Octave vs Matlab: Will I Run Into Trouble?

In summary, the conversation discusses the use of open source Octave as an alternative to Matlab. Octave is claimed to be highly compatible with Matlab, but there are some differences in functionality. It is noted that Matlab has superior plotting features and a better GUI. Some users prefer Python with SciPy, NumPy, and Matplotlib over both Matlab and Octave. Overall, Matlab is considered to be faster and more reliable, although some users have successfully used Octave for certain calculations. It is suggested to refer to a chapter in the Matlab programming wikibook for a more detailed comparison between the two.
  • #1
Has anyone here used the open source Octave as opposed to Matlab? I don't have access to Matlab right now and Octave claims to be compatible to a high extent. Will I run into trouble if I learn Octave thoroughly then have to switch to Matlab for collaborative reasons?
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  • #2
I've used octave a bit over the last year or so. As far as I can tell Octave can parse all Matlab code, but Matlab cannot parse all Octave code. For example, Octave accepts both double and single quotes for strings, but Matlab only accepts single quotes. So, as far as I know, Octave is a great alternative.

Having said that, I now run a UNIX version of Matlab because it's plotting features are superior to Octave because they are native whereas Octave uses GNUPlot.
  • #3
Most of the functions are compatible, but Matlab's plotting, help documentation, and GUI are worlds above octave. This sounds like trivial stuff but it really makes a big difference IMO.
  • #4
I've used octave, and I think it's terrible. There are a lot of functions that it doesn't have (ode solvers for one) and it tends to crash and gnuplot tends to plot things incorrectly. In addition, sometimes I've been calculating things and have gotten incorrect answers because octave is buggy (the same code pasted into MATLAB would give the correct result).
  • #5
/agree with roeb

I am only a few hours deep into the Matlab/Octave world and already the ratio is >1.

Matlab wins because Octave doesn't have a complete package for controls. Biggest missing tool is the symbolic laplace transform... Its really unfortunate. If I had more time, or didn't have to work so hard this semester I would consider attempting to write some code for a laplace transform... then maybe... just maybe they would be a bit more evenly matched.
  • #6
This response is maybe a bit late but for all who want to know more about that theme:
I tested both and for me the winner is matlab. The GUI is a big advantage and the Graphs are nicer and better to handel.
An other reason is that MATLAB is much faster than octave. Where Matlab takes 430 sec for a certain calculation octave takes 1000 sec. remarkable!
  • #7
Use python with scipy, numpy & matplotlib instead?

For a lot of things, its got most of the same functionality as MATLAB and octave and is better behaved than octave. I've debugged MATLAB in octave without much trouble before, so I don't think you'll run into much trouble learning on it.

Related to Octave vs Matlab: Will I Run Into Trouble?

1. What is the difference between Octave and Matlab?

Octave and Matlab are both numerical computing environments used for data analysis, mathematical modeling, and simulations. The main difference is that Matlab is a proprietary software developed by MathWorks, while Octave is an open-source software developed by a community of volunteers. This also means that Octave is free to use, while Matlab requires a license.

2. Can I use the same code in Octave and Matlab?

Yes, Octave and Matlab use the same programming language, which is based on the language used in the programming software GNU Octave. However, there may be slight differences in syntax and functionality between the two software, so it's important to test your code in both environments.

3. Will I encounter compatibility issues when switching between Octave and Matlab?

While Octave and Matlab use the same language, there may be compatibility issues due to differences in the underlying software. For example, Matlab has a Graphical User Interface (GUI), while Octave does not. Additionally, Matlab has more built-in functions and toolboxes compared to Octave, which may affect the compatibility of certain code.

4. Which software is better for scientific computing?

It ultimately depends on your specific needs and preferences. Matlab is a more established software with a larger user base and more resources available, but Octave is constantly improving and offers the advantage of being free to use. You may want to try both and see which one better suits your needs.

5. Can I use Octave or Matlab for commercial purposes?

Yes, both Octave and Matlab can be used for commercial purposes. However, Matlab requires a license for commercial use, while Octave does not. It's important to check the licensing terms and conditions for both software before using them for commercial purposes.

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