Observables, Measurements and all that

In summary, the conversation discusses the difference between measuring with an operator and an observable in quantum mechanics. It is explained that an observable is associated with eigenvalues and eigenstates, while a measurement with an operator gives a probability. The reasoning behind defining a measurement with a projection operator is also discussed. Finally, it is concluded that the average of an observable can be calculated by summing the probabilities of each eigenvalue multiplied by its respective eigenstate.
  • #1
Hi Folks,

I somehow cannot get the difference and have to admit that I am left confused.

For a probability of measuring m with the operator M on state [itex]\Psi_i[/itex]
[itex]p(m|i) = <\Psi_i| M^{+}_m M_m |\Psi_i> = <\Psi_i| M_m |\Psi_i>[/itex].

The average of an observable is defined as [itex] <O> = <\Psi_i| O |\Psi_i>[/itex].

So the measurement by M gives me a probability, the measurement with the observable an expectation value? Okay..the observables will be hermitean, the only thing I know about the measurement matrix is, that is not unitary - otherwise [itex] M^{+}_m M_m[/itex] would be equal to the unity matrix.

Is the difference that an observable doesn't change the system, but a measurement when projective projects the system into one of the states?

One last question: What is the reasoning for defining a measurement like [itex] M^{+}_m M_m [/itex] and not by M alone directly?

Thank you so much in advance..I hope the above somehow makes sense ;).
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  • #2
spookyfw said:
Hi Folks,

I somehow cannot get the difference and have to admit that I am left confused.

For a probability of measuring m with the operator M on state [itex]\Psi_i[/itex]
[itex]p(m|i) = <\Psi_i| M^{+}_m M_m |\Psi_i> = <\Psi_i| M_m |\Psi_i>[/itex].

The average of an observable is defined as [itex] <O> = <\Psi_i| O |\Psi_i>[/itex].

So the measurement by M gives me a probability, the measurement with the observable an expectation value? Okay..the observables will be hermitean, the only thing I know about the measurement matrix is, that is not unitary - otherwise [itex] M^{+}_m M_m[/itex] would be equal to the unity matrix.

Is the difference that an observable doesn't change the system, but a measurement when projective projects the system into one of the states?

One last question: What is the reasoning for defining a measurement like [itex] M^{+}_m M_m [/itex] and not by M alone directly?

Thank you so much in advance..I hope the above somehow makes sense ;).

Let [itex]\vert \Phi_m \rangle [/itex] be a complete set of eigenstates of operator [itex]M[/itex]: (for simplicity, let's assume that the eigenstates are nondegenerate; that is, there can't be more than one state with eigenvalue [itex]m[/itex])

  1. [itex]M \vert \Phi_m \rangle = m \vert \Phi_m \rangle[/itex]
  2. [itex]\langle \Phi_m \vert \Phi_m \rangle = 1[/itex]
  3. [itex]\langle \Phi_m' \vert \Phi_m \rangle = 0[/itex], if [itex]m' \neq m[/itex]

The idea behind a "projection operator" [itex]M_m[/itex] is this:

[itex]M_m \vert \Phi_m \rangle = \vert \Phi_m \rangle[/itex]
[itex]M_m \vert \Phi_m' \rangle = 0[/itex], if [itex]m' \neq m[/itex].

So [itex]M_m[/itex] filters out any eigenstates that do not have eigenvalue [itex]m[/itex].

If you have such a projection operator, then the action of [itex]M_m[/itex] on an arbitrary wave function [itex]\vert \Psi_i \rangle[/itex] can be computed this way:

  • Write [itex]\vert \Psi_i \rangle[/itex] as a superposition of eigenstates of [itex]M[/itex]:

