Old Oklahoma City conspiracy theory; any engineers out there?

In summary: There is evidence that there were additional bombs in the building that did not go off. The clip in question is from 911: In Plane Site, and it has been debunked as being doctored.
  • #1
The following was written by a USAF General shortly after the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing. It basically says that the truck bomb couldn't have done the damage we saw.


Also available here:


Let me state that I don't believe this guy. I don't think he accounted for the fact that McVeigh was creating a shaped charge. But then, I don't know much about explosives. Is there any validity to what he's writing? Does he sound like he knows what he's talking about?

Unfortunately the pics he seems to be referring to seem to be gone.

I am sorry if this has been posted before, but I searched & did not find it.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Kemal said:
I don't think he accounted for the fact that McVeigh was creating a shaped charge.
I remember this as well, plus, looking at the photos, it doesn't look like any of the primary structural columns were damaged. Its been a while since I've looked at this though, so I'll have a look and post more later.
  • #3
Yeah, I'd like to see what the engineers who have knowledge of explosives have to say about it. Could make for some interesting posts. I also don't know much about this, just that there are a lot of lies and suspicious things that happened with the official story.
  • #4
I wonder how reliable the Discovery Channels are. They had this on Seconds from disaster and they said the problem about because a transference beam was knocked out because it wasn't built like it was originally suppose to be built. They said all buildings were later checked for the engineering fault. But maybe that IS the official story, I don't remember what was going on at the time.
  • #5
If you ever get a chance, watch "Seconds from disaster" on Natural Geographic.
They did an episode about its collapse that was quite good. I can't remember enough details to make much of a contribution here unfortunately (and it was on again the other day too. I wish I'd watched it again now.)

edit- Damn, beaten to it!
  • #6
Pengwuino said:
I wonder how reliable the Discovery Channels are. They had this on Seconds from disaster and they said the problem about because a transference beam was knocked out because it wasn't built like it was originally suppose to be built. They said all buildings were later checked for the engineering fault. But maybe that IS the official story, I don't remember what was going on at the time.

It's been a long time ago so I don't remember it too well, but I saw that episode. From what I do remember, the collapse was made much worse due to the low redundancy (alternate load paths) of the structural design. I believe there were just a couple of large columns at the ground floor on the front of the building supporting a large transfer girder. The transfer girder had a bunch of smaller column on top of it for the floors above. Since the bomb took out the large columns on the ground floor, everything above it came down too. Had there been more columns on the ground floor, the collapse would have been much less severe.

No conspiracies here. :) (And yes, I'm a structural engineer.)


Here's a picture that may help. All of the exposed columns you see going up the building stopped at the first floor level with only a couple larger columns below extending to the foundation. (As I remember it anyways.)

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  • #7
the truth is out there!

For those who say that there isn't any conspiracy about the OKC bombing, let me ask you what do you really think happened, I mean we were told by the main street media ad nauseum that the damage was done by one truck bomb, but if one watches the news from the local affilliates that covered the explosion first hand , they make no bones about it, there were more bombs in the building, atleast two others that did not explode, and had to be diffused, why have these details been held from the public?
Although I've got a couple of good links that deal with this topic, I presently don't have the time to find them, but here's one for starts.
  • #8
chief said:
...yes, I'm a structural engineer...
Nice to have you aboard!
LocktnLoaded said:
if one watches the news from the local affilliates that covered the explosion first hand , they make no bones about it, there were more bombs in the building, atleast two others that did not explode, and had to be diffused...
Can you provide any evidence of that?
  • #9
video link

yea, I have a link for you on it, and go ahead and check out the other documentaries.
The clip is in 911 in Plane site, watch it and tell me if you think it was doctored.
the link is http://question911.com/links.php
  • #10
Wait, did you just ask for information on the oklahoma city bombing and get 9/11 as the reply?
  • #11
It has in the documentary film clips of the okc bombing, from the news crews that were there, because its showing how misled we are by the main stream media, they can tell us anything and we eat it as gospel , until we see to the contrary that their truth is not the truth.
  • #12
The words "oklahoma city" appear nowhere on that link. You're on a real short leash with this line of discussion, LL: put up or shut up.
  • #13
LocktnLoaded said:
It has in the documentary film clips of the okc bombing, from the news crews that were there, because its showing how misled we are by the main stream media, they can tell us anything and we eat it as gospel , until we see to the contrary that their truth is not the truth.

