On the properties of non-commutative groups

In summary, the conversation discusses proving that if a non-abelian group has both a zero element and an inverse element that act on the same side, then they also act the other way around. The conversation also mentions doubts about the definition of a group and attempts to solve the problem using the given equations.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Let [tex] [G,+,0] [/tex] be a non-abelian group with a binary operation [tex] + [/tex] and a zero element [tex] 0 [/tex].

To prove that if both the zero element and the inverse element act on the same side, then they both act the other way around, that is:
If [tex] \forall a \in G [/tex],
[tex] a + 0 = a [/tex],
[tex] a + (-a) = 0 [/tex],
then it can be proven that
[tex] 0 + a = a [/tex]
[tex](-a)+ a = 0 [/tex].

Homework Equations

This is not really homework, it is just something that has been bothering me. The doubt in question arises because certain books (like Herstein's Modern Algebra) define groups as structures in which both the inverse and the zero element act on both sides, regardless of if the group is commutative or not. On this subject my linear algebra professor said that having the zero and the inverse act on the same side is equivalent to having them act on both, since the latter can be proven from the former, hence my question.

The Attempt at a Solution

I have been trying to do what is stated in section 1, but I only end up concluding tautologies like 0=0 or so.

Thanks in advance for your help.
(By the way, I can't get the latex command support thing we have in here do display { and })

Homework Statement

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Latex uses { and } internally to group symbols. To get them to display, use \{ and \}.
  • #3
The existence of inverses, properties of the inverse operation, and the two equations you listed are sufficient to prove what you wanted to prove.
Remember: [tex]-(a+b)=-b+(-a)[/tex] [tex]\forall a,b \in G[/tex]

FAQ: On the properties of non-commutative groups

What is a non-commutative group?

A non-commutative group is a mathematical structure consisting of a set of elements and a binary operation, where the order in which the operation is performed affects the result. In other words, the elements do not commute with each other.

What are the properties of non-commutative groups?

Some common properties of non-commutative groups include closure, associativity, identity element, and inverses. These properties ensure that the group operation is well-defined and allow for the manipulation and analysis of the group's elements.

How do non-commutative groups differ from commutative groups?

The main difference between non-commutative groups and commutative groups is the commutativity property. In commutative groups, the order in which the operation is performed does not affect the result, while in non-commutative groups, it does. This difference has significant implications in the structure and behavior of these groups.

What are some real-life applications of non-commutative groups?

Non-commutative groups have various applications in fields such as cryptography, physics, and computer science. For example, they are used in the design of secure communication systems and in the study of quantum mechanics and symmetry breaking.

What are some common examples of non-commutative groups?

Some common examples of non-commutative groups include the group of 2x2 matrices, the group of quaternion units, and the dihedral group. These groups have different structures and properties, but all of them exhibit non-commutativity in their operations.

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