On the proof of the Principle of Virtual Work

In summary: Therefore, Wd represents the virtual work done by the stress resultants on all the boundaries, while Ws only represents the work done by the external Q forces on the external boundaries. In summary, the proof of the Principle of Virtual Work for deformable bodies states that the total virtual work done by a system of virtual forces in equilibrium on a deformable body undergoing small, compatible displacements is equal to the work done by the external forces on the external boundaries of the body. This is because the work done by the stress resultants on the internal boundaries may not always be zero due to other sources of displacement.
  • #1
I'm having some trouble understanding the proof of the Principle of Virtual Work for deformable bodies. I'll give below the proof that I've read, and, next, I'll remark what I'm not understanding.

The first thing to remember before going through the proof is that the virtual work done by a system of virtual forces in equilibrium as a rigid body undergoes a small, compatible displacement is zero.


Suppose that a deformable body is in static equilibrium under the external loads of a virtual Q-force system.

Since the body as a whole is in equilibrium, any particular particle can be isolated and will be in equilibrium under the internal virtual Q stresses developed by the external virtual Q forces.

Now suppose that the body is subjected to a small change in shape caused by some other source than the virtual Q-force system. Owing to this change in shape, any particle might be deformed as well as translated and rotated as a rigid particle. Hence, the boundaries of such a particle would move and hence do virtual work. Let the virtual work done by the Q stresses on the boundaries of the differential particle be designated by dWs. Part of this virtual work will be done because of the movements of the boundaries of the particle caused by the deformation of the particle itself; this part will be called dWd. The remaining part of dWs will be the virtual work done by the Q stresses during the remaining part of the displacement of the boundaries and will be equal to dWs-Dwd. However, this remaining is caused by the translation and rotation of the particle as a rigid body, and, as reminded above, the virtual work done in such a case is equal to zero. Hence


If the virtual work done by the Q stresses on all particles of the body is now added, this equation becomes


To evaluate first Ws, we recognize that this term represents the total virtual work done by the virtual Q stresses on all the boundaries of all the particles. However, for every internal boundary of a particle there is an adjoining particle whose adjacent boundary is actual the same line on the body as whole, and therefore these adjacent boundaries are displaced exactly the same amount. Since the forces acting on the two adjacent internal boundaries are numerically equal but opposite in direction, the total virtual work done on the pair of adjoining internal boundaries is zero. Hence, since all internal boundaries occur in pairs, there is no net virtual work done by the forces on all the internal boundaries. Ws therefore consists only of the work done by the external Q forces on the external boundaries.

Wd, on the other hand, was obtained by integrating the virtual work associated with deformation of the element. This work includes the effects of all forces on the element, both stress resultants and external forces. However, when an element deforms, only the stress resultants perform any work. Thus, Wd represents the virtual work done by the stress resultants alone.


I understood the part concerning Ws.

However, I don't understand why "when an element deforms, only the stress resultants perform any work".

With respect to Wd, there's this also I don't understand "Wd represents the virtual work done by the stress resultants alone". But, according to the paragraph pertaining to Ws, this work should be zero, since all internal boundaries occur in pairs and the stresses on one side of an internal boundary of a particle undergoes the same displacement as the common side of a neighboring particle and such two sides are subjected to equal and opposite stresses, respectively. So, this result would contradict the result concerning Ws, where the work would be non zero.

Where's the flaw in my reasoning?
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  • #2
What I'm trying to say is that the work done by the stress resultants on the internal boundaries should be zero, since the same forces are acting on both sides of a boundary (one side belonging to one particle, the other side belonging to another particle).The flaw in your reasoning is that you are assuming that the changes in shape caused by the external virtual Q-force system are the only changes that occur to the body. This is not true - the body may also be subject to other sources of displacement such as translations and rotations as a rigid particle. When this happens, the internal boundaries do not always experience equal and opposite forces, so the virtual work done by the stress resultants on the internal boundaries is no longer necessarily zero.

FAQ: On the proof of the Principle of Virtual Work

1. What is the Principle of Virtual Work?

The Principle of Virtual Work, also known as the Virtual Work Method, is a fundamental concept in mechanics that states that the work done by all the forces acting on a system in equilibrium is equal to zero. This principle is based on the idea that a system in equilibrium will not undergo any actual displacement, but only virtual displacements that do not affect the overall energy of the system.

2. How is the Principle of Virtual Work used in scientific research?

The Principle of Virtual Work is used in various fields of science and engineering to analyze and solve problems related to mechanics, such as structural analysis, material testing, and motion analysis. It is also used in the development of new technologies and designs, as well as in the study of natural phenomena.

3. What is the proof of the Principle of Virtual Work?

The proof of the Principle of Virtual Work is based on the principle of conservation of energy, which states that the total energy of a system remains constant. By applying this principle to a system in equilibrium and considering the virtual work done by all the forces, it can be mathematically shown that the net virtual work is equal to zero, thus proving the Principle of Virtual Work.

4. What are the advantages of using the Principle of Virtual Work?

The use of the Principle of Virtual Work allows for a simplified and efficient analysis of problems related to mechanics, as it eliminates the need to consider all individual forces acting on a system and their corresponding displacements. It also provides a more accurate and reliable solution compared to other traditional methods.

5. Are there any limitations to the Principle of Virtual Work?

While the Principle of Virtual Work is a powerful tool in mechanics, it does have some limitations. It can only be applied to systems in equilibrium and does not take into account any energy losses due to friction or other non-conservative forces. It also relies on the assumption that the system is linear and elastic, which may not always be the case in real-world scenarios.

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