Obtaining Energy from Stars: Grand Challenge

  • Thread starter InfernoSun
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In summary, photovoltaics are the most effective way to obtain energy from a star, but mirror concentrators may also be effective. Photosynthesis is a less effective way to obtain energy from a star, but may be more reliable and accessible. Dyson spheres are one possible way to obtain energy from a star, but are not always effective. Black hole physics may be able to provide energy to Earth at a cost that competes with nuclear fission, but this is still a challenge.
  • #1
What is the most effective way to obtain energy from a star? Answers may not include:

1. photovoltaics
2. mirror concentrators

since they are already well understood.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
The Penrose process. It only works for a Kerr black hole, though.
  • #3
  • #4
InfernoSun said:
What is the most effective way to obtain energy from a star?

A Dyson sphere would seem to be one of the most effective way of gathering energy from a star without interfering with it.
  • #5
Please define "effective". Conversion efficiency? Budgetary? Maximium yield?
  • #6
"Effective" means whatever you think would work. Solutions need to be more creative though. Concepts may not include (updated):

1. photovoltaics
2. mirror concentrators
3. photosynthesis
4. Dyson spheres
5. black hole physics

... unless they are truly honest-to-god sophisticated and have a chance of working.
  • #7
InfernoSun said:
"Effective" means whatever you think would work. Solutions need to be more creative though.

Perhaps you should be a little bit more specific. We can't read your mind and there's nothing wrong with those things suggested so far.
  • #8
(moved to the Homework Help section)


No one here is simply going to do your homework for you. We can help you if you get stuck, but simply asking us to give you "creative solutions" to pass off as your own will not likely get you much credibility here. Can you think of any solutions? We could discuss their various merits with you.

- Warren
  • #9
I'm a little disappointed in the responses, particularly that this thread was moved to "Homework-Grade K-12" category as it is almost certainly too advanced a subject for even university bachelors degree level.

I was hoping to see something along the lines of advanced optics: large-source fresnel diffraction plate engineering, staged coherent radiation sources, synchrotron sources, beamed energy, sub-wavelength wave manipulation, maybe even waveguides based on distantly-separated quantum-entangled optical apertures.

Nothing I've investigated can provide industrial power levels to Earth at a cost that competes with nuclear fission. Too bad considering how much energy is given off by the Sun. Enough to power millions of civilizations like ours. It's the most abundant source of energy in the universe, the most reliable, the most long-lasting, the highest capacity, and seemingly the least accessible.

Ergo, I present it as a Grand Challenge.

FAQ: Obtaining Energy from Stars: Grand Challenge

1. How do stars produce energy?

Stars produce energy through nuclear fusion, where hydrogen atoms combine to form helium. This process releases a tremendous amount of energy in the form of heat and light.

2. What is the Grand Challenge in obtaining energy from stars?

The Grand Challenge is finding a way to harness the energy produced by stars and use it as a sustainable source of energy for human use. This involves developing technology that can capture the energy from stars and transmit it to Earth.

3. How do scientists plan to obtain energy from stars?

Scientists are exploring different methods for obtaining energy from stars, such as building large solar collectors in space or using fusion reactors to replicate the process that occurs in stars.

4. Is obtaining energy from stars a realistic goal?

While it may seem like a far-fetched idea, many scientists believe that obtaining energy from stars is a realistic goal. With advancements in technology and a better understanding of stars, it is possible that we could tap into this vast source of energy in the future.

5. What are the potential benefits of obtaining energy from stars?

If successful, obtaining energy from stars could provide a virtually endless supply of clean and sustainable energy for humanity. This could greatly reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and help mitigate the effects of climate change.
