Oblique collision of two bodies undergoing projectile motion

In summary: Without a vertical component of force, the balls do not change their vertical component of velocity during the collision.
  • #1
Sujith Sizon
Gold Member
Q) two identical smooth balls are projected from points O and A on the horizontal ground with the same speed of projection the angle of projection in each case is 30 The distance between O and A is 100m . The balls collide in mid air And return to their respective points of projection if coefficient of restitution is 0.7 find the speed of projection of either ball (m/s) correct to nearest integer ?

Question figure

My Attempt :

Taking ##y## as the height from the ground to the point where the masses collide and ##\alpha## as the angle made by the final velocity vector with the horizontal .

Using projectile equation ie : ##y=x\tan\theta\left[1-\frac{x}{R}\right]##

For the case when it is projected and reaches a height ##y##

##y=\frac{50}{\sqrt{3}}\left[1-\frac{50\times 20}{\sqrt{3}u^{2}}\right]##

For its return path considering a projectile motion from height ##y## with velocity vector making an angle ##\alpha## with the horizontal we get

##y=50\tan\alpha\left[1-\frac{50\times g}{v^{2}\sin2\alpha}\right]##

The from coefficient of restitution formula we get



Now assuming that my procedure so far is appropriate i need one more equation so that i can find ##u## and ##v##

SOLVED (thanks to TSny)

Conserving momentum along tangential component we will have
##2mu\sin30 = 2mv\sin\alpha##
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  • #2
Welcome to PF!

What happens to the vertical component of velocity of each smooth ball during the collision?
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  • #3
TSny said:
Welcome to PF!

What happens to the vertical component of velocity of each smooth ball during the collision?
It changes but we can't conserve momentum along vertical because of gravitational force acting, right ?
  • #4
You can forget about the effect of gravity during the very small time interval of the collision. The only important forces during the collision are the large contact forces between the two balls. (This is sometimes called the "impulse approximation" for collisions.)
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  • #5
TSny said:
You can forget about the effect of gravity during the very small time interval of the collision. The only important forces during the collision are the large contact forces between the two balls. (This is sometimes called the "impulse approximation" for collisions.)
Which Impulse force ? the velocity changes only due to collision right ?
  • #6
Yes. To a good approximation, the only force that causes a change in velocity of one of the balls during the collision is the impulsive contact force from the other ball.
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  • #7
TSny said:
Yes. To a good approximation, the only force that causes a change in velocity of one of the balls during the collision is the impulsive contact force from the other ball.
Okay so this impulse contact force will be along horizontal right (along the surface of contact) , then we will have to find its value( of Impulse contact force) also , how will we find that ?

Im guessing J= Change in momentum along horizontal,
##J=mu\cos30 - mv\cos\alpha##
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  • #8
Yes, for smooth surfaces the contact force will be horizontal (perpendicular to the surfaces of the balls at the point of contact). You do not need to determine the contact force; the coefficient of restitution gives you everything you need to know about the effect of the contact force on the horizontal components of velocity of the balls. You have already taken care of this in your equations. But, you have not yet used important information that you can deduce about the vertical components of velocity.
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  • #9
TSny said:
Yes, for smooth surfaces the contact force will be horizontal (perpendicular to the surfaces of the balls at the point of contact). You do not need to determine the contact force; the coefficient of restitution gives you everything you need to know about the effect of the contact force on the horizontal components of velocity of the balls. You have already taken care of this in your equations. But, you have not yet used important information that you can deduce about the vertical components of velocity.
So you are asking me to conserve momentum along vertical as
##2mu\sin30 = 2mv\sin\alpha##
But then it will mean that there is no change in its vertical component of velocity , but there should be right , only the would it be able to reach back to its initial position right ?
  • #10
Sujith Sizon said:
So you are asking me to conserve momentum along vertical as
##2mu\sin30 = 2mv\sin\alpha##
But then it will mean that there is no change in its vertical component of velocity , but there should be right , only the would it be able to reach back to its initial position
Is my third figure apt ?
  • #11
Sujith Sizon said:
So you are asking me to conserve momentum along vertical as
##2mu\sin30 = 2mv\sin\alpha##
But then it will mean that there is no change in its vertical component of velocity , ...
Yes, that's right. Without a vertical component of force, the balls do not change their vertical component of velocity during the collision.
...but there should be right , only the would it be able to reach back to its initial position right ?
I'm not sure why you believe this.
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  • #12
Your third figure looks good to me. :smile:
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  • #13
TSny said:
Yes, that's right. Without a vertical component of force, the balls do not change their vertical component of velocity during the collision.

oh okay because coefficient of restitution which is amount of change in speed only along impact axis so along tangential component it ought not to change and because of impulse approximations we are neglecting gravitational force , well then i will have my equation , thanks for your time .
  • #14
OK, sounds good.
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FAQ: Oblique collision of two bodies undergoing projectile motion

1. What is an oblique collision?

An oblique collision occurs when two bodies, each undergoing projectile motion, collide at an angle that is not perpendicular. In other words, their paths cross each other at an angle.

2. What factors affect the outcome of an oblique collision?

The outcome of an oblique collision is influenced by various factors, including the initial velocities and angles of the two bodies, their masses, and the coefficient of restitution (a measure of how much energy is lost during the collision).

3. How is momentum conserved in an oblique collision?

Just like in any other collision, momentum is conserved in an oblique collision. This means that the total momentum of the two bodies before the collision is equal to the total momentum after the collision. However, the direction of the momentum may change due to the collision angle.

4. How does the angle of collision affect the final velocities of the bodies?

The angle of collision plays a crucial role in determining the final velocities of the bodies. If the bodies collide at a small angle, the final velocities may be relatively unchanged. However, if they collide at a larger angle, the final velocities may be significantly altered, with one body gaining more velocity at the expense of the other.

5. Can an oblique collision be perfectly elastic?

No, it is not possible for an oblique collision to be perfectly elastic. This is because some energy is always lost during the collision, resulting in a decrease in the total kinetic energy of the system. However, the collision can be close to elastic if the bodies have similar masses and the collision angle is small.

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