stuff that may be in your schedule, then there's no reason this next semester will give you any trouble.

Most courses in numerical analysis require you've had calc 2, differential equations, linear algebra, and know a little something about programming (any language). The goal is to learn how to model problems and arrive at numerical solutions using a computer (sometimes by hand + basic desk calculator just for "having done it" ). An assignment we had early in the semester was to use excel to solve definite integrals, and some differential equations. This was over a decade ago, so maybe classes now don't do exercises like that anymore with , but eh whatever, should give you a small idea of what you'll be doing / that it is [was] a more computer focused course.

Real Analysis usually requires that you've had the whole calc sequence, linear algebra, and some sort of intro to proofs / abstract math course. Some real analysis courses could actually be taught along with calculus if done correctly, but that's probably not an issue, nor is this a thread to discuss the merits of that line of pedagogy.

Assuming you have those, you should be fine with both of them. You're not really going to be learning stuff in one that requires exact skills from the other one. Considering it's probably your first abstract course, real analysis will most likely be more work unless the numerical analysis class requires absolutely insane projects.

I would make sure to read ahead on the real analysis course so you're not going into lecture blind and just taking notes. If the lecture is a refresher, you can take more illuminating notes. Harvey Mudd put up full lectures on youtube that are pretty good, probably not the most rigorous, but certainly will help if you need some extra lecture time on certain topics during your first semester of analysis.

Good luck.
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Related to Numerical Analysis and Real Analysis in one semester?

1. What is the difference between Numerical Analysis and Real Analysis?

Numerical Analysis is a branch of mathematics that focuses on developing algorithms and methods for solving mathematical problems on a computer. This includes techniques such as interpolation, approximation, and optimization. Real Analysis, on the other hand, is a branch of mathematics that deals with the study of real numbers and their properties. It involves the use of rigorous proofs and theorems to understand and analyze functions and their behavior.

2. Why are Numerical Analysis and Real Analysis often taught together in one semester?

Numerical Analysis and Real Analysis complement each other in many ways. While Numerical Analysis provides practical methods for solving mathematical problems, Real Analysis provides the theoretical foundation for these methods. By studying both subjects together, students can gain a deeper understanding of the concepts and techniques involved in solving mathematical problems.

3. What are some common applications of Numerical Analysis and Real Analysis?

Numerical Analysis has numerous applications in science, engineering, and finance. It is used to solve problems in fields such as physics, chemistry, and computer graphics. Real Analysis has applications in areas such as calculus, differential equations, and complex analysis. It is also used in fields such as economics, statistics, and signal processing.

4. What are some important topics covered in a one-semester course on Numerical Analysis and Real Analysis?

Some important topics covered in such a course may include numerical methods for solving equations, interpolation and approximation techniques, numerical integration and differentiation, convergence and error analysis, real number systems, sequences and series, continuity and differentiability, and theorems such as the Intermediate Value Theorem and the Mean Value Theorem.

5. What skills can I expect to gain from studying Numerical Analysis and Real Analysis?

Studying Numerical Analysis and Real Analysis can help develop analytical thinking, problem-solving, and critical reasoning skills. It can also improve one's ability to use technology and software for mathematical computations. Additionally, the theoretical foundations learned in Real Analysis can be applied in various fields, while the practical methods learned in Numerical Analysis can be useful in solving real-world problems.

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