Obtaining particular solution of second order linear DE from first

In summary, the method of "variation of parameters" can be used to prove that the equation y_{2}(x)=y_{1}(x)\int\frac{e^{-\int P(x)dx}}{y_{1}^{2}(x)}dx is a solution of y''+P(x)y'+Q(x)y=0 when y_{1}(x) is a known solution. This is achieved by substituting y_{2}=v(x)y_{1} into the general form of the differential equation and solving for v(x).
  • #1
In cullen-zill chapter 6 equation 23 it says that

[itex]y_{2}(x)=y_{1}(x)\int\frac{e^{-\int P(x)dx}}{y_{1}^{2}(x)}dx[/itex]
is a solution of
whenever [itex]y_{1}(x)[/itex] is a known solution

Where does this come from? I would like to be able to prove this or find a proof somewhere.

My first thought is that since the general solution solution is [itex]y_{h}=C_{1}y_{1}+C_{2}y_{2}[/itex] then
[itex]y_{2}=v(x)y_{1}[/itex] where v(x) is just a function of x.
Thought maybe I could substitute that into the general form of the DE, but it doesn't seem to help much
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  • #2
Yes, that method, "variation of parameters", will work. With [itex]y_2= v(x)y_1[/itex], [itex]y_2'= v'(x)y_1+ v(x)y_1'[/itex] and [itex]y_2''= v''(x)y_1+ 2v'(x)y_1'+ v(x)y_1''[/itex]. Putting those into the equation,
[tex]v''y_1+ 2v'y'+ vy_1''+ P(x)v'y_1+ P(x)vy_1'+ Q(x)vy_1= y_1v''+ 2v'y_1'+ P(x)v'y_1+ v(y_1''+ P(x)y_1'+ Q(x)y_1)= 0[/tex]

Of course, that last term in parentheses is 0 so we have [itex]y_1v''+ (2y_1+ P(x)y_1)v'= 0[/itex]. Notice that there is no "v(x)" (undifferentiated) so if we let u= v', we have [itex]y_1u'+ (2y_1+ P(x)y_1)u= 0[/itex], a separable first order equation.
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  • #3
Solved. Thank you.

FAQ: Obtaining particular solution of second order linear DE from first

1. How do I obtain the particular solution of a second order linear differential equation from the first?

To obtain the particular solution of a second order linear differential equation from the first, you can use the method of undetermined coefficients or the method of variation of parameters.

2. What is the method of undetermined coefficients for obtaining the particular solution?

The method of undetermined coefficients involves assuming a particular form for the solution and solving for the coefficients by substituting the assumed form into the differential equation. This method is best used when the non-homogeneous term of the equation is a polynomial, exponential, or trigonometric function.

3. When should I use the method of variation of parameters?

The method of variation of parameters is typically used when the non-homogeneous term of the equation is a complicated function that cannot be easily solved using the method of undetermined coefficients. This method involves finding a particular solution by varying the parameters of the homogeneous solution.

4. Are there any special cases that require a different approach to obtaining the particular solution?

Yes, there are special cases such as when the non-homogeneous term is a repeated root or when the differential equation is non-constant coefficient. In these cases, different techniques may be needed to obtain the particular solution.

5. Can I use software or calculators to obtain the particular solution?

Yes, there are many software and calculators available that can solve differential equations and obtain the particular solution. However, it is important to understand the concepts and techniques involved in obtaining the solution in order to properly interpret and use the results from these tools.
