ODE 45 solving coupled ODE's (Pred, Prey, Resource) with graph outputs.

In summary: Time');legend('Search_{CP}','Search_{RC}','Mortality_{PA}','Mortality_{PJ}','Mortality_{C}') In summary, this code solves the sensitivity equations for the age structure omnivory model, using the Rosenwasser method. It includes various input parameters and outputs graphs of the norms of sensitivities over time. The code was originally used for a Masters Thesis and may be useful for those working in Dynamical Systems or Modeling with ODE's.
  • #1
This is the code for Sensitivity Analysis via Rosenwasser's method. Code was for my Masters Thesis, so maybe it will be useful to someone in Dynamical Systems or Modeling with ODE's

function ode45_both_age
% Solves the sensitivity equations for the age structure omnivory model.
% Input:    None  
% Output:   Graphs of norms of sensitivities over time.
close all 
%  Define "Input" Parameters
tn = 1600;                 % ending time
y0 = [1; 1; 1 ; 2; 0; 0; 0; 0];  % initial values
w_P1 = 2;                 % weight on the adult predator sensitivity for the norm
w_P2 = 2;                 % weight on the juvenile predator sensitivity for the norm
w_C = 2;                  % weight on the consumer sensitivity for the norm  
w_R = 2;                  % weight on the resource sensitivity for the norm
norm_s = zeros(2100,15);   % initialize a matrix to hold the norms of
                          % sensivities (columns) at each time step
                          % (rows).
parameter = 1;            % = 1, then use parameter values from literature
                          % otherwise use my favorite parameter values

%---Parameters to be passed to rhs_both
if parameter == 1
    eRP = 0.4;
    eCP = 0.69;
    eRC = 0.7;
    aRP = 0.045;
    aCP = 0.025;
    aRC = 0.025;
    hRP = 4;
    hCP = 4;
    hRC = 3;
    mP = 0.03;
    mJ = 0.04;
    mC = 0.027;
    nP = 0.06;
    r = 0.3;
    K = 4;
       eRP = .3;
    eCP = 0.43;
    eRC = 0.6;
    aRP = 0.0275;
    aCP = 0.025;
    aRC = 0.04;
    hRP = 4;
    hCP = 5;
    hRC = 3;
    mP = 0.06;
    mJ = 0.1;
    mC = 0.11;
    nP = 0.1;
    r = 0.3;
    K = 8;

% Solve the state and sensitivity systems simultaniously
% y = column vector (length 8) of states and sensitivities
% y(1) = adult predator density, 
% y(2) = juvenile predator density
% y(3) = consumer density, 
% y(4) = resource density, 
% y(5) = adult predator sensitivity,
% y(6) = juvenile predator sensitivity
% y(7) = consumer sensitivity
% y(8) = consumer sensitivity
% eRP
p = 1;
[t_1,y] = ode45('rhs_both_age',tn,y0,[],p,eRP,eCP,eRC,aRP,aCP,aRC,hRP,hCP,hRC,mP,mC,nP,r,K,mJ);
L_1 = length(t_1);
norm_s(1:L_1,p) = sqrt(w_P1.*(y(:,5)).^2 + w_P2.*(y(:,6)).^2 + w_C.*(y(:,7)).^2 + w_R.*(y(:,8)).^2);

% eCP
p = 2;
[t_2,y] = ode45('rhs_both_age',tn,y0,[],p,eRP,eCP,eRC,aRP,aCP,aRC,hRP,hCP,hRC,mP,mC,nP,r,K,mJ);
L_2 = length(t_2);
norm_s(1:L_2,p) = sqrt(w_P1.*(y(:,5)).^2 + w_P2.*(y(:,6)).^2 + w_C.*(y(:,7)).^2 + w_R.*(y(:,8)).^2);

% eRC
p = 3;
[t_3,y] = ode45('rhs_both_age',tn,y0,[],p,eRP,eCP,eRC,aRP,aCP,aRC,hRP,hCP,hRC,mP,mC,nP,r,K,mJ);
L_3 = length(t_3);
norm_s(1:L_3,p) = sqrt(w_P1.*(y(:,5)).^2 + w_P2.*(y(:,6)).^2 + w_C.*(y(:,7)).^2 + w_R.*(y(:,8)).^2);
% aRP
p = 4;
[t_4,y] = ode45('rhs_both_age',tn,y0,[],p,eRP,eCP,eRC,aRP,aCP,aRC,hRP,hCP,hRC,mP,mC,nP,r,K,mJ);
L_4 = length(t_4);
norm_s(1:L_4,p) = sqrt(w_P1.*(y(:,5)).^2 + w_P2.*(y(:,6)).^2 + w_C.*(y(:,7)).^2 + w_R.*(y(:,8)).^2);

