Is it Possible to Create a Device that Neutralizes Loud Vehicle Speakers?

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  • Thread starter Michael Dugger
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In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of creating a portable device that can neutralize magnets in sub-woofers in order to eliminate loud, disruptive noises from vehicles. However, the idea is met with ethical and practical concerns. Suggestions for alternative methods, such as using radio frequency generators or implementing decibel monitors, are also mentioned.
  • #1
Michael Dugger
What is the possibility of creating a practical portable device which can de-magnitize or otherwise neutralize the magnets in sub-woofers and the like installed in vehicles, but which would not otherwise be damaging to persons or property? The ideal would be a device which, when aimed and actuated at an offending vehicle emitting damaging high dB noise, could eliminate the aural assault. I have asked this question of several faculty members and post-grad students at Florida State University High Magnetic Field lab open houses, haven't found one interested enough to consider. Yes, effective use of such a disabling device, if the source were detected, may result in a civil suit, but it's hard to imagine a jury panel composed of a majority of peers whose ears have not been offended, even damaged, by inconsiderate persons who thoughtlessly or intentionally inflict such harm beyond their reasonable zone of privacy.
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  • #2
Don't know about that but I used to have a car alarm that would broadcast on radio frequencies when it went off. It had about 10 seconds of broadcasting before the audible alarm actually started. If someone was blasting next to me at a light, I would trigger my alarm and the results were awesome as the noisemaker's stereo would suddenly start playing odd noises that sounded like their stereo had broken. I think that if you google radio frequency generators, you'll find something similar. :wink:
  • #3
I think some police forces can disable cars remotely, either by hacking the engine computer, or by shorting it out.

Actually demagnetizing a speaker would effectively destroy it, either because you'd have to heat it above the curie temperature (like 1000 degrees), or because it would take centuries for the magnetism to die out naturally. I don't think there's any ethical way of deactivating an adversary's subwoofers without permission.

Maybe someday they'll have decibel monitors attached to traffic cameras, so that people blasting their radios at intersections can be fined accordingly.

FAQ: Is it Possible to Create a Device that Neutralizes Loud Vehicle Speakers?

What are obnoxious vehicle speakers?

Obnoxious vehicle speakers refer to loud and disruptive sound systems installed in cars, trucks, or other vehicles. These speakers are often played at high volumes and can disturb the peace and quiet of neighborhoods, public areas, and other vehicles on the road.

What are the potential health risks associated with obnoxious vehicle speakers?

Exposure to loud and excessive noise from obnoxious vehicle speakers can cause temporary or permanent hearing loss, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), and other ear-related problems. It can also lead to increased stress and anxiety, as well as interfere with sleep and concentration.

What laws or regulations are in place to regulate obnoxious vehicle speakers?

Laws and regulations regarding obnoxious vehicle speakers vary by state and country. In some places, there are specific noise ordinances that prohibit playing music at loud volumes or during certain hours. Additionally, many areas have laws against excessive noise that can be applied to obnoxious vehicle speakers.

What can be done to address the issue of obnoxious vehicle speakers?

There are several ways to address the issue of obnoxious vehicle speakers. One approach is to educate the public about the potential health risks and legal consequences of playing loud music in vehicles. Another solution is for law enforcement to enforce noise ordinances and regulations. Individuals can also take steps to reduce the noise levels of their own vehicles by using lower volume settings or investing in soundproofing materials.

Are there any alternatives to using obnoxious vehicle speakers?

Yes, there are alternatives to using obnoxious vehicle speakers. Some vehicles come equipped with high-quality sound systems that are designed to provide a better listening experience without causing disturbance to others. Additionally, there are portable and wireless speakers that can be used in vehicles without disturbing the peace.

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