Numerical Methods (Java vs Matlab)

In summary, Java may be easier to learn than Matlab for people who have some programming experience, but it's more powerful and has fewer restrictions.
  • #1
Hello to all

I've been wondering about the skills needed for doing a research degree. I've been looking at the Matlab language recently and it seems somewhat similar to Java. Is Java just as easy to use as Matlab for doing numerical methods? I'd be interested in hearing your views.

Thank you

(Apologies for putting this in academic guidance. It seems like there are a lot of people contributing in here, who are in graduate school or are academics.)
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  • #2
I never see people using Java for numerical methods. The widely used ones are the Mathcad, Mathematica. Any may be some more software should be there. To me the usage of these software mainly depends on what purpose you prefer. For eg., for peak Origin is best. And gnuplot for all-round work. Plotting XMgrace (this can also do fitting and some numerical methods, but time consuming). I normally make my own C-program for simple/average level work. But i recommend you to learn some programming for sure it will help you.
hope this helps.
  • #3
They're really pretty different. Java is a full programming language, while MATLAB is a 'computing environment'--effectively just a program that reads scripts/etc.

In the end Java (like c/c++/obj-c) is far more powerful as you have a much broader range of tools to use, and fewer restrictions on how you piece them together. At the same time, those very same reasons make java a little more difficult in that it is much more complicated, and harder to learn.

I think a good way to explain it is that: a research assistant would use matlab--its often enough to get the job done; a researcher would use a full programming language (probably C/C++) because they need the power and flexibility.
  • #4
zhermes said:
They're really pretty different. Java is a full programming language, while MATLAB is a 'computing environment'--effectively just a program that reads scripts/etc.

In the end Java (like c/c++/obj-c) is far more powerful as you have a much broader range of tools to use, and fewer restrictions on how you piece them together. At the same time, those very same reasons make java a little more difficult in that it is much more complicated, and harder to learn.

I think a good way to explain it is that: a research assistant would use matlab--its often enough to get the job done; a researcher would use a full programming language (probably C/C++) because they need the power and flexibility.

My reason for asking was, well, I already have learned to program in Java. But I was doing a course in shell scripting with Unix, and I found that when I left Java for a while and then went back to programming in Java I found it difficult to get back into thinking in Java. I don't want to start using Matlab and find out its limited and that I have to start re thinking about what other languages I should be using.
  • #5

I can say that both Java and Matlab have their own strengths and weaknesses when it comes to performing numerical methods. Java is a general-purpose programming language that can be used for a variety of applications, including numerical methods. It has a large community and a wide range of libraries available, making it a versatile tool for scientific computing. However, it may require more coding and programming knowledge compared to Matlab.

On the other hand, Matlab is a specialized software specifically designed for numerical computations. It has a user-friendly interface and a vast library of built-in functions for numerical methods, making it easier to use for those without extensive programming experience. It also has a strong visualization capability, which can be useful for analyzing and presenting data.

In terms of ease of use, it ultimately depends on the user's familiarity and comfort with the language. If you have more experience with Java, then it may be easier for you to use it for numerical methods. However, if you are new to programming, then Matlab may be a better option due to its user-friendly interface and built-in functions.

In conclusion, both Java and Matlab can be used for numerical methods, but their differences lie in their approach and features. It is important to consider your own skills and the specific needs of your research when choosing between the two. Ultimately, the best tool for performing numerical methods will depend on the individual researcher and their specific project requirements.

Related to Numerical Methods (Java vs Matlab)

1. What is the difference between Java and Matlab in terms of numerical methods?

Java and Matlab are both programming languages commonly used for numerical analysis and scientific computing. However, there are some key differences between the two when it comes to implementing numerical methods. Java is a general-purpose programming language, whereas Matlab is specifically designed for mathematical and scientific computing. This means that Java is more versatile and can be used for a wide range of applications, while Matlab has built-in functions and tools specifically for numerical methods. Additionally, Java is a compiled language, while Matlab is an interpreted language, meaning that Java code needs to be compiled before it can be executed, while Matlab code can be executed directly.

2. Which programming language is better for numerical methods, Java or Matlab?

The answer to this question largely depends on the specific needs and preferences of the user. Both Java and Matlab have their own advantages and disadvantages when it comes to numerical methods. Java is a powerful and versatile language that can be used for a variety of applications, but it requires more coding and may not have as many built-in functions for numerical methods as Matlab. Matlab, on the other hand, is specifically designed for mathematical and scientific computing, making it easier to use for numerical methods, but it may not be as flexible as Java for other applications. Ultimately, the best choice will depend on the user's specific needs and expertise.

3. Can numerical methods be implemented in both Java and Matlab?

Yes, numerical methods can be implemented in both Java and Matlab. Both languages have libraries and tools that allow for the implementation of various numerical methods, such as root finding, interpolation, and integration. However, the specific syntax and methods may differ between the two languages. Additionally, some numerical methods may be more easily implemented in one language over the other, depending on the user's familiarity and expertise.

4. Are there any limitations to using Java or Matlab for numerical methods?

Both Java and Matlab have their own limitations when it comes to implementing numerical methods. Java may be more time-consuming and require more coding compared to Matlab, which has built-in functions and tools specifically for numerical methods. On the other hand, Matlab may not be as versatile and flexible as Java for other applications. Additionally, both languages may have limitations in terms of performance and memory usage depending on the complexity and size of the numerical methods being implemented.

5. Can Java and Matlab be used together for numerical methods?

Yes, Java and Matlab can be used together for numerical methods. This can be done by using Java's built-in interface to call Matlab functions, or by using Matlab's Java interface to call Java functions. This allows users to take advantage of the strengths of both languages and use them in combination to implement more complex and efficient numerical methods.

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