Numerical method to solve an integral that contains a singularity?

In summary, the conversation discusses the visualization of a function, Ls, in terms of ##\nu## using Simpson's method. The speaker mentions encountering a different graph than expected when using the method, and asks if there is a numerical method for approximating such integrals. The other person asks about the location of a singularity and suggests rewriting the integrals to avoid numerically evaluating a singularity.
  • #1
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In fact I'm working on a condensed matter physics paper, where I stumbled with an integral that I need to visualize.
The function, Ls I need to visualize is equal to:
$$Ls=4\nu^4 \dfrac{\int_{-1}^{1} \dfrac{( 1-u^2)}{(u+\sqrt{u^2-\nu^2})^3} \, du}{\int_{-1}^{1}-u \Big (\dfrac{u-\sqrt{u^2-\nu^2}}{u+\sqrt{u^2+\nu^2}}\Big)^2 \, du}$$

I must draw this function interms of ##\nu##, where ##0\leq\nu \leq1##.
I tried to use Simpson's method by just taking the integral from zero to 1,but it gave me a totally different graph to what is depicted in the paper.
Is there a numerical method that can be used to approximate such integrals?
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  • #2
Why do you think integrals from 0 to 1 will be the same as integrals from -1 to 1?

Also, your title mentions a singularity. Could you tell us where you think the singularity is?

There is no general approach to numerically integrating a singular integrand. One approach is to simply evaluate the integral close to (but not at) the singularity; the challenge is that as you get closer and closer to the singularity you often need to use more points in your numerical integration rule to maintain accuracy. But sometimes a good first step is to see if cleverness can allow you to rewrite the integrand to allow you to extract the singular part out separately. In your case there is definitely a way to rewrite both of the integrals so that you don't actually need to numerically evaluate something that is singular.
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FAQ: Numerical method to solve an integral that contains a singularity?

1. What is a singularity in an integral?

A singularity in an integral refers to a point in the domain of the function where it becomes undefined or infinite. This can occur when the function has a vertical asymptote or a point where it is discontinuous.

2. Why is it difficult to solve an integral with a singularity?

Solving an integral with a singularity can be difficult because traditional numerical methods, such as the trapezoidal rule or Simpson's rule, rely on evaluating the function at evenly spaced points. However, when a singularity is present, the function may become undefined or infinite at certain points, making it impossible to accurately evaluate the integral using these methods.

3. How can numerical methods be used to solve an integral with a singularity?

One approach is to use adaptive numerical integration methods, such as Gaussian quadrature, which allow for the integration points to be adjusted based on the behavior of the function. Another approach is to transform the integral into a different form that does not contain a singularity, such as using a change of variables or splitting the integral into multiple parts.

4. What are some common techniques for handling singularities in integrals?

Some common techniques include using a change of variables to transform the integral into a different form, using a change of integration limits to avoid the singularity, or using a Taylor series expansion to approximate the function near the singularity.

5. How can I determine if an integral contains a singularity?

One way to determine if an integral contains a singularity is to graph the function and look for any points where the function becomes undefined or infinite. Another approach is to analyze the behavior of the function near the limits of integration, as singularities often occur at these points.

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