Numerical calculation of tunneling probability

In summary, the conversation discusses the calculation of tunneling probability for a wave function in a double well potential. The wave function starts in the left well and the question is about what needs to be found in order to show tunneling. Tunneling is defined as when a particle reaches a region that is classically forbidden, such as jumping over a potential barrier that it doesn't have enough energy to overcome. The probability of tunneling is the integral of the squared wave function over the forbidden region. To find the tunneling probability for reaching the right part of the well, the goal is to determine the probability of the particle being on the right side. The person speaking has a basic understanding of tunneling but is still new to the subject.
  • #1
Hi, I am trying to numerically calculate the tunneling probability for a wave function |psi> as a function of x. I have a double well potential. The wave function is initially in the left well. I do not know what exactly I have to find to show tunneling: the probability of being on the left well or the average value of x to see how it varies with time or something else. I need someone's help about this.
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  • #2
it is my understanding that tunneling is basically if a particle gets to a classically forbidden region... i.e. jumping over a potential barrier that it doesn't have enough energy to get through. The probability of tunneling would then be the integral of the wave function squared over the region that it should not be in. So to find the tunneling probability to get to the right part of the well, you are trying to find the probability that the particle is on the right, somewhere. (that's of course given that it doesn't have enough energy to get there without tunneling)
that's my understanding, but I only took 2 courses in Quantum Mechanics, so I'm still very much a newbie :)
  • #3

Hi there,

Calculating the tunneling probability for a wave function |psi> as a function of x can be a complex task. The tunneling probability is a measure of the likelihood that a particle will pass through a potential barrier, such as the double well potential you described. It is important to note that this probability is not a constant value, but rather a function of both the energy of the particle and the shape of the potential barrier.

To calculate the tunneling probability, you will need to use a numerical method, such as a Monte Carlo simulation, to solve the Schrödinger equation for your wave function |psi>. This will allow you to determine the probability of the particle being in the left well or tunneling to the right well at a given point in time.

Alternatively, you could also calculate the average value of x for the wave function |psi> over time to see how it varies. This would give you an indication of the particle's position and how it evolves over time.

I would recommend consulting with a physicist or using a specialized software program to assist with your calculations. Additionally, further research on the topic of tunneling probability and its calculation may also be helpful.

I hope this helps and good luck with your calculations!

FAQ: Numerical calculation of tunneling probability

1. What is tunneling probability?

Tunneling probability refers to the likelihood of a particle or object to pass through a barrier or potential energy barrier, despite not having enough energy to overcome it. This phenomenon is explained by the principles of quantum mechanics and plays a crucial role in various scientific fields such as nuclear physics, solid state physics, and chemistry.

2. How is tunneling probability calculated?

Tunneling probability is typically calculated using Schrödinger's equation, which describes the quantum behavior of particles. This equation takes into account the energy, mass, and potential energy of the particle and the properties of the barrier it is trying to pass through. Various numerical methods, such as the WKB approximation and the finite difference method, can be used to solve this equation and determine the tunneling probability.

3. What factors affect tunneling probability?

The tunneling probability of a particle can be affected by several factors, including the thickness and shape of the barrier, the energy of the particle, and the strength of the potential energy barrier. Additionally, the quantum properties of the particle, such as its mass and wave function, can also influence its tunneling probability.

4. How is tunneling probability relevant in real-life applications?

Tunneling probability has various practical applications, such as in nuclear fusion reactions, where it plays a crucial role in the energy production process. It also has implications in the development of electronic devices, such as tunneling transistors, and in the design of scanning tunneling microscopes, which are used to image surfaces at the atomic level.

5. Is tunneling probability a deterministic or probabilistic phenomenon?

Tunneling probability is a probabilistic phenomenon, meaning that it cannot be predicted with certainty. According to the principles of quantum mechanics, the behavior of particles at the subatomic level is inherently probabilistic, and the tunneling probability of a particle is subject to uncertainty. However, through numerical calculations, we can estimate the likelihood of a particle tunneling through a barrier.

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