Observables of position and momentum have a continuous spectrum

In summary, some physical observables in quantum mechanics can take on discrete values, while others have a continuous spectrum. In the case of a non-quantized dynamical variable, measurements will result in a spread of values with an average given by the expectation value. This is why the position of an electron in a hydrogen atom is described by a probability density, rather than a single quantized value.
  • #1
could someone explain this paragraph taken from "concepts of modern physics" by arthur beiser pg175? I'm having trouble understanding it...

"A dynamical variable G may not be quantized. In this case, measurements of G made on a number of identical systems will not yield a unique result but instead a spread of values whose average is the expectation value
<G>=(integrate) G(psi^2)dx"

and why if the electron's position in the hydrogen atom isn't quantized, we have to think of the electron in the vicinity of the nuvleus with a ceratian probability?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Some physical observables can take on discrete (quantized) values, like the energy of a particle in an infinite potential well, harmonic oscillator, or the energy of the electron in an hydrogen atom. In this case the eigenvalue-spectrum of the corresponding observable is discrete. This is not always the case though. The observables of position and momentum have a continuous spectrum (ie, not quantized).
The expectation value is calculated the same way as with any observable:

So the position of the electron in a hydrogen atom in not quantized (it's after all described by a continuous wavefunction) and thus given by a probability density |psi|^2
  • #3
thank you very much for explaining!:)

FAQ: Observables of position and momentum have a continuous spectrum

1. What does it mean for an observable to have a continuous spectrum?

An observable having a continuous spectrum means that the possible values it can take on span a continuous range rather than being discrete or quantized. This means that the observable can take on an infinite number of values within a certain range, rather than only specific, distinct values.

2. How is the continuous spectrum of an observable related to its physical properties?

The continuous spectrum of an observable is directly related to its physical properties. For example, the position of an object can have a continuous spectrum because it can take on any value within a given range. On the other hand, the spin of an electron has a discrete spectrum because it can only take on specific values.

3. How is the continuous spectrum of an observable measured and observed?

The continuous spectrum of an observable is measured and observed through experimental techniques such as spectroscopy. This involves analyzing the energy levels and transitions of a system to determine the possible values of the observable. In some cases, advanced mathematical models and calculations may also be used to determine the continuous spectrum of an observable.

4. What implications does a continuous spectrum have on the uncertainty principle?

The uncertainty principle states that the more precisely we know the position of a particle, the less precisely we can know its momentum and vice versa. A continuous spectrum of an observable means that the position and momentum of a particle can have an infinite number of values, making it impossible to know both with absolute certainty. This supports the uncertainty principle and the fundamental limitations of measuring these properties simultaneously.

5. Can all observables have a continuous spectrum?

No, not all observables have a continuous spectrum. Some observables, such as energy and angular momentum, have a discrete or quantized spectrum. This means that they can only take on specific, distinct values rather than a continuous range. The type of spectrum an observable has depends on its physical properties and mathematical properties.