    [itex]\vert \Psi_i \rangle = \sum_{m'} C_{m'} \vert \Phi_{m'} \rangle[/itex]

    where [itex]C_{m'}[/itex] is just a coefficient. Note that [itex]C_{m'}[/itex] is the amplitude for state [itex]\Psi_i[/itex] to have eigenvalue [itex]m[/itex]. The probability is the square: [itex]P(m'\vert i) = \vert C_{m'} \vert^2[/itex].
  • Now apply the projection operator [itex]M_m[/itex]:
    [itex]M_m \vert \Psi_i \rangle = \sum_m' C_m' M_m \vert \Phi_m' \rangle[/itex]
  • By the assumed properties of [itex]M_m[/itex], all the terms in the sum vanish except one, leaving:
    [itex]M_m \vert \Psi_i \rangle = C_m \vert \Phi_m \rangle[/itex]
  • Now form the quantity [itex]\vert M_m \vert \Psi_i \rangle \vert^2[/itex]:
    [itex]\vert M_m \vert \Psi_i \rangle \vert^2 = \langle \Psi_i M_m^\dagger M_m \vert \Psi_i \rangle = \langle \Phi_m C_m^* C_m \vert \Phi_m\rangle = \vert C_m \vert^2 = P(m \vert i)[/itex]
  • So we conclude: [itex]\langle \Psi_i M_m^\dagger M_m \vert \Psi_i \rangle = P(m \vert i) [/itex]
  • #3
spookyfw said:
The average of an observable is defined as [itex] <O> = <\Psi_i| O |\Psi_i>[/itex].
This is correct.

spookyfw said:
For a probability of measuring m with the operator M on state [itex]\Psi_i[/itex]

[tex]p(m|i) = <\Psi_i| M^{+}_m M_m |\Psi_i> = <\Psi_i| M_m |\Psi_i>[/tex].
I guess what you mean is that M is a projector on an eigenstate with eigenvalue m (w/o degeneration).

I would use the letter M for an observable associated with m with appropriate (non-degenerate) eigenstates

[tex]M |m\rangle| = m |m\rangle[/tex]

and I would use P to indicate that we have an projector. So we have a clear distinction between the observable M w.r.t. which we define the eigenvalues and eigenstates and the projectors which project an arbitrary state to an eigenstate.

That means

[tex]p(m|i) = | \langle m|\Psi_i\rangle|^2 = \langle\Psi_i|m\rangle\langle m|\Psi_i\rangle = \langle\Psi_i|P_m|\Psi_i\rangle = \langle\Psi_i|P_m^\dagger\,P_m|\Psi_i\rangle[/tex]

where I use

[tex]|m\rangle\langle m| = P_m[/tex]
[tex]P_m = P_m^2[/tex]
[tex]P_m = P_m^\dagger[/tex]
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  • #4
Stevendaryl and tom.stoer! Thank you very much for your replies. I think I got it finally, one question that directly follows: is it then right to say that:

[itex] <M> = \Sigma p(m|i)m [/itex]

and hence [itex] M = \Sigma P_m m [/itex]
  • #5
Yes. For the observable M you can write

[tex]M = \sum_m m\,|m\rangle\langle m|= \sum_m m\,P_m[/tex]

Everything else follows from this spectral representation (where I have used the assumptions of descrete and non-degenerate eigenvalues)
  • #6
Ah..perfect. So the loop is closed :). Thanks once again!

FAQ: Observables, Measurements and all that

1. What are observables in science?

Observables are physical quantities that can be measured or observed in an experiment or natural phenomenon. They can include things like position, velocity, temperature, and electric charge.

2. How do measurements relate to observables?

Measurements are the process of quantifying an observable using a standard unit of measurement. For example, the observable of length can be measured using a ruler in units of inches or centimeters.

3. Can observables be directly observed or measured?

No, observables cannot be directly observed or measured. They can only be inferred from the effects they have on other observables or through indirect measurements.

4. What is the uncertainty principle?

The uncertainty principle, also known as Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, states that it is impossible to know with certainty both the position and momentum of a quantum particle at the same time. This is a fundamental principle in quantum mechanics.

5. How do observables and measurements relate to the scientific method?

Observables and measurements are essential components of the scientific method. They allow scientists to make observations and collect data, which can then be used to form hypotheses and test theories. Without the ability to measure and observe, the scientific method would not be possible.

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