% aCP
p = 5;
[t_5,y] = ode45('rhs_both_age',tn,y0,[],p,eRP,eCP,eRC,aRP,aCP,aRC,hRP,hCP,hRC,mP,mC,nP,r,K,mJ);
L_5 = length(t_5);
norm_s(1:L_5,p) = sqrt(w_P1.*(y(:,5)).^2 + w_P2.*(y(:,6)).^2 + w_C.*(y(:,7)).^2 + w_R.*(y(:,8)).^2);

% aRC
p = 6;
[t_6,y] = ode45('rhs_both_age',tn,y0,[],p,eRP,eCP,eRC,aRP,aCP,aRC,hRP,hCP,hRC,mP,mC,nP,r,K,mJ);
L_6 = length(t_6);
norm_s(1:L_6,p) = sqrt(w_P1.*(y(:,5)).^2 + w_P2.*(y(:,6)).^2 + w_C.*(y(:,7)).^2 + w_R.*(y(:,8)).^2);

% hRP
p = 7;
[t_7,y] = ode45('rhs_both_age',tn,y0,[],p,eRP,eCP,eRC,aRP,aCP,aRC,hRP,hCP,hRC,mP,mC,nP,r,K,mJ);
L_7 = length(t_7);
norm_s(1:L_7,p) = sqrt(w_P1.*(y(:,5)).^2 + w_P2.*(y(:,6)).^2 + w_C.*(y(:,7)).^2 + w_R.*(y(:,8)).^2);

% hCP
p = 8;
[t_8,y] = ode45('rhs_both_age',tn,y0,[],p,eRP,eCP,eRC,aRP,aCP,aRC,hRP,hCP,hRC,mP,mC,nP,r,K,mJ);
L_8 = length(t_8);
norm_s(1:L_8,p) = sqrt(w_P1.*(y(:,5)).^2 + w_P2.*(y(:,6)).^2 + w_C.*(y(:,7)).^2 + w_R.*(y(:,8)).^2);

% hRC
p = 9;
[t_9,y] = ode45('rhs_both_age',tn,y0,[],p,eRP,eCP,eRC,aRP,aCP,aRC,hRP,hCP,hRC,mP,mC,nP,r,K,mJ);
L_9 = length(t_9);
norm_s(1:L_9,p) = sqrt(w_P1.*(y(:,5)).^2 + w_P2.*(y(:,6)).^2 + w_C.*(y(:,7)).^2 + w_R.*(y(:,8)).^2);

% mPA
p = 10;
[t_10,y] = ode45('rhs_both_age',tn,y0,[],p,eRP,eCP,eRC,aRP,aCP,aRC,hRP,hCP,hRC,mP,mC,nP,r,K,mJ);
L_10 = length(t_10);
norm_s(1:L_10,p) = sqrt(w_P1.*(y(:,5)).^2 + w_P2.*(y(:,6)).^2 + w_C.*(y(:,7)).^2 + w_R.*(y(:,8)).^2);

% mC
p = 11;
[t_11,y] = ode45('rhs_both_age',tn,y0,[],p,eRP,eCP,eRC,aRP,aCP,aRC,hRP,hCP,hRC,mP,mC,nP,r,K,mJ);
L_11 = length(t_11);
norm_s(1:L_11,p) = sqrt(w_P1.*(y(:,5)).^2 + w_P2.*(y(:,6)).^2 + w_C.*(y(:,7)).^2 + w_R.*(y(:,8)).^2);

% nP
p = 12;
[t_12,y] = ode45('rhs_both_age',tn,y0,[],p,eRP,eCP,eRC,aRP,aCP,aRC,hRP,hCP,hRC,mP,mC,nP,r,K,mJ);
L_12 = length(t_12);
norm_s(1:L_12,p) = sqrt(w_P1.*(y(:,5)).^2 + w_P2.*(y(:,6)).^2 + w_C.*(y(:,7)).^2 + w_R.*(y(:,8)).^2);

% r
p = 13;
[t_13,y] = ode45('rhs_both_age',tn,y0,[],p,eRP,eCP,eRC,aRP,aCP,aRC,hRP,hCP,hRC,mP,mC,nP,r,K,mJ);
L_13 = length(t_13);
norm_s(1:L_13,p) = sqrt(w_P1.*(y(:,5)).^2 + w_P2.*(y(:,6)).^2 + w_C.*(y(:,7)).^2 + w_R.*(y(:,8)).^2);

% K
p = 14;
[t_14,y] = ode45('rhs_both_age',tn,y0,[],p,eRP,eCP,eRC,aRP,aCP,aRC,hRP,hCP,hRC,mP,mC,nP,r,K,mJ);
L_14 = length(t_14);
norm_s(1:L_14,p) = sqrt(w_P1.*(y(:,5)).^2 + w_P2.*(y(:,6)).^2 + w_C.*(y(:,7)).^2 + w_R.*(y(:,8)).^2);

