On the order of indices of the Christoffel symbol of the 1st kind

  • #1
ric peregrino
Homework Statement
The order of indices of the Christoffel symbol of the 1st kind seems to vary from source to source. Is there a preference, and if so why?
Relevant Equations
Christoffel symbol of the 1st kind.
The 1st definition of the Christoffel symbol of the 1st kind I came across was from Einstein's "The Meaning of Relativity", 1953, pg. 71, eq. 69:


This is the same as I found in Barry Spain's "Tensor Calculus", 1953, but differs from other sources, for example wiki:


I've taken the liberty to use i, j, and k to make the difference here obvious. I realize that with a symmetric metric, that perhaps the order of these 3 indices may not matter, but I wonder if the order may matter for an asymmetric metric? I've tried getting some answers on my own, and had limited success, lastly on stackexchange, where it seems the gatekeepers there are a tough crowd, and they closed my question on this with out any answer there, or any good answers to others' questions there concerning an asymmetric metric, mostly just responses that amount to "the metric HAS to be symmetric".

I had pointed out that Einstein and Kaufman published a paper in 1953 ( https://www.jstor.org/stable/1969690?origin=crossref) that included an asymmetric metric. If I read that correctly I may have learned a few things:

1. in 4d, there can be 2 unique components for the anti-symmetric part of such an asymmetric metric.
2. if the anti-symmetric part of the metric is non-singular at one point in space time, then it will be so for all points.
3. I didn't see a simple relation between the resulting metric compatible connection, and such a metric.
4. An asymmetric metric doesn't seem to immediately solve any issues. Nor does an asymmetric field, aka torsion.

I think another issue with my question at stackexchange was that I went big up front, and then when I tried to narrow it down to just this question here, I had proposed a preferred order that differs from the original, and from the wiki definitions, and made unsubstantiated claims about this proposed order. Any way, I've gone on long enough, and hope I got the root question across about the differing published orders of indices of the Christoffel symbol of the 1st kind, considering an asymmetric metric, is there a preference and if so why?

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  • #2
The both are all right by symmetry of metric tensor, i.e.
  • #3
The metric tensor is symmetric by definition. Einstein and others considered a general tensor formalism with the hope that it would lead to unification since the electromagnetic field tensor is rank 2 and antisymmetric. This however turned out to be fruitless. It is not something that is really considered much today as far as I am aware.

anuttarasammyak said:
The both are all right by symmetry of metric tensor, i.e.
OP knows this, they have stated as much.
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Likes ric peregrino
  • #4
My proposed order is: $$[ij,k]=\frac{1}{2}\left(g_{ik,j}+g_{kj,i}-g_{ij,k}\right)$$
anuttarasammyak said:
The both are all right by symmetry of metric tensor, i.e.
Indeed, with a symmetric metric it doesn't matter. What I'm asking is does it matter with an asymmetric metric.
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  • #5
As far as
[tex]ds^2=g_{ij}dx^i dx^j[/tex]
holds, and
[tex]dx^j dx^i=dx^i dx^j[/tex]
I have no idea how we can introduce non symmetric metric tensors.
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Likes ric peregrino
  • #6
To be sure, I'm asking about asymmetric metrics, which are neither symmetric nor antisymmetric, but have both symmetric and antisymmetric components, and though the antsymmetric part does not contribute to ds^2 as anuttarasammyak points out, or affect geodesics, it does contribute to torsion.
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  • #7
changing dummy indeces i and j
Adding these two
Antisymmetric components disappear.
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Likes ric peregrino
  • #8
anuttarasammyak said:
changing dummy indeces i and j
Adding these two
Antisymmetric components disappear.
Again, this is not what the OP is asking about. They have said so already in the OP and clarified again.

There are connections with non-zero torsion that are metric compatible and formalisms where the connection is a priori separate from the metric. It then turns out to be Levi-Civita from the equations of motion in the basic scenario.

How this connection would be affected by the introduction of an antisymmetric part to the metric I will leave unsaid as I have not studied this in detail.

I believe it is however fair to assume that Christoffel symbols of the first kind assume a symmetric metric, ie, the metric that goes into the definitions of the line element etc. To those, the antisymmetric part would not contribute, but they would generally not be equal to the connection coefficients.
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Likes anuttarasammyak and ric peregrino
  • #9
Orodruin said:
How this connection would be affected by the introduction of an antisymmetric part to the metric I will leave unsaid as I have not studied this in detail.
Thank you, this is the best answer I've received so far. I've self studied this in detail long ago. At the time, I did not have anyone I could discuss my findings with. This is why I'm here, and I'm trying to slowly ask about my findings in the hopes of finding others who may already know. I've also seen new methods, namely differential geometry, which may provide an easier approach. I recall the tensor calculus involved to have been many hours and many pages of tedious machinations. I've went over them many times, and at first did not get a favorable result, but after years of occasionally working on this, I came to a reasonable result in 1993.

A connection compatible with an asymmetric metric, where the symmetric portion of the connection is related only to the symmetric part of the metric, same as the symmetric Levi-Civita connection, and the antisymmetric part of the connection is related only to the antisymmetric part of the metric, and has the same form as the Levi-Civita connection, except only using the antisymmetric part of the metric with the proposed new order of indices.

I would like to post further equations on this, but I'm not sure if or where I should. Perhaps I could edit the OP? I await guidance.

  • #10
ric peregrino said:
I did not have anyone I could discuss my findings with.
This may prove difficult here due to forum rules. This is not a forum to discuss original research - it is simply outside the scope of the forum. You are expected to be able to refer to published material in reputable sources.
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Likes ric peregrino
  • #11
Thanks for that reply. In the Einstein and Kaufman publication I referenced, I suggest they arrived at a relation between an asymmetric metric and the ensuing connection. However, their result seems overly complicated in my estimation, and I'm offering a simple alternative. Could you suggest another appropriate forum that might be a good place to discuss this? Seems stackexchange won't have it, and I'm too old to go back to university.

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