- #36
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AlephZero said:Given the choice between spending my lots of my own money to own just one ferrari, or being paid a salary to play with a whole factory full of them - no contest
Some of the algorithms I write handle tens of billions of dollars each evening. It's more scary than fun because in the back of your mind you are always worried about getting something wrong and screwing up the world economy. One reason grunt work is relaxing is that while you are coding something, you stop consciously thinking about the possibility that you could screw up (or that you at that moment could be screwing up) the world economy,
However, one thing I really, really like about my job is that you get to ask some deep questions. You don't always get to ask deep questions *out loud*, but you get to ask some deep questions. What is space? What is time? What is gravity? What is money? The concept of money and the mathematical rules for how money works confuses me more than quantum mechanics. Some things about QM is that 1) the rules don't change from moment to moment or year to year 2) there are some basic fundamental principles that you can use as a foundation to figure out what is going on and 3) there are some basic fundamental logic rules that you can use to get from known statements to unknown ones.
None of that is true with money or for that matter for law, either.