ODE homogeneous equations w/constant coefficients

In summary: So, use either order, and you'll be okay. Note that if you have a mixture of increasing and decreasing functions, most people would agree that the decreasing functions should come first. That is because it is often the case that the large-##t## behavior is most heavily dominated by the most rapidly decreasing functions, just as in the examples I gave. I hope this helps!In summary, the general solution for the given differential equation is y(t) =c_1e^(-2t)+c_2e^(-t). The order of the two exponential terms does not matter, as there are no specific rules for it. However, some authors may choose to follow certain conventions, such as having the most slowly-de
  • #1

Homework Statement

Find the general solution

Homework Equations

y(t) =c_1e^r_1t + c_2e^r_2t

The Attempt at a Solution

a=1 b=3 c=2

General solution: y(t) =c_1e^(-2t)+c_2e^(-t)I was wondering if the order mattered. The answer in the book is y(t)=c_1e^(-t)+c_2e^(-2t)

I don't think that it does, but I want to make sure before continuing and submitting my hw.
If the order DOES matter, how can I get the correct order?

Thank you.
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  • #2
mmont012 said:

Homework Statement

Find the general solution

Homework Equations

y(t) =c_1e^r_1t + c_2e^r_2t

The Attempt at a Solution

a=1 b=3 c=2

General solution: y(t) =c_1e^(-2t)+c_2e^(-t)I was wondering if the order mattered. The answer in the book is y(t)=c_1e^(-t)+c_2e^(-2t)
No, the order doesn't matter
mmont012 said:
I don't think that it does, but I want to make sure before continuing and submitting my hw.
If the order DOES matter, how can I get the correct order?
By the way, what you wrote as a relevant equation confused me for a while.
c_1e^r_1t + c_2e^r_2t
For the two functions, are they ##e^{r_1}t## and ##e^{r_2}t## or are they ##e^{r_1t}## and ##e^{r_2t}##?
I know what you mean, but if you write them inline as you did, at the least use parentheses around the exponent, such as e^(r_1t).
  • #3
Thank you, and sorry about the confusion. I'm using my phone and its acting up. Next time I'll be sure to add ().
  • #4
mmont012 said:

Homework Statement

Find the general solution

Homework Equations

y(t) =c_1e^r_1t + c_2e^r_2t

The Attempt at a Solution

a=1 b=3 c=2

General solution: y(t) =c_1e^(-2t)+c_2e^(-t)I was wondering if the order mattered. The answer in the book is y(t)=c_1e^(-t)+c_2e^(-2t)

I don't think that it does, but I want to make sure before continuing and submitting my hw.
If the order DOES matter, how can I get the correct order?

Thank you.

Either order is correct because there are not really any rules about that.

However, sometimes authors adopt certain conventions, such as having the most slowly-decreasing functions first, followed by more rapidly-decreasing functions. In that convention, ##e^{-t}## decreases more slowly than ##e^{-2t}##, so would come first. In the opposite case of increasing functions, people sometimes want the most rapidly-increasing functions to come first, in part because they govern the asymptotic large-##t## behavior. So, if you had increasing functions ##e^{t}## and ##e^{2t}##, some people might write the ##e^{2t}## first.

However, as I said, there really are no rules, and not everyone subscribes to the type of conventions I have mentioned.

FAQ: ODE homogeneous equations w/constant coefficients

1. What are ODE homogeneous equations with constant coefficients?

ODE stands for Ordinary Differential Equation, which is a mathematical equation that describes how a variable changes with respect to another variable. Homogeneous equations have all terms containing the dependent variable and its derivatives, while constant coefficients refer to the numerical values that are not dependent on the variable. Therefore, ODE homogeneous equations with constant coefficients are equations that only involve the dependent variable and its derivatives, with all coefficients being constants.

2. What is the general form of an ODE homogeneous equation with constant coefficients?

The general form of an ODE homogeneous equation with constant coefficients is: any(n) + an-1y(n-1) + ... + a1y' + a0y = 0, where y is the dependent variable, n is the highest order derivative, and an, an-1, ..., a1, a0 are the constant coefficients.

3. How do I solve ODE homogeneous equations with constant coefficients?

There are several methods for solving ODE homogeneous equations with constant coefficients, including the method of undetermined coefficients, variation of parameters, and Laplace transform. These methods involve finding a particular solution and the general solution to the equation, which can then be combined to form the complete solution.

4. Can ODE homogeneous equations with constant coefficients have complex solutions?

Yes, ODE homogeneous equations with constant coefficients can have complex solutions. This is because the coefficients and the dependent variable can be complex numbers. In fact, the solutions to these equations can be a combination of real and complex functions.

5. What are the applications of ODE homogeneous equations with constant coefficients?

ODE homogeneous equations with constant coefficients have various applications in physics, engineering, and other areas of science. They can be used to model the behavior of systems in which the variables change with respect to time, such as in circuits, population growth, and chemical reactions. They are also important in understanding the dynamics of physical systems, such as in mechanics and fluid dynamics.

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