How bout busting out with some facts instead. Just because somoene has a contradictory opinion does not mean he's right :rolleyes: So let's see the information. And its more accurate to say that the mainstream media is not the culprit (if anyones to blame) if your right. The media reports on what its told by, in this case FEMA i suppose, or what it sees with its own cameras and rarely invests any time or money into investigating crackpot conspiracy theories. You're blame should rest on investigators.
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  • #14
LocktnLoaded said:
yea, I have a link for you on it, and go ahead and check out the other documentaries.
The clip is in 911 in Plane site, watch it and tell me if you think it was doctored.
the link is http://question911.com/links.php

I have seen that entire "documentary" (and I use that term loosely). It's been about a year since I saw it and I don't remember anything about Oklahoma City in it (that’s not to say it wasn’t in there though). What I do remember is that the movie was poorly made and completely unconvincing... just a bunch of wild claims based on zero evidence. In several cases there is actually existing evidence that directly contradicts the claims made, but it was conveniently left out (i.e. they claim that there was no plane parts found at the Pentagon). I remember laughing out loud several times at some of their “reasoning.” If that "documentary" convinced anyone of anything - related to the WTC, the Pentagon, or Oklahoma City - then I have to doubt their abilities to either understand or objectively interpret the evidence available.

LocktnLoaded said:
It has in the documentary film clips of the okc bombing, from the news crews that were there, because its showing how misled we are by the main stream media, they can tell us anything and we eat it as gospel , until we see to the contrary that their truth is not the truth.

I agree that there are many people that can easily be misled by the mainstream media. The media has been known exaggerate facts or just be completely wrong in the past. There are also many people that are easily misled by other forms of (not so mainstream) media like websites, internet rumors, and poorly researched documentaries. Too many of these people seem to be more interested in finding a conspiracy to submerge themselves in than finding out the truth. To be truly "level headed" you have to take all information (regardless of the source) with a grain of salt. Practice critical thinking and draw your own conclusions based on the evidence available whenever possible.

Anyways, returning to the original topic... I don't know if there were other bombs in the building. What I do know is that due to the design of the building, the one bomb we know went off was more than capable of causing the damage we saw.

  • #15
To be truly "level headed" you have to take all information (regardless of the source) with a grain of salt. Practice critical thinking and draw your own conclusions based on the evidence available whenever possible.
Do you realize how few people actually understand this concept?
  • #16
Trying to convince people with facts who prefer to stay ignorant is a losing battle, so I quit, live your lives in denial, you've got a lot of experience to fall back on.

FAQ: Old Oklahoma City conspiracy theory; any engineers out there?

1. What is the Old Oklahoma City conspiracy theory?

The Old Oklahoma City conspiracy theory suggests that the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City in 1995 was not carried out by Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols, as officially stated, but rather by a larger group with ties to the government.

2. What evidence supports this conspiracy theory?

Supporters of this theory point to inconsistencies in the official investigation, such as the presence of unexploded bombs inside the building and reports of additional suspects seen at the scene. They also point to the fact that the government quickly destroyed the building, potentially destroying crucial evidence.

3. Are there any engineers who support this theory?

While there are some engineers who have publicly questioned the official narrative of the Oklahoma City bombing, there is no consensus among the engineering community regarding this conspiracy theory. Many believe that the physical evidence and damage to the building are consistent with the government's explanation of the event.

4. What is the motive for this alleged conspiracy?

Proponents of this theory believe that the motive for the government to carry out or cover up the bombing was to further their own agenda, such as increasing surveillance and control over the population or justifying military actions.

5. Is there any proof to support this theory?

While there is no concrete evidence to support the Old Oklahoma City conspiracy theory, there are various pieces of circumstantial evidence and inconsistencies that have led some to question the official narrative. However, without solid proof, this remains a controversial and unproven theory.

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