One-dimensional particle motion with potential X.

In summary, the homework question asks for the one-dimensional particle motion in two different potentials: a trigonometric potential and a Morse potential. The equations given by the lecturer are used to find the limits of integration for the motion, and the Lagrangian is used to find the derivative of the Lagrangian with respect to time. The question is unclear about what information is being asked for, but possible solutions could involve finding the period or an expression for position over time.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Find the one-dimensional particle motion in the trigonometric potential
U(x) = V tan^2(a x) , V > 0 .

Find the one-dimensional particle motion in the Morse potential
U(x) = A(1-e^-ax)^2.

Homework Equations

well at the moment in class our lecturer derived: T = sqrt(2m) integral(dx / sqrt[E - U(x)]) with limits x1 and x2, where the limits of integration are the limits of the motion (or turning points), given by v=0.

The Attempt at a Solution

Im unsure as always as to what the answer should even look like. Well i started with lagrangian
L = V-U , L = m/2 v^2 - Vtan^2(ax)
and got to d/dt(dL/dv) = dL/dx, but it didnt look right and how I am unsure even how to approach the problem.
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Welcome to PF.

It's not clear just what is being asked. Do they simply want the period, which you can get from your equation for T?

Or do the want an expression for x(t)? For that, you would need the initial position and velocity of the particle, and to solve an integral along the lines of the expression for T.

FAQ: One-dimensional particle motion with potential X.

What is one-dimensional particle motion?

One-dimensional particle motion is a type of motion in which a particle moves along a straight line, with no motion in any other direction.

What is potential X in one-dimensional particle motion?

Potential X refers to the potential energy associated with the particle in one-dimensional motion. It is a measure of the energy that the particle has due to its position in the given potential field.

How is potential X related to the motion of the particle?

The potential energy of a particle in a one-dimensional motion is directly related to its position and the potential function. As the particle moves, the potential energy changes, and this affects the particle's motion and behavior.

What is the equation for one-dimensional particle motion with potential X?

The equation for one-dimensional particle motion with potential X is known as the Schrödinger equation, which describes the time evolution of a quantum state for a particle in a potential field. It is a fundamental equation in quantum mechanics and is used to study the behavior of particles in various potential fields.

What factors can affect the potential X in one-dimensional particle motion?

The potential X in one-dimensional particle motion can be affected by several factors, such as the shape and strength of the potential field, the mass and charge of the particle, and any external forces acting on the particle. These factors can all influence the behavior and motion of the particle in the given potential field.