% mPJ
p = 15;
[t_15,y] = ode45('rhs_both_age',tn,y0,[],p,eRP,eCP,eRC,aRP,aCP,aRC,hRP,hCP,hRC,mP,mC,nP,r,K,mJ);
L_15 = length(t_15);
norm_s(1:L_15,p) = sqrt(w_P1.*(y(:,5)).^2 + w_P2.*(y(:,6)).^2 + w_C.*(y(:,7)).^2 + w_R.*(y(:,8)).^2);

x = y(:,1:4);  % State variables

%---Plot the states versus time
ylabel('Species Density'); 
legend('Adult Predator','Juvenile Predator','Consumer','Resource') %---Plot the norms versus time
plot(t_7,norm_s(1:L_7,7),'b') %hRP
hold on
plot(t_8,norm_s(1:L_8,8),'g') %hCP
hold on
plot(t_9,norm_s(1:L_9,9),'r') %hRC
hold on
plot(t_14,norm_s(1:L_14,14),'k') % K 

ylabel('Norm of Sensitivities'); 
legend('Handling_{RP}','Handling_{CP}','Handling_{RC}','K') figure(200)
plot(t_4,norm_s(1:L_4,4),'m') %aRP
hold on
plot(t_1,norm_s(1:L_1,1),'b') %eRP
hold on
plot(t_2,norm_s(1:L_2,2),'g') %eCP
hold on
plot(t_3,norm_s(1:L_3,3),'r') %eRC
hold on
plot(t_12,norm_s(1:L_12,12),'k') %nP
hold on
plot(t_13,norm_s(1:L_13,13),'y') %r

ylabel('Norm of Sensitivities'); 

plot(t_5,norm_s(1:L_5,5),'g') %aCP
hold on
plot(t_6,norm_s(1:L_6,6),'r') %aRC
hold on
plot(t_10,norm_s(1:L_10,10),'m') %mPA
hold on 
plot(t_15,norm_s(1:L_15,15),'b') %mPJ
hold on
plot(t_11,norm_s(1:L_11,11),'k') %mCgrid;
ylabel('Norm of Sensitivities'); 

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  • #2

%---End of main function--------------------------------------------------

% Right hand side of the state and sensitivity equations

function dydt = rhs_both_age(t,y,p,eRP,eCP,eRC,aRP,aCP,aRC,hRP,hCP,hRC,mP,mC,nP,r,K,mJ)%---Assign the species and sensitivity states
P1 = y(1); % adult predator density
P2 = y(2); % juvenile predator density
C = y(3); % consumer density
R = y(4); % resource density
sP1 = y(5); % adult predator sensitivity
sP2 = y(6); % juvenile predator sensitivity
sC = y(7); % consumer sensitivity
sR = y(8); % resource sensitivity%---Calculate the resource's growth rate
fR = r*R*(1 - R/K);

%---Calculate the consumer's functional response
fC = (eRC*C)/(1 + eRC*hRC*R);

%---Calculate the adult predator's functional response
fP1 = (eRP*P1)/(1 + eRP*hRP*C);

%---Calculate the juvenile predator's functional response
fP2 = (eCP*P2)/(1 + eCP*hCP*C);

%---Calculate the total mortality rates
muP1 = aRP + mP + nP*(P1 + P2);
muP2 = aCP + mJ + nP*(P1 + P2);
muC = aRC + mC;

%---Calculate the state derivatives
dP1dt = (fP1*P1 + fP2*P2) - muP1*P1;
dP2dt = fP1*P1 + fP2*P2 - muP2*P2;
dCdt = (fR*R - fC*C)*P1 - muC*C;
dRdt = -fR*R;

%---Calculate the sensitivity derivatives
dsP1dt = (eRP*P1*hRP*sC)/(1 + eRP*hRP*C) - (nP*sP1 + aRP*sP1 + mP*sP1 + nP*sP2 + aRP*sP2 + mP*sP2)*P1;
dsP2dt = (eCP*P2

FAQ: ODE 45 solving coupled ODE's (Pred, Prey, Resource) with graph outputs.

How does ODE45 solve coupled ODEs?

ODE45 is a numerical method used to solve systems of ordinary differential equations (ODEs). It uses a combination of Runge-Kutta methods to approximate the solution of the ODEs at different time points.

What is the advantage of using ODE45 for solving coupled ODEs?

ODE45 is an adaptive method, meaning it can adjust the time step size based on the behavior of the solution. This allows for more accurate results compared to fixed time step methods.

Can ODE45 be used to solve any type of coupled ODEs?

Yes, ODE45 can be used to solve any system of coupled ODEs as long as the equations are well-defined and have a unique solution. It is particularly useful for systems that are non-stiff, meaning the solution does not change rapidly.

How can I plot the solution of the coupled ODEs using ODE45?

ODE45 outputs a vector of time points and a matrix of solution values for each time point. These can be used to plot the solution over time using a graphing software or programming language such as MATLAB or Python.

Are there any limitations to using ODE45 for solving coupled ODEs?

ODE45 may not be the most efficient method for solving stiff systems of ODEs, where the solution changes rapidly. In these cases, a stiff solver such as ODE23 or ODE15s may be more appropriate. It is always recommended to test different solvers and compare the results to choose the most suitable one for a specific problem.

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