ODE, bernoulli equation -> leads to crazy integral

In summary, Jonnyb42's homework statement for integrating a Bernoulli equation leads to a crazy integral that he does not know how to solve.
  • #1
ODE, bernoulli equation --> leads to crazy integral !

Homework Statement

An Initial Value Problem, ODE (Bernoulli equation)

ODE: [x^2]*y' + 2*[x^3]*y = [y^2]*(1+2*[x^2])
IV: y(1) = 1/2

Homework Equations

general form of Bernoulli's equation:
y' + a(x)y = b(x)*[y^n]

First order, linear ODE form:
y' + a(x)y = b(x)

The Attempt at a Solution

I begin by simplifying the Bernoulli-type equation into a linear form, at which point I end up with an integral that I DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SOLVE.


I have either really messed up somewhere along the way to that Integral, or not and I just dont' know how to solve it.

Thanks for any help.
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  • #2
Hi Jonnyb42! :smile:

Looks ok to me …

but you can't solve that integral unless you're allowed to use the "error function" erf(x). :redface:
  • #3

No further ideas here, sorry :-\
  • #4

Are you required to actually integrate it? I remember in my first D.E. class, I had one problem in the text that I could reduce to an integral but could not integrate. If finally gave up and looked in the back of the book where I found that the answer was given in terms of that integral!
  • #5

But how could I get it even in terms of the integral? I need a constant of integration to solve for so y(1) = 1/2
  • #6

Substitute z=x/y. You will get an easy separable differential equation.

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  • #7

With the substitution z=x/y,

y=x/z, y'=(z-xz')/z^2,the ODE becomes


Multiplying with z^2/x^2, and rearranging the equation:

z-xz'+2x^2 z=(1+2x^2), which is a separable ODE:


  • #8

ehild, thank you!

How do you know to do that substitution?

thanks again,
  • #9

I did not know that substitution, I just tried...

Dividing both sides of the equation by y^2*x^2, it becomes

y'/y^2+ 2*(x/y) = 1/x^2+2.

So why not try to choose x/y the new variable? The derivative of x/y will contain the term y'/y^2...

There are no recipes for every ODE-s, and there can be different methods for the same ODE. The recipe suggested the substitution z=1/y, but it leads to a difficult integral. You have to be creative :smile:

  • #10

thanks very much!

  • #11

tiny-tim said:
Hi Jonnyb42! :smile:

Looks ok to me …

but you can't solve that integral unless you're allowed to use the "error function" erf(x). :redface:

oops! :redface:

your original method was fine :smile:, and on careful inspection your final integral

∫ -e-x2(2 + 1/x2) dx​

is simply e-x2/x + C :blushing:
  • #12

tiny-tim said:
your original method was fine :smile:, and on careful inspection your final integral

∫ -e-x2(2 + 1/x2) dx​

is simply e-x2/x + C :blushing:

Ingenious! How can one find out this integral?

  • #13
just by looking hard enough …

if it's (fe-x2)',

then that's (f' -2xf)e-x2, so -2xf = -2 works. ie f = 1/x, f' = -1/x2 :wink:
  • #14

You can look really hard. :smile:
Those who do not have such eyes would input it to Wolframalpha...

  • #15

It's an initial value problem. So, if you have a linear ODE:
z' + a(x) z = b(x)
and you find the integrating factor:
\mu(x) = e^{\int{a(x) \, dx}}
without caring about the arbitrary integrating constant, because that would give an arbitrary multiplicative factor to your integrating factor, then, the solution to the initial value problem with:
z(x_{0}) = z_{0}
\mu(x) \, z(x) - \mu(x_{0}) \, z_{0} = \int_{x_{0}}^{x}{\mu(t) \, b(t) \, dt}

From here you can immediately see that if [itex]\mu(x)[/itex] gets multiplied by an arbitrary constant, each term in the above expression gets multiplied by it and the equality holds.

FAQ: ODE, bernoulli equation -> leads to crazy integral

1. What is an ODE?

An ODE, or ordinary differential equation, is a mathematical equation that involves a function and its derivatives. It describes the relationship between a quantity and its rate of change.

2. What is the Bernoulli equation?

The Bernoulli equation is a type of ODE that describes the conservation of energy in a fluid flow system. It relates the pressure, velocity, and height of a fluid at different points in the system.

3. How does the Bernoulli equation lead to a crazy integral?

The Bernoulli equation can be transformed into a form that allows for separation of variables, which then leads to a non-linear first-order ODE. This type of ODE cannot be solved using standard methods and requires integration techniques such as substitution or partial fractions, which can become quite complex.

4. Can the crazy integral be simplified?

In some cases, the crazy integral can be simplified by making substitutions or using other mathematical techniques. However, in most cases, the integral cannot be solved analytically and must be approximated using numerical methods.

5. Why is the Bernoulli equation important in science?

The Bernoulli equation is important in science because it allows us to understand and predict the behavior of fluids in various systems. It is used in many fields, such as aerodynamics, hydrodynamics, and thermodynamics, to study air and water flow, energy conservation, and other important phenomena.
