On General Measure of Entanglement

In summary, the author suggests that to detect multiparticle entanglement one needs to trace out the outcomes of measurements performed on subsystems of a pure state.
  • #1
On General Measure of Entanglement

Hi, sirs
My major is computer science. While I currently need to deal with some physical problems. Thank you very much for your help.

It is well-known that Von Neumann entropy is a measure of entanglement for bipartite pure states. However, I think that the effectiveness of this measure depends on the existence of the Schmidt decomposition for bipartite pure states. If we want to measure multipartite entanglement, it seems that the interpretation of Schmidt decomposition can not be expanded directly. Might you kindly tell me some messures on multipartite entanglement? Thanks a lot!
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  • #2
Hi krete,

As far I know, this is still an open question. When we have multi-particle systems a lot of possibilities to be entangled: for example, one particle with other two particles, two particles with other two particles ... and so on. Although there is some work on systems with three and four particle, it is not an easy task to extrapolate the results to many-particle systems in general.
  • #3
Dear soarce,
Thank you very much for your kind suggestions.
I have another question. I think that the quantum entanglements and classically statistical dependence is equivalent if measurements have been finished. To be specific, if we repeatedly measure an ensemble of a pure state |psi> = a|00> + b|01> + c|10> + d|11>, where |a|^2+|b|^2+|c|^2+|d|^2=1 and count the events of |00>, |01>, |10> and |11>. We will find the following relation holds:
Pr(ij)=Pr(i)*Pr(j), i,j=0,1, if and only if |psi>=(x0|0>+x1|1>)*(y0|0>+y1|1>) (* stands for tensor product)
It my intuition right? Thanks.
  • #4
krete said:
Dear soarce,
I think that the quantum entanglements and classically statistical dependence is equivalent if measurements have been finished. To be specific, if we repeatedly measure an ensemble of a pure state |psi> = a|00> + b|01> + c|10> + d|11>, where |a|^2+|b|^2+|c|^2+|d|^2=1 and count the events of |00>, |01>, |10> and |11>.

I am not sure if I undestrood what are you saying. Do you try to establish some procedure to measure the amount entanglement, or just to detect it (without saying anything about its amount) ?

You have an unknown state |psi> and you perform a series of measurements Pr(ij), Pr(i), Pr(j), where i,j=0,1. Then you check the relation:

We will find the following relation holds:
Pr(ij)=Pr(i)*Pr(j), i,j=0,1, if and only if |psi>=(x0|0>+x1|1>)*(y0|0>+y1|1>) (* stands for tensor product)
(This is true, one can check it using density matrix formalism.)

If this relation holds then the state is not entanglet.

i) When measuring Pr(i) ( or Pr(j) ) one has to project the other state onto some linear combination of |0> and |1>, just to trace out its outcome.

ii) If you are interested in studying composite systems I recommend you the book of A. Peres, "Quantum Theory: Concepts and Methods". It is not an easy one, but provides you the basics of correlated quantum systems.
  • #5
Just a short remark on the relation you wrote

krete said:
Pr(ij)=Pr(i)*Pr(j) for all i,j=0,1, if and only if |psi>=(x0|0>+x1|1>)*(y0|0>+y1|1>)

The lefthand side must be verified for all combinationas of i and j; whatever observable we measure we will find that the subsystem are unentagled.
  • #6
soarce said:
I am not sure if I undestrood what are you saying. Do you try to establish some procedure to measure the amount entanglement, or just to detect it (without saying anything about its amount) ?

I just want to detect it.

soarce said:
If you are interested in studying composite systems I recommend you the book of A. Peres, "Quantum Theory: Concepts and Methods". It is not an easy one, but provides you the basics of correlated quantum systems.

Thanks very much for your suggestion. I will try to find the book in the library.

soarce said:
The lefthand side must be verified for all combinationas of i and j; whatever observable we measure we will find that the subsystem are unentagled.

Sure, you are exactly correct.

Actually, I have to deal with the problem measuring pure k-partite entanglements (I admit this problem might not be well-defined since the meaning of 'pure' is not very clear. Roughly speaking, pure k-partite entanglements can not be reduced to lower-order entanglements). I find a method of classical statistics, which might solve this problem. But it seems that we should demonstrate some equivalence between entanglements and classical dependences before we can apply a classical method to describe entanglements.
  • #7
I came across this references on multiparticle entanglement:

http://www.iop.org/EJ/abstract/0305-4470/34/35/310 (from 2001, rather old)


If you search "detecting multiparticle entanglement" by google, you will find a lot of references.
  • #8
soarce said:
I came across this references on multiparticle entanglement:

http://www.iop.org/EJ/abstract/0305-4470/34/35/310 (from 2001, rather old)


If you search "detecting multiparticle entanglement" by google, you will find a lot of references.

got it, thanks a lot:)!

Related to On General Measure of Entanglement

1. What is entanglement?

Entanglement is a phenomenon in quantum mechanics where two or more particles become connected in such a way that the state of one particle cannot be described without considering the state of the other particles. This means that the particles are intrinsically linked and their states become correlated even when they are physically separated.

2. What is the general measure of entanglement?

The general measure of entanglement is a mathematical tool used to quantify the degree of entanglement between two or more particles. It is a measure of how much information is shared between the particles, and it can be used to compare the entanglement of different systems.

3. How is the general measure of entanglement calculated?

The general measure of entanglement is calculated by taking the entropy of the reduced density matrix of the system. The reduced density matrix is obtained by tracing out the degrees of freedom of the system that are not of interest. The resulting value is known as the entanglement entropy and provides a measure of the entanglement between the particles.

4. Why is the general measure of entanglement important?

The general measure of entanglement is important because it allows scientists to quantify and understand the amount of entanglement present in a system. This can help in designing experiments and technologies that take advantage of entanglement, such as quantum computing and communication.

5. Can the general measure of entanglement be applied to any system?

Yes, the general measure of entanglement can be applied to any quantum system, regardless of the number of particles or the type of entanglement present. It is a universal measure that can be used to study and compare entanglement in a wide range of systems, from simple two-particle systems to complex many-particle systems.

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