Numerical integration - optimisation of code

In summary, the conversation is about finding the area under a non-Gaussian curve accurately and efficiently. Suggestions were given to use Gaussian quadrature instead of a regular grid and to take advantage of symmetry if the function is symmetric. It is also mentioned that Matlab may be slow for this task and using C or Fortran may be faster. However, the speaker is limited to using Matlab and will look into using Matlab's numerical quadrature functions to solve the problem.
  • #1

I have a function which is very similar in shape to a Gaussian, except it is not a distribution and it is not analytic, so I can at best calculate a single point on the curve at a time. (In general it is a convolution of different distributions but this is not important).

I need to find the area under this curve accurately, using the least amount of calculations (I need to find the area under ~1,000 curves and right now it is taking about 5 seconds per curve to get within about 1% accuracy, ideally the code needs to perform this in real time! ).My first try was to use a regular grid, eg. -10:0.01:10 for 2001 points, then the area (under)approximated by the sum of the values/100, the resolution. Varying the range and resolution of integration get me close to the "true" value but it takes too long, and I think I am wasting high resolution on the tail.
My next idea for optimisation is to have a grid which has more resolution at the areas of highest slope (does this make mathematical sense? I think...). I am having trouble justifying this and do not really know where to begin to implement it.

If anyone could point me to the right direction, I am sure this has been done before.

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  • #2
Some suggestions:
  • Don't use a regular grid. Look into something like Gaussian quadrature.
  • Is the function symmetric? If so, find the center and integrate half of the domain.
  • That you said "-10:0.01:10" suggests you are doing this in Matlab. Matlab is 10-100 times slower than C or Fortran.
  • #3
Added clarification to 2nd bullet in case it wasn't obvious to the OP.
D H said:
Some suggestions:
  • Don't use a regular grid. Look into something like Gaussian quadrature.
  • Is the function symmetric? If so, find the center and integrate half of the domain, and then double the result.
  • That you said "-10:0.01:10" suggests you are doing this in Matlab. Matlab is 10-100 times slower than C or Fortran.
  • #4
Thanks for the replies. I'll look into Gaussian quadrature.

I feel silly not having thought of the symmetry of the curve, since I know exactly where the centre is already. Unfortunately I don't have access to C or Fortran, and my code needs to integrate with a lot of other code I have already written in MATLAB.

I didn't realize it was so slow though? How can it be so slow?
  • #5
You most certainly do have access to C. C/C++ comes bundled with the system if you are working on a Linux machine or a Mac. If you are working on a Windows machine, there are plenty of free C/C++ compilers available, some directly from Microsoft.

Matlab is a nice tool for developing an initial solution to some problem. It's graphics are phenomenal. It has huge libraries of tools and techniques. However, it is slow. It is an interpreted language.

Since you are using Matlab, learn to use the huge set of tools and techniques that are an integral part of Matlab. Look into Matlab's numerical quadrature routines. Matlab supplies a Gaussian quadrature function, and it is rather smart (adaptive). You do not need to reinvent the wheel here; besides, your wheel won't look as nice as Matlab's wheel. All you need to supply is the function and the integration interval to Matlab's Gaussian quadrature function -- and this can be an infinite interval with that function.

FAQ: Numerical integration - optimisation of code

1. What is numerical integration and why is it important?

Numerical integration is a method used to approximate the definite integral of a function by dividing it into smaller intervals and calculating the area under the curve. It is important in many areas of science and engineering, as it allows us to solve complex mathematical problems that cannot be solved analytically.

2. What is the difference between numerical integration and analytical integration?

Numerical integration involves using numerical methods to approximate the integral of a function, while analytical integration involves finding the exact solution using mathematical techniques. Numerical integration is often used when the integral cannot be solved analytically.

3. How do you optimize code for numerical integration?

There are several ways to optimize code for numerical integration, such as using more efficient algorithms, reducing the number of function evaluations, and parallelizing the code to run on multiple processors. It is also important to carefully choose the integration method based on the properties of the function being integrated.

4. What are the common sources of error in numerical integration?

There are several sources of error in numerical integration, including round-off error from using finite precision arithmetic, truncation error from using an approximation of the function, and convergence error from using an insufficient number of intervals. These errors can be reduced by using more accurate algorithms and increasing the number of intervals.

5. Can numerical integration be used for all types of functions?

No, numerical integration is not suitable for all types of functions. It is most effective for smooth, continuous functions, and may not provide accurate results for functions with sharp changes or discontinuities. In these cases, other methods such as Monte Carlo integration may be more appropriate.
