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I have defined a series of functions below with the end function `fA` being inserted for a numerical integration. The integration is with respect with one variable so the other arguments are passed as numeric so that the integration method (quad) may proceed
The code up to here is runnable and returns a correct function by uncommenting the last print command. I now want to integrate this last function over `ktsq` as follows,
The problem is where I try to get a number out from this integration by specifying numerical values for each of the other parameters. The error is
Can't calculate 1st derivative wrt 989.426138911118.`
My only interpretation of this is that the method cannot cope with the complexity of the function (even though I think it is relatively simple in structure) because I did not define any more derivatives and certainly not with respect to this value. If that's correct, is there an easy fix?
import numpy
import math as m
import scipy
import sympy
#define constants
gammaee = 5.55e-6
MJpsi = 3.096916
alphaem = 1/137
lambdasq = 0.09
Ca = 3
qOsq = 2
def qbarsq(qsq):
return (qsq+MJpsi**2)/4
def xx(qbarsq, w):
return 4*qbarsq/(4*qbarsq-MJpsi**2+w**2)
from sympy import *
x,NN,a,b,ktsq,qbarsq,w = symbols('x NN a b ktsq qbarsq w')
def xg(a,b,NN,ktsq,x):
return NN*(x**(-a))*(ktsq**b)*exp(sqrt((16*Ca/9)*log(1/x)*log((log(ktsq/lambdasq))/(log(qOsq/lambdasq)))))
#prints symbolic derivative of xg
def func(NN,a,b,x,ktsq):
return (-x*diff(log(xg(a,b,NN,ktsq,x)),x))
#prints symbolic expression for Rg
def Rg(NN,a,b,ktsq,x):
return 2**(2*func(NN,a,b,x,ktsq)+3)/sqrt(m.pi)*gamma(func(NN,a,b,x,ktsq)+5/2)/gamma(func(NN,a,b,x,ktsq)+4)
#prints symbolic expression for Fktsq
def FktsqDeriv(NN,a,b,x,ktsq):
return diff(Rg(NN,a,b,ktsq,x)*xg(a,b,NN,ktsq,x),ktsq)
def Fktsq1(qbarsq,ktsq,NN,a,b,w):
return FktsqDeriv(NN,a,b,x,ktsq).subs(x,4*qbarsq/(4*qbarsq-MJpsi**2+w**2))
# symbolic expression for fA
def fA(ktsq,qbarsq,NN,a,b,w):
return Fktsq1(qbarsq,ktsq,NN,a,b,w)*1/(qbarsq)*1/(qbarsq+ktsq)
The code up to here is runnable and returns a correct function by uncommenting the last print command. I now want to integrate this last function over `ktsq` as follows,
import scipy.integrate.quadrature as sciquad
def integrated_f(qbarsq,NN,a,b,w):
return sciquad(fA,1,(w**2-MJpsi**2)/4, args=(qbarsq,NN, a, b, w))
result = integrated_f(NN,a,b,w,qbarsq)
The problem is where I try to get a number out from this integration by specifying numerical values for each of the other parameters. The error is
Can't calculate 1st derivative wrt 989.426138911118.`
My only interpretation of this is that the method cannot cope with the complexity of the function (even though I think it is relatively simple in structure) because I did not define any more derivatives and certainly not with respect to this value. If that's correct, is there an easy fix?