On Application of Specific Heat Capacity of Solids

In summary, the conversation discusses the difference in temperature between sand and water during the day and night, and the reasons for why it is more comfortable to live near bodies of water. The specific heat capacity of water is mentioned as a factor in the temperature difference between sand and water, and in maintaining homeostasis in areas near large bodies of water.
  • #1
Hello again!

I'm not sure if this is difficult but I believe that everyone have experienced this... I can't explain it... =) Sorry about that.

Anyway, here's my problem...

At noon, when the sand in the beach is already hot, why does the water still feel cold? Early in the night when the cold wind blows, why can you swim comfortably?
Why is it more comfortable to live in places near large bodies of water?

I hope someone could help me here...
Science news on Phys.org
  • #2
Haven't you pretty much answered your own question already? What is the definition of specific heat capacity? What happens to the temperatures of two substances of different specific heat capacities, if they gain or lose the same amount of heat?
  • #3
He's right, you did answer your own question.

The sand is hot because it takes very little energy to change the temperature of sand. Sand also cools off quickly. When day changes to night, the sand quickly changes its temperature until it is the same temperature as the air.
The water takes lots of energy to heat up. When night time comes, there is so much energy stored in the water that it takes a long time for the water to reach equilibrium with the air.
  • #4

Hello! Ambitwistor, specific heat is the amount of heat
needed to raise the temperature of a unit mass of a substance by one degree. I know what it means, but I don't really get how is this applied to simple events...

Well, now I know... =) Thank you very much for your hints and guides. =) Thank you too, ShawnD.
  • #5
You're also only heating the surface of the sand to a depth of a few inches. With the sea, the motion of it ensures that the heat energy is dipersed more efficiently.
  • #6
Of course, depending on where you are, the water will always be warm (Hawaii) or always be cold (Alaska).
  • #7
Originally posted by franz32

Why is it more comfortable to live in places near large bodies of water?
It is because the specific heat of water is high, there cannnot be high differences in temperature at the place. So protecting the homeostasis is easier.
  • #8
Originally posted by NateTG
Of course, depending on where you are, the water will always be warm (Hawaii) or always be cold (Alaska).
...or dirty (New Jersey).

FAQ: On Application of Specific Heat Capacity of Solids

1. What is the specific heat capacity of a solid?

The specific heat capacity of a solid is the amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of the solid by 1 degree Celsius. It is typically measured in units of J/g°C.

2. How is the specific heat capacity of a solid measured?

The specific heat capacity of a solid can be measured by conducting experiments in which the heat energy is added to or removed from a sample of the solid, and the resulting change in temperature is recorded. This allows for the calculation of the specific heat capacity using the formula Q = mcΔT, where Q is the heat energy, m is the mass of the sample, c is the specific heat capacity, and ΔT is the change in temperature.

3. What factors affect the specific heat capacity of a solid?

The specific heat capacity of a solid can be affected by factors such as the type of material, its density, and its molecular structure. Additionally, the temperature and pressure at which the measurement is taken can also influence the specific heat capacity.

4. How does the specific heat capacity of a solid compare to other states of matter?

In general, solids have a higher specific heat capacity than liquids and gases. This is due to the fact that the molecules in a solid are more tightly packed and have less freedom of movement, making it more difficult to change their temperature.

5. What are some practical applications of knowing the specific heat capacity of solids?

Knowledge of the specific heat capacity of solids is important in various fields such as engineering, materials science, and thermodynamics. It can be used to design and optimize heating and cooling systems, as well as to predict and analyze the behavior of materials under different temperature conditions.

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