Obtaining Higher Angular Frequencies in QHO Excited States

In summary, the quantum harmonic oscillator has a natural angular frequency \omega_0, but the excited states vibrate with higher and higher angular frequencies because the energy of the oscillator increases with each state, causing the frequency to grow. This is represented by the time-dependent part, which is expressed as exp(-iHt) and in this case, H=(n+1/2)\hbar\omega. As the n value increases, the frequency also increases.
  • #1
Maybe the answer to this should be obvious, but if the quantum harmonic oscillator has a natural angular frequency \omega_0, why do the excited states vibrate with higher and higher angular frequencies? How do we obtain these frequencies?

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Maybe I didn't understand your question but this is quite the definition of "higher state". In order to increase an harmonic oscillator energy its frequency must grow.
  • #3
Thanks, I think I understand it now. Normally the time-dependent part would look like $$e^{-i\omega t},$$ but I suppose in this case it essentially looks like $$e^{-i(n+1/2)\omega t}.$$ So as the n value increases the frequency will increase. Does this look correct?

  • #4
That's correct. The time-dependent part, in fact, generally is [itex]exp(-iHt)[/itex] so, in your case [itex]H=(n+1/2)\hbar\omega[/itex] and you get exactly what you wrote.

FAQ: Obtaining Higher Angular Frequencies in QHO Excited States

1. What is an excited state in the Quantum Harmonic Oscillator (QHO)?

An excited state in the QHO refers to a state in which the energy of the system is higher than the ground state energy. In other words, the system has absorbed energy and moved to a higher energy level.

2. How many excited states are there in the QHO?

There are an infinite number of excited states in the QHO, as the energy levels are quantized and can theoretically increase without limit.

3. How are the energies of the excited states in the QHO related to each other?

The energies of the excited states in the QHO are evenly spaced, with each excited state having an energy that is equal to the ground state energy plus a multiple of the energy quantum (hω).

4. Can the QHO system transition between excited states?

Yes, the QHO system can transition between excited states by absorbing or emitting energy in the form of photons.

5. How do excited states in the QHO relate to real-world applications?

Excited states in the QHO have important applications in fields such as quantum computing, spectroscopy, and materials science. Understanding the behavior of excited states in the QHO can help in the development of new technologies and materials.
