Numerical PDE boundary problem methodology

In summary, the conversation is about a student working on a thesis in Economics who is stuck on solving a system of differential equations. They have been searching for help online and have found a method to solve the problem using Euler linearization, but are unsure how to transform the system to find the solution paths. Another person suggests treating it as an optimization problem and using the simplex method to find the values of the unknown variables. The student is interested in finding a direct approximation algorithm for the problem.
  • #1

I'm currently working on a thesis in Economics. I have stumbled upon a system of differential equations that needs to be solved. I am stuck, and have trouble getting the right help from my advisor who is also not very acquainted with numerical methods. For the past couple of days I have been searching the net for a way to solve my problem, but since all else failed, I am here.

This is the system:

[itex]\dot{K}=F(K,R)-G(S)R-C-\delta K[/itex]
[itex]\dot{C}=\sigma C(F_{K}(K,R)-\delta-\rho)[/itex]
[itex]\dot{R}=\frac{(\alpha K^{\alpha-1} R^{\beta}-\delta)(\beta K^{\alpha} R^{\beta-1}-\delta-\rho)-\alpha\beta K^{\alpha-1} R^{\beta-1} \dot{K}}{\beta (\beta-1)K^{\alpha} R^{\beta-2}}

with boundary terms K(0)=K0, S(0)=S0, K(T)=K1, C(T)=C1, that determine the entire system. F and G are continuous function (F cobb douglas and G=constant/S, for instance)

If all the constraints would have been at t=0, i.e. K(0), S(0), C(0) and R(0) had been known, then I could use Euler linearization:

y'(t)\approx \frac{y(t+h)-y(t)}{h},

y(t+h)\approx y(t)+h*y'(t)

And hence if I know the values of my variables at t=0, then I can find out by iteratively caluting the dotted variables at times t what the value of my variables will be at later times t+h.

But now the boundary constraints are given at time t and I need to transform my system somehow, in order to find the solution paths. Since my system is not linear I don't know how to write it in the form y'=Ay+b and then decompose A into MDM^-1, where D is diagonal. If I could do that, that would already help, but I don't know how to linearize.

Does someone know a good method to solve this system? Thanks a thousand.

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  • #2
One way to do this is treat as an optimization problem to find thw two unknown conditions at t = 0.

Define a function ##f(c,r) = (k-K_t)^2 + (s-S_t)^2##, where k and s are the values of K(t) and S(t) when you integrate the differential equation with initiial values K(0) = ##k_0##, S(0) = ##s_0##, C(0) = c, and R(0) = r.

Then find the values of c and s that minimize f, which is the same as solving the euqation f(c,r) = 0.

Since you don't know much about the mathematical behaviour of the function f, and you only have two unknown variables, my first choice would be the simplex (aka Nelder Read) method.–Mead_method (note: this has nothing to do with the Simplex method in Linear Programming).

Presumably you know enough about the problem to guess some reasonable starting values for c and r. The basic idea is that you pick three different pairs of (c,r) values that form a triangle when plotted on a plane. You start by doing three integrations to find the corrsponding values of f. Each iteration of the Nelder Mead algorithm gives you another pair of (c, r) values to try, and then throws away one of the four points in the (c, r) plane, so the triangle moves around the plane and shrinks in size as it homes in on the minimum of the function.

In general this type of problem can have multiple solutions, and the function f may have several local minima as well as the global mimumum where f = 0 (whch is what you are searching for), so don't expect to find "the answer" the first time you try!
  • #3
I could treat it as an optimization problem! That is a wonderful idea. I still wonder if there is not just some direct approximation method that would do the trick, but I think I can do this in matlab. I am going to do this!

BTW: The solution (given reasonable starting values for C and R) is shown to be unique =)

And also, if you are interested: R is oil use, S is oil stock, K is capital and C is consumption.

If anyone knows a direct approximation algorithm, I'm still very interested, but this helps a lot.

Related to Numerical PDE boundary problem methodology

1. What is the purpose of using numerical PDE boundary problem methodology?

The purpose of using numerical PDE boundary problem methodology is to solve partial differential equations (PDEs) that involve boundary conditions. These PDEs arise in many fields of science and engineering, and numerical methods are used to approximate their solutions.

2. How do numerical PDE boundary problem methods differ from analytical methods?

Numerical PDE boundary problem methods differ from analytical methods in that they use numerical techniques to approximate the solution of a PDE, rather than finding an exact solution. This allows for the solution of complex PDEs that may not have a closed-form analytical solution.

3. What are the common numerical methods used in PDE boundary problems?

Some common numerical methods used in PDE boundary problems include finite difference methods, finite element methods, and spectral methods. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, and the choice of method depends on the specific problem being solved.

4. How are boundary conditions incorporated into numerical PDE methods?

Boundary conditions are incorporated into numerical PDE methods by discretizing the boundaries of the problem domain and using them to construct the numerical approximation. This can involve using boundary conditions as additional equations in the system, or imposing them as constraints on the solution.

5. What are some challenges in using numerical PDE boundary problem methods?

One challenge in using numerical PDE boundary problem methods is ensuring that the numerical approximation is accurate and converges to the true solution. This can be affected by factors such as the choice of numerical method, the discretization of the problem domain, and the stability of the numerical algorithm. Another challenge is the computational cost, as some problems may require a large number of grid points or iterations to achieve an accurate solution.

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