On the physics of exchange, correlationa and coupling phenomena

In summary, the conversation discusses the confusion surrounding exchange and correlation phenomena and spin-orbit coupling in the context of ab-initio simulations for solid crystal structures. The exchange and correlation phenomena are well understood in principle, but difficult to treat in many-body theories. Spin-orbit coupling is often added as a correction in computational methods. The conversation also touches on the use of approximate and decomposed wave functions in calculations and the inclusion of spin interactions in energy equations. Resources for further learning are also provided.
  • #1
I have recently started my phd on ab-initio simulations, and have several confusions about the calculations (lets say with a method like DFT) of solid crystal structures.

1. what exactly are the exchange and correlation phenomena. I have read texts and books which describe its physical effects (in the sense that ferromagnetism occurs due to exchange interaction). However my question actually is - is it some esoteric physics that we still do not know but have only yet observed or is it something which is included in the Hamiltonian of the Schroedinger equation but cannot be solved for exactly for many body problems ?

2. Same for spin-orbit coupling. though the physics of this is much more clear to me because I can see magnetic moments of moving charges interacting, again - are these not included in the Hamiltonian of the Schroedinger equation or is it that they cannot be solved for exactly.

Once I have answers o these I would feel much easy to learn how to use DFT, etc.
Since I do not want to have just an overview, please give me answers as detailed as you'd like.
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  • #2
1) AFAIK it is something well understood in principle, but difficult to treat in many-body theories. It basically concerns the overlap of wave functions of neighboring atoms. If you could write a completely antisymmetric wave function (multi-Hartree-Fock like), then it should pop out all by itself. If DFT it is usually fudged in manually as free parameter (LSDA+U etc).

2) It is, but again for simplicity and computational efficiency often DFT is done for spinless Schroedinger particles, and everything that is spin, LS coupling and so on is added as correction later.

You should be able to find much better answers to all these questions in some basic review text about DFT. Ask your supervisor for some references.
  • #3
Thanks for the answer, it is also the same that I read in many books - that there is ONE wave function that has to be completely expressed as a function of 3N+1 (3 dimensions+time) degrees of freedom for a N body problem. Also this ONE wave function determines the complete system, so in that way, the whole universe has ONE wave function. (Please correct me if I am wrong).

I guess the problem is that the common methods (Hartree fock, DFT) make use of approximate and decomposed wave functions. So does that mean that if we knew that 'ONE' wavefunction, then the expectation value of energy will automatically account for all such interactions and we will not need separate laws for these phenomena ??

I have also been wondering what are the equations that describe the energy changes due to all kinds of spin interactions (fine, hyperfine, etc). The spin interactions definitely do not seem to be included in the energy hamiltonian. If someone can direct me to a link that has the mathematics of how spin couplings are already included, or if it is otherwise, it would be very kind of them.

P.S. -The problem is that I see my supervisor once in 6 months. I did masters in fluid dynamics and am absolutely a noob in QM. Having a real hard time learning and teaching myself this stuff.
  • #4
Well, in most cases one looks for eigenstates of energy, so you don't have to deal with time. But otherwise you are correct in principle. In practice in solid state physics one assumes periodic crystals so that you only have to perform your calculations over one part of the Brillouin zone (part because the rest can be obtained by symmetry). If you are dealing with molecules or clusters then this is no longer true. If you are dealing with defects in a perfect crystal, then additional approximations come into play.

Pretty much by definition, if you know the one wavefunction of the complete system without approximations, then all interactions are taken care of and you know exactly what the energy levels are.

"Exchange" is entirely derived from Pauli's exclusion principle, i.e. the fact that Fermion wave functions have to be antisymmetric. This effectively leads to different energies for parallel and antiparallel spin (or total magnetic momentum) states that can be approximated (in the most primitive case) by a dot product of these magnetic moments times an "exchange constant". I have no clue how the value of such a "constant" could be derived from first principle, other than finding hte solutions of the "proper" wave functions for parallel and antiparallel alignment and then using the different in energy.

Wiki gives a surprisingly good introduction to DFT, and the literature list at the bottom is not too shabby either.


This gives more details and should answer most of your questions.


Related to On the physics of exchange, correlationa and coupling phenomena

1. What is exchange, correlation, and coupling in physics?

Exchange, correlation, and coupling are concepts in quantum mechanics that describe the interactions between particles. Exchange refers to the phenomenon where identical particles can switch places, while correlation refers to the tendency of particles to influence each other's behavior. Coupling is a measure of how strongly particles are connected to each other.

2. How do exchange, correlation, and coupling affect the behavior of particles?

Exchange, correlation, and coupling play a crucial role in determining the properties and behavior of particles. These interactions can affect the energy levels of particles, their spin orientations, and their overall behavior in systems such as atoms, molecules, and solids.

3. Can exchange, correlation, and coupling be observed in everyday life?

While exchange, correlation, and coupling are fundamental concepts in physics, they are not typically observable in everyday life. These phenomena are better understood and observed in the microscopic world of atoms and particles, rather than on a macroscopic scale.

4. How are exchange, correlation, and coupling studied in physics?

Exchange, correlation, and coupling are studied through a combination of theoretical and experimental methods in physics. Theoretical models and equations are used to describe and predict the behavior of particles, while experiments involving techniques such as spectroscopy and scattering are used to observe and measure these interactions.

5. Why is understanding exchange, correlation, and coupling important in physics?

Understanding exchange, correlation, and coupling is crucial for understanding the behavior of matter at a fundamental level. These interactions play a significant role in various physical phenomena, including chemical reactions, magnetism, and superconductivity. They also have applications in fields such as materials science, quantum computing, and biophysics.